Chapter 442 New skills, the injury of maternal love! (4/4)

As his mind moved lightly, after a large number of achievement points were consumed, Jiang Xiaobai’s level suddenly increased.

A majestic and domineering star power suddenly filled his body.

Following that, huge pressure suddenly burst out from him.

It even forced the ordinary Xiaoyue Python who was approaching him to be startled.

The induction of most dimensional creatures is very sensitive.At this time, it is natural to feel the abnormality that suddenly happened to Jiang Xiaobai.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaoxin and other Jiangnan University students felt the fluctuations of Jiang Xiaobai’s breakthrough here.

Others don’t know, but they know that Jiang Xiaobai is only sixteen, 1616 years old now.

Originally, the ninth level of the Stardust Realm was already scary enough, but now it has broken through into the Galaxy Realm during the battle.

He Weihua and the others in the third and fourth middle school thought about the age when they entered the Galaxy Realm, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s, all of them suddenly twitched, and they couldn’t help but say “” in their hearts.

It’s such a shock.

At the same time, as the level increased and the star power flowed, Jiang Xiaobai’s body had already burst into waves and dispersed.

The school uniform on his body tightened slightly at this moment.

In the rapid transformation of the body, Jiang Xiaobai has put his attention in his mind.

“Jiang Xiaobai”

“The first floor of the Galaxy Realm”

“Power: 20.

“Agility: 20.

“Physique: 20.

“Will: 15.

“Basic Skills Section: Basic Fighting Skills:, Falling Waves Nine-fold Brocade:, Basic Longbow Skills:, Nine Stars Link:, Astral Fighting Skills:, Star Rin Cracking Blade:, Condensed Rapids:, Immovable as a Mountain:, Starburst :,Star Breaker:”

“Achievement Points: 30”

“It’s just a short-term improvement…Does it directly increase a few attributes by more than a dozen points?”

Looking at the data in the system panel and feeling the power in the body, Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly.

According to the current physical fitness, it is obviously not enough to directly compete with this violent Xiaoyue Python King.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai thought, and after a large number of attribute points were consumed, the attributes of his body suddenly changed.

“Jiang Xiaobai”

“The first floor of the Galaxy Realm”

“Power: 22.

“Agility: 22.

“Physique: 22.

“Will: 15.

“Basic Skills Section: Basic Fighting Skills:, Falling Waves Nine Brocades:, Basic Longbow Skills:, Nine Stars Linking:, Star Skills:, Star Rin Cracking Blade:, Condensation Rapids:, Immovable as a Mountain:,, Splitting Stars blade:”

“Achievement Points: 73”

After feeling the power swarming in his body, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes are full of brilliance.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a new-maternal injury!”

Jiang Xiaobai listened, rushed into his mind and looked at “Maternal Love Wounds: Level 1, which requires 100 achievement points to increase. When the skill is cast, it can make the target pregnant instantly, his body becomes bloated, his actions are slow, and Temperament will also become very gentle. Note: The effect of this skill is affected by the enemy’s strength.”

Isn’t it so… the legendary stare who is pregnant Jiang Xiaobai smiled awkwardly, and turned his eyes to the Xiaoyue Python King who was running away.

In the introduction of the injury of maternal love, it is said that it can make the target’s temperament: gentle, I don’t know if it can be relieved…

As Jiang Xiaobai steps into the Galaxy Realm, the skills he casts will no longer be weakened as before.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai picked up the star power and directly slammed towards King Xiaoyue Python.

A bit of starlight flashed, and King Xiaoyue, who was still violent, immediately let out a weird roar.

Immediately, this behemoth suddenly fell silent.

Under the sudden change, the students who originally forced the chicken to jump, thought that Xiaoyue Python was about to launch some unique attack, and hurriedly flew away.

After they stabilized their figure, they found that the agile King Xiaoyue Python was gaining weight at a speed visible to the naked eye! Soon, it became extremely round and moved slowly in a strange, lazy posture.

That look can be called peaceful and comfortable.

For a moment, everyone couldn’t help but look at each other.

Just as they were in a state of uncertainty, a swift figure flew over their heads and rushed straight towards King Xiaoyue Python.

This figure is naturally Jiang Xiaobai.

Under the gaze of everyone’s eyes, he shouted loudly, pulled up the alloy longbow in midair, and had already used the Nine Stars 9 Flow Bead skill.

Shoo…!! Shoo…!! Shoo…!!… Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the sky, the long arrows condensed by nine star powers, shooting stars like the moon, shot one after another at the King Xiaoyue Python .

King Xiaoyue Python obviously has sensed a huge crisis, wailing in his mouth, and twisting his body with all his might.

However, at this time it is no longer as fast as before.

Between the lightning and flint, the nine long arrows have all been submerged in the body of King Xiaoyue Python.

When the teams onlookers looked at them, they couldn’t help being shocked.

“That person is so powerful, he wants to kill the Xiaoyue Python King at the Star Sea level alone!”

“Hmph, if Xiaoyue Python had just become this kind of virtue, I would dare to go up and single out…”

“Idiot! Can’t you tell that it is… that guy made Xiaoyue Python King like this.”

Just as they were discussing, Jiang Xiaobai once again mobilized the star power and cast the nine-star renju.

With the previous scene, he felt more confident this time, and deliberately aimed at the seven inches of King Xiaoyue Python.

With the long arrow shooting, King Xiaoyue Python finally stopped twisting.

Black blood soaked its surroundings, and it had become: like a gossamer.

At this time, the audience finally reacted.

Can’t just watch Xiaoyue Python King being killed by that guy, that’s a full 20,000 points.

Moreover, King Xiaoyue Python’s star orb must be the best star orb! Such a valuable treasure, who is willing to give it a hand, let everyone share the same heart and the same reason.

For a time, the students from all the teams rushed towards Xiaoyue Python King in unison.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai shifted his figure lightly and stood in front of the body of King Xiaoyue Python.

“I haven’t looked for you yet, you guys actually brought it to the door by yourself.”

As he said, he smiled playfully, his eyes swept across the faces of the students with an awe-inspiring cold light.

Those students couldn’t help stopping because of his previous prestige.

But greed kills people, and soon there will be people who do not know how to live or die. They bravely said: “There are so many of us, do you think you can stop us by yourself?”

As he said, he gestured to the people on both sides of him pretendingly.

However, Jiang Xiaobai smiled contemptuously: “Many people have a shit! You were not crowded just now, and you were almost killed by Xiaoyue Python King.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, but they were all embarrassed into anger.

After squeezing their eyebrows, they suddenly formed a tacit understanding, ready to take action together, first to get rid of Jiang Xiaobai who was in front of them.

However, as soon as their thoughts came to their minds, all of them suddenly fell to their knees involuntarily.


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