Chapter 445 Chicken fly egg beat

After rushing to the hotel lobby, Jiang Xiaobai found that there were many students from Sheng Neya Academy.

And the person surrounded by them is Yuan Xiaoning.

There were Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia beside her.

Jiang Xiaobai’s face sank slightly, and he came to Yuan Xiaoning to look around. Seeing that they didn’t seem to be injured, he was relieved.

Zhou Jia spoke quickly, and without waiting for him to ask questions, she had already said the matter one to five to ten.

It turned out that the three of them wanted to go out and play, but they happened to meet the students of Saint Neya Academy in the lobby of the hotel.

These guys are full of resentment because Drake told them to surrender without a fight.

Suddenly seeing three beautiful girls with different styles, they immediately gave birth to the thought of picking up girls, and they started talking with each other shyly.

However, what kind of soft persimmons are Zhou Jia’s people, as soon as they cut off their grandchildren’s feet, they kicked a guy’s egg to pieces…The other students of Saint Neya College saw it, and they were suddenly angry again. .

When Jiang Xiaobai walked over, this group of dishonest guys was about to start with Yuan Xiaoning.

After clarifying the cause and effect, Jiang Xiaobai just wanted to comfort the three girls, and a questioning voice came from behind him.

“Hey, kid, what are you doing nosy!”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai turned around nonchalantly, looked at the students of Sheng Neya Academy with a smirk and said, “I have the key.”

When the students from Saint Neaia College heard this, their heads were filled with question marks: “”

Seeing that they didn’t have a long brain, Jiang Xiaobai immediately smiled contemptuously: “Are you worthy?”

The guys at Saint Neya College finally reacted, and they were all furious.

A bear-like guy raised his hand to point at his collapsing companion who was lying on the ground like shrimp, and said angrily: “These girls injured Okre, they must be responsible, otherwise no one will want to leave here!”

The broken egg was the same guy Drake had scolded before.

Therefore, his resentment is also the heaviest:

When I saw the three of Yuan Xiaoning who had been specially dressed3, they anxiously wanted to tease.

No, his full of resentment directly turned into bad luck, causing him to be kicked to pieces by Zhou Jia’s yin feet…”Richard, don’t talk nonsense with them, take them all take away!”

“Especially those three chicks.”

“That… Xiaobaiface keeps me…”

A sturdy foreign girl salivates at Jiang Xiaobai.

At this moment, they still don’t know that these four people in front of them are the ones their principal Drake has repeatedly told to stay away! Yuan Xiaoning and the three of them have been carefully dressed, and naturally they will not wear the school uniforms of Jiangnan University.

And Jiang Xiaobai had just finished his work, and when he went to Zhang Xunkun’s place, he was still wearing pajamas…”Hey Xiaoning, someone is going to grab a man from you!”

Zhou Jia gave a smirk and joked softly in Yuan Xiaoning’s ear.

Yuan Xiaoning’s face was cold, and a murderous aura gathered in her eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t expect that…Note that this girl is also full of black lines.

At this moment, Yuan Yang, He Weihua and others also rushed to this vote….They were all dressed in school uniforms.

As soon as they came, they protected Yuan Xiaoning and the others, and then stared at the students of Sheng Neya Academy.

Seeing this, Richard and his team finally knew the identities of these people.

“It turns out that you are… the participating team members of Jiangnan University!”

Richard sneered, then gritted his teeth and said: “Don’t think that the people of San Neya are really afraid of you Jiangnan University. There is a kind of: Let’s have a competition with us today!”

When he heard him say this, the guys from the Saint Neya Academy couldn’t help but echo.

They were dissatisfied with Drake’s decision.

The dignified Saint Neiya Academy is also a well-known institution in Europe.

Now they want them to bow their heads to a group of Chinese students and spread them out. In the future, how will everyone be domineering, how will they pick up girls, how will they behave in the face of the provocation of Saint Neya Academy, Jiang Xiaobai said softly: “I didn’t want to It was troublesome before the game, but since you are in a hurry to reincarnate, then I can only satisfy you.”

…The most indispensable place near the global competition venue is the duel venue.

Jiang Xiaobai and Richard quickly came to a battlefield together.

The huge battlefield was empty at this time, and it was obviously extremely empty.

Yuan Yang swung his big knife twice in the air, pretending to say with emotion: “Tsk tsk, it is really cheap for you to die in such a good place.”

When Richard heard this, he coldly replied: “Aren’t you scared?”

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged, and deliberately frowned: “We are…not afraid of fighting, but if there is a miss, what should I do if I beat you to death”

Hearing that, the students of Saint Neya Academy were furious, and they all ranted.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely not kill you.

I will let you all “enjoy”…”

“I am different, I will definitely miss you and kill you!”

“If you don’t have the guts, don’t compare it!”

Jiang Xiaobai had a headache when he heard it, and then took out a contract with a look of helplessness.

“This is a duel book. Or you can sign it first. If someone investigates it in the future, you can deal with it.”

He said this to the ground, with a look of “I’m doing it for you.”

The appearance made the students of Saint Neya College hesitate.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to speak quietly, and asked Yuan Yang: “There is an idiom called’Chicken Fei Dan Da’, do you know what it means”

Yuan Yang and Jiang Xiao could be called the double-lows, they immediately understood their minds, and cooperated with him with a smirk: “I don’t know, 423, or ask Teacher Jiang to tell us.”

I heard Jiang Xiaobai explain seriously: “If the egg is broken, Xiao Dingding is useless. This is… the meaning of ‘chicken and egg beating’.”

As soon as he said this, He Weihua and the others couldn’t help but leaned forward and backward with a smile.

Even Zhou Jia is the same.

They all say that hitting people don’t slap their faces, and cursing people don’t expose shortcomings.

Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Yang sang and made a peace. No matter how stupid the students of Sheng Neya Academy were, they could still tell that they were mocking their companions.

Immediately, an angry Richard signed his name on the duel book.

Subsequently, he selected four 44 people who were second only to himself in strength from his companions behind him.

Kleiman, Frankie, Seaman, and Oliver 4 signed the duel book one by one.

After Oliver finished signing, he blew a kiss to Jiang Xiaobai… She was just… just now yelling, “Keep that…little white face for me.”

The sturdy foreign girl.

Except for her, the other four people 4 are all boys.

“Five 55 versus five 55, you Jiangnan University also selected five people to play!”

Richard returned the duel book to Jiang Xiaobai, and while beckoning him to sign it, he asked Jiangnan University to choose five people.

As soon as the voice fell, Yuan Yang took the initiative to step forward with a big knife.

Zhou Jia immediately followed him with the same big sword in the same posture.

Subsequently, Jiang Xiaoxin and Wang Ningxiang also rushed ahead of the others to prepare for the challenge.

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