Chapter 453 The unreachable is in the commotion

At this time, the match between Berne College and Akita University is still going on.

However, the entire Bidouchang revealed a strange aura.

It feels a little weird…Before Jiang Xiaobai and others came, it was clear who had the upper hand and who had the lower, but now the whole style of painting has changed.

Whether it is Borne Academy or Akita Academy, it seems that they are infected with some plague.It is often beaten by students from Borne Academy and Akita Academy.

As a result, even the nine judges on the judges’ bench could not figure out the situation on the court.

Originally these…The judges are still: talking and laughing, guessing who wins and who loses.

He even bet on the situation of both sides on the field to see who can guess how many casualties will occur on both sides of the Bowen Academy and Akita Academy.

This time is good, one after another weird situation has appeared, making these…the well-informed judges also fell into silence.

Seeing a lot of blood sprinkled on the ground of the venue, and the students on both sides were without exception, the local positions of the pants were dripping with blood. The nine judges really wanted to laugh but felt inappropriate, and felt sorry if they didn’t laugh… Funny scene.

At this time, the students of Born College and Akita College, regardless of gender, were shy and infinitely covering part of themselves with one hand, and then awkwardly fought each other with the other hand.

That look, that posture, what seemed to be a battle with others, it was obvious that it was just after an indescribable special event! A serious and tense game, inexplicably reduced to a ridiculous comedy.

This makes people feel like it is on the edge of the battlefield, and Camille has already felt that something is wrong.

But after thinking about it, Camille couldn’t think of any power that could control the local bleeding.

Astonished in his heart, Camille even wondered if he and the other students were collectively suffering from some infectious disease in Africa.

Thinking of this, Camille couldn’t help but become more and more frightened.

And Jiang Xiaobai, who stands on the stage and stalks the wool, has completely become the devil in Yuan Yang’s eyes.

Looking at the miserable situation of the Akita Academy and the Bowen Academy on the battlefield, Yuan Yang quietly turned his head and murmured to his sister Yuan Jianing: “People like Jiang Xiaobai must be careful.”

Yuan Xiaoning’s pretty face sank, immediately turned his elbow away, and gave Yuan Yang a punch.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned his head with a smile, and asked Yuan Yang meaningfully: “Do you also want to feel the same, then don’t be polite, everyone, I will buy one, get two free!”

Yuan Yang hurriedly waved his hands and hid behind his sister.

While playing around, Wang Xiangning looked weakly at Jiang Xiaobai.

“Xiaobai, that… Camille from Bowen College is so beautiful, why do you want her to have such a big embarrassment”

Jiang Xiaobai groaned for a while, pretending to say: For the unobtainable, he will always be in a commotion.”

This answer caused several girls from Jiangnan University to rush Jiang Xiaobai lightly.

Even Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t help but lose a few eyes at Jiang Xiaobai.

Finally, the already weak mansion couldn’t stand it at first.A few students were busy discussing it, and then forced to endure the hot taste in some parts, and went to the judges’ seat.

“Nine judges, we really can’t fight, we surrender…”

As soon as he finished speaking, the student at the Akita Academy who had announced his surrender to the judges was no longer able to support it, and he fell to the ground.

The local bleeding for so long, and the ability to survive until now collapsed, it is considered that this student has good strength.

However, the students of the victorious Bourne College were unhappy, and they were full of grief and grief.

Because Bowen College also suffered heavy losses.

Although not a single student died in battle, depending on the appearance of the participating students, all of them lost at least 800 ml of blood.

This is how the students of Bourne College can laugh so that everyone can guess.The students of Bourne College will basically not be able to regain their combat effectiveness when the next match begins.

At this moment, Schrak, the leader of Bowen College, walked to the viewing platform with a sullen expression, and came to Jiang Xiaobai.

“I have no evidence, but I know that you must be interfering with our student competition at Akita Academy. What is it?”

While speaking, Shirak’s body exuded the star power fluctuations of the sixth level of the Nebula Realm.Although Schrak didn’t know what skills Jiang Xiaobai had secretly used, the abnormality in the field caused Schrak to instantly lock Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

0 The result of the current game is far beyond Schrak’s expectations, and it has also greatly disrupted the game plan of the Berne College.

According to his thoughts before the start of the game, Schrak originally thought that his students could easily win the Akita Academy.

Even, it is very likely that his own students will not suffer any casualties! However, at this time, students such as Camille and Edward have been greatly damaged.

This made Schluck irritated and wanted to seek justice from people like Jiang Xiaobai.

Just as the situation was about to erupt, Zhang Xunkun’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Schrak, based on your cultivation of the sixth level of the Nebula Realm, who do you want to scare?”

…While talking, Zhang Xunkun and Wei Xuehai, as well as Liu Hanshan and others have already walked over.

The coercion of the three 3 Nebula Realms made Schluck’s expression change uncontrollably.

After hesitating for a while, Schrak held back his anger and hurriedly left the Bidou arena with his students.

Before leaving, Camille looked casually, Xing’s eyes glanced at Jiang Xiaobai.

After noticing the movement of the leader of Schrak, Camille finally found Jiang Xiaobai who was sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, and couldn’t help feeling even more humiliated.

You know, Jiang Xiaobai is his assassination target! Although Camille seems to think that Jiang Xiaobai may not be able to recognize himself as the assassin yesterday.

But Camille still finds it difficult to accept such a big ugly in front of his target person.

However, this is the end of the matter. Apart from … swearing a curse, that he must kill Jiang Xiaobai, is there any other way Camille seems to sense the gaze that chooses people and eats, Jiang Xiaobai Suddenly, she swept lightly towards Camille, who was gritting her teeth.

When things happened suddenly, Camille couldn’t help feeling a little nervous.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai actually aimed at his part unkindly, and raised his eyebrows in a wicked way.

Seeing this, Camille couldn’t help but flushed, and ran away with her companion in a panic.

Under this situation, coupled with Jiang Xiaobai’s meaningful gaze, whether you are a killer assassin or not, you have to escape!

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