Chapter 455 I thought you were spraying blood, but I didn’t expect it to be your brain

The hotel of Saint Nea College.

Drake had just received a reply from the Dark Web and almost vomited blood.

The dark web intermediary actually has to increase the price by another two hundred%% on the basis of the original price! And the reason given is that there are several nebula-level expert protections around Jiang Xiaobai, so the dark web needs to send more assassins Come to perform this mission.

In addition, the middleman of the dark web also said that if the assassins sent by the dark web were injured or killed in this mission, Drake must pay a high pension! Faced with such excessive and demanding requirements, Drake couldn’t help but yelled.

“Crazy guys, you are all crazy guys! A student from the Xinghai Realm just offered such a high price instead of…In this way, it would be better for me to commit suicide, Jiang Xiaobai, and I can also express my anger by the way!”

After Drake vented, he directly decided to abandon the assassination of Jiang Xiaobai by the killer on the dark web.

Perhaps considering that this mission was indeed very dangerous, the dark web middleman did not go back to discuss the price with Drake.

In 08, Drey even called Oliver directly, letting Oliver find a way to figure out where Jiang Xiaobai was going.

When Principal Drake mentioned Jiang Xiaobai, Oliver, who was full of spinach, couldn’t help but… trembled all over.

However, Drake has always been strong, and Oliver has no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

…Soon, Yuan Yang and others, who knew nothing about these things on the dark web, ushered in the second game of the team qualifier.

The opponent was the Berne Academy, which had beaten Akita Academy before.

After the two teams came to the arena, the students of the Bowen Academy stared at the students of Jiangnan University with resentment.

At this moment, Edward, Camille and others have led the team through Schrak and learned of the culprit behind their partial burst in the previous game.

“Jiang Xiaobai”

These three words have become the name that the students of Berne College would grit their teeth and curse a few words in their dreams! Seeing that nothing happened: Jiang Xiaobai, who was playing with the dog, Hertz, the captain of Berne College, couldn’t help but angrily said: “Wait: the game starts, I will definitely teach you a lesson, let you understand the consequences of provoke our Bourne College!”

Having said that, Birds looked at Camille intentionally or unconsciously as if thinking of something.

“However, if you can surrender now and kneel down and confess your mistakes to us, I can still let you live.”

After listening to Hertz, Jiang Xiaobai hugged Daha and looked at Hertz sincerely.

“I thought that only blood was sprayed out locally yesterday, but I didn’t expect that you even sprayed out your brain.”

As soon as the words were spoken, Yuan Yang and others couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Yes, how else could this guy say such a mindless thing”

“In other words, if the blood spurts out, it can be made up again. If this brain is gone, there is no way to grow it again…”

“Tsk tusk, look at these… Opponents, all of them are not mindless or… unhappy, like a cartoon from a long time ago”

…Listening to the ridicule of Yuan Yang and others, Hertz went wild.

I couldn’t bear it and wanted to do it.

However, together with the thoughts, there was a “puff” in the arena.

One cry.

Seeing Hertz kneeling before Jiang Xiaobai without warning.

Under the sudden change, all Bourne School students fell into silence, and their faces were full of astonishment.

What the hell is this Hertz, isn’t it to let the Jiangnan University… Jiang Xiaobai kneel down to admit her mistake? Why is Hertz kneeling down first? This is different from what she said! Hertz is also confused, and his face is flushed like pig liver.

Did I lose too much blood before: I was in prostration, or how could my legs suddenly become weak just now? Just when Hertz and the others were uncertain, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly reached out and touched Hertz’s head, still grinning smirkly in his mouth: “Child, Do you in Europe also have the habit of kowtow when you see your elders?”

He almost vomited blood in one sentence.

Edward couldn’t bear to watch Hertz continue to kneel in front of his opponent, and quickly stepped forward to help Hertz up.

At the same time, Camille suddenly stood up.

Before the game, Camille had received a notification from the dark web that the mission had been cancelled.

But Camille was humiliated by Jiang Xiaobai several times, how could he swallow this bad breath? At this moment, when he saw Jiang Xiaobai humiliating his classmates again, Camille was really angry, so he stared at Jiang Xiaobai angrily and asked. : “Dare you make a bet with me”

Jiang Xiaobai listened and replied with a smile: “Aren’t you saying that you were happy to meet me before, why did you see me being upset today? Does it really make me wrong?”

When Camille heard this, he couldn’t help but wonder: “What did you say?”

Jiang Xiaobai immediately said meaningfully: “You are too happy too soon.”

Hearing that, Camille couldn’t help but get even more annoyed.

Jiang Xiaobai clearly cares about something.

Before, I wanted to take the opportunity to strike up a conversation and see if I could lead Jiang Xiaobai out and kill him in private.

I didn’t want to be used by Jiang Xiaobai, “You were too happy too early.”

I was speechless.

At this time Jiang Xiaobai mentioned this again on purpose, clearly making fun of himself! “Stop talking about irrelevant things, do you dare to bet?”

When she said this, Camille stomped with anger.

This look fell in the eyes of a few girls at Jiangnan University, and they couldn’t help but feel suspicious.

When did Jiang Xiaobai hook up with another foreign female student and looked at the look of Camille, then think about what Camille said just now. For a while, the girls such as Yuan Xiaoning and Zhou Jia couldn’t help but rush towards Jiang Xiaobai. Roll your eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai did not notice that he had overturned several jealous jars inadvertently, and smiled lightly at Camille: “What do you want to bet on 660?”

Camille gritted his teeth and said, “If your Jiangnan University loses this game, I want you to kneel down and admit your mistakes!”

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and immediately replied: “No problem.

However, if your Bourne College loses, you only need to come and be a maid for me for a month. I just don’t know if you dare to agree.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t restrain the sourness in her heart, angrily and quietly stretched out her small hand, and squeezed the soft flesh on Jiang Xiaobai’s waist.


Jiang Xiaobai grinned with pain, and couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath.

Camille’s sharp eyes have already noticed the small movements between Yuan Xiaoning and Jiang Xiaobai, and she can’t help but sneer: “Men are all the same-gamble!”

However, after the battle began, the students of Bowen College, who had a contempt for Jiangnan University, regretted it as soon as they started the fight.

Jiang Xiaoxin’s awakening is the ice and snow skill, and she has just recently realized the ice dance skill.

Hertz, Camille and others found that after Jiang Xiaoxin used the skills, her movements were significantly slower.

The strength of Yuan Xiaoning, Yuan Yang, He Weihua and others should not be underestimated.

Several shield students from Jiangnan University were in the forefront, and Hertz and others, who were affected by the ice dance skills, could not break through.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai, who is regarded as the biggest opponent by Berne College, has not yet taken a shot.

But, how could Jiang Xiaobai stand by

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