Chapter 472 You you on the line

Seeing this tragic scene in front of them, the other two agile European and American students couldn’t help but retreat in panic.

“You two cowards!”

Wilson was anxious and yelled again and again.

“proceed if you can…!”

One of the agile students who fled from the wild immediately replied.

In the eyes of these two students, even if they return to the country without fighting, they will be severely punished, it is much better than death on the field! At this time, Wilson has ignored the two companions and rushed to Jiang Xiaobai. Quickly swish several flames.

But it was too late.

After losing the support of the other two, Wilson’s skills alone could not help Felic fight Jiang Xiaobai.

In an instant, Felic was lifted into the air by Jiang Xiaobai abruptly with one hand, and then hit the battlefield heavily.


A loud noise suddenly resounded throughout the arena.

The strength is so great that you can imagine it.

Seeing that Felic was already breathing in and out of breath, Prestige was horrified, and the attack on his hand had already stopped unconsciously.

I saw Jiang Xiaobai jokingly: “No one disturbs us now, I will accompany you to have fun.”

With that, Jiang Xiaobai slapped Felic, who had fallen into a dizzy mind, to the ground and beat him violently.

Soon, Felic was beaten beyond recognition and died on the spot.

Seeing this, Wilson and the other two were shocked.

There is no 45, which was beaten by the top in the front. What will happen next?At this time, Jiang Xiaobai has moved his eyes to the Wilson trio 3, narrowed his eyes, and slowly walked towards the Wilson trio 3. .

Suddenly, the Wilson trio3 felt inexplicably like a lamb to be slaughtered by Jiang Xiaobai.

Frightened, the Wilson trio 3 subconsciously glanced at each other, and they all saw the intention of fright and escape from the eyes of the other two.

“Wilson, aren’t you scolding our cowards? It’s your turn now!”

The two agile students said at the same time, they pushed Wilson hard with their hands, and then turned and fled to Macbeth.

“Two cowards!-wait for me.”

Wilson didn’t expect that before the two companions ran away, they wanted to cut off a remote mage, and couldn’t help cursing in shock and anger.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled faintly: “It’s better to let me send you a ride if you want to run.”

When the voice fell, three golden lights burst out from Jiang Xiaobai’s fingers at the same time, hitting the three of Wilson respectively 3.

Suddenly, three blood arrows spewed out from the innings of the Wilson Trio 3.

It looks like a jet plane.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +50.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +30.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +30.”

As expected, they were all awakenings above the sixth level of the Galaxy Realm, and they contributed more than 10,000 achievement points to Jiang Xiaobai.

Feeling the terrible pain in the bureau flower, but there is a kind of unspeakable comfort, and the three of Wilson can not help screaming, and stretch their hands to cover their parts.

Right now, it was as if an iron rod was stuffed into it, and it passed through the stomach and intestines, causing the three people’s feet to slow down unconsciously.

“Tsk tsk, it seems that the engine is not strong enough, I will help you to add fire!”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled cheaply, and three golden lights swung at the Wilson three. 3.

In an instant, the three Wilsons were already in the “ghost father’s love”

, The part becomes hot at the same time, like being sprinkled with chili oil.

And the blood arrows that spurted locally immediately turned into a dripping and invigorating blood column.

The screams came one after another, and the Wilson trio 3 soon lost too much blood and collapsed to the ground.

However, Jiang Xiaobai still did not stop.

“Is it impossible for me to give you directions”

While speaking, a cluster of star power in Jiang Xiaobai’s body has dissipated.

Immediately there was a low-quality flying knife flying out of Jiang Xiaobai’s hand.

Suddenly, Wilson could not help flying around to pick up the throwing knife.

The violent action made the blood pillar at the Wilson game more…spectacular.

As soon as he received the flying knife, Wilson had already fallen to the ground and killed him.

…While watching the battlefield, Wei Xuehai and Liu Hanshan were grateful at the same time.

Fortunately, I did not reject Jiang Xiaobai’s “blackmail” before.

, And finally helped Jiang Xiaobai to get five hundred voidwalker star orbs! If he relied on his identity that day and left, I’m afraid Daha wouldn’t be able to break through to the ninth level of the Stardust Realm so quickly. Daha just now It is impossible to tear the European and American student who besieged Jiang Xiaobai to pieces in an instant.

And Jiang Xiaobai may not be able to break the deadlock so quickly.

“Zhang Xunkun, I still have some star beads here. After the game is over, you will help me give it to Jiang Xiaobai!”

“I also have some stock here…”

Listening to Wei Xuehai and Liu Hanshan’s words, Zhang Xunkun did not respond, and his thoughts were still on the battlefield.

At this time, Macbeth finally discovered that the battle situation on Wilson’s side had undergone earth-shaking changes.

“Chrysler, Angela, Bordeaux-you go and haunt Jiang Xiaobai, don’t let him activate his skills again!”

Macbeth did not ask Bordeaux and others to rescue the two agile classmates.

Because at this time Jiang Xiaobai was holding a long bow and repeatedly shooting arrows at the two partially bleeding students, obviously he could not be saved.

The European and American students named by Macbeth are all awakened who are good at long-range attacks.

Bordeaux still uses vines as weapons, and attacks Jiang Xiaobai with a weird route and an incomparable speed.

Chrysler and Angela are both Earth Element Awakeners.

In the condensed star power, the ground under Jiang Xiaobai’s feet constantly protruded sharp and sharp stone swords and giant stone cones.

It’s a pity that these methods are not instant imprisonment skills, and they can’t trap Jiang Xiaobai at all.

“Want to play a long-range attack?”

Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently, his feet moved quickly, and he jumped into the air from the original place, avoiding the attack of the Bordeaux trio 3.

At the same time, the longbow in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand suddenly gathered star power, and the Nine Stars Lianzhu skill had already been activated.

I saw nine long arrows connecting back and forth, rushing to Bordeaux with a meteor rushing to the moon.

Bordeaux was shocked, his heart moved, and dozens of vines had been mobilized to form a curtain wall, trying to block the nine long arrows shot by Jiang Xiaobai.

However, the long arrows fired with the Nine Stars Skills are like a thunderbolt, so fierce, how could it be caught by the vines of Bordeaux for an instant, and the nine long arrows penetrated through the vine curtain wall and nailed into Bordeaux’s body one after another.

Bordeaux didn’t even have time to make a sound, he was already dead.

Seeing this, both Angela and Chrysler were shocked at the same time, and star power condensed in their hands, ready to launch another offensive against Jiang Xiaobai.

However, before the two earth skills could be activated, Angela and Chrysler slid towards Jiang Xiaobai in a kneeling position without warning.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help but feel relieved during the watching.

Jiang Xiaobai’s motivating skills were finally triggered!!

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