Chapter 478 You are kidding me…

Frozen for a moment, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but look at the red cloth.

Only then did I discover that the red cloth was still decorated with golden tassels.

And the red cloth is embroidered with “honour for the country”

Four words.

This–it’s a side…Can it be said that this is the reward given to me above? Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai has a feeling that you are really teasing me.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Jiang Xiaobai felt that something was wrong again, so he looked at Zhang Xunkun suspiciously.

But I saw Zhang Xunkun looking at him meaningfully.

Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts moved, his brows raised lightly, and he said in a bad mood: “Principal Zhang, could it be you who gave me the rewards above to be greedy?”

After listening to Zhang Xunkun smiled, he said again: “I know that you are a fan of money.

In addition to the above pennant, there is a bonus of 1 million China coins.”

After speaking, Zhang Xunkun placed a card in front of Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes.

“Are you happy with this skin?”

Jiang Xiaobai put the card in his pocket and said with a curling lips: “I only knew that Principal Zhang was a bit dark-bellied, but I didn’t expect to play such a naive trick.”

Zhang Xunkun’s face turned dark, and he stared and said, “It’s not big or small! Take your money and get out quickly – leave the pennant, and I will hang it in the honor room of the school.”

Jiang Xiaobai did not leave, but instead summoned Daha and asked: “Daha’s current strength has entered a bottleneck, how can we help Daha improve next?”

Hearing this, Zhang Xunkun looked at Daha, and then said: “For dimensional creatures, the Star Sea Realm is a barrier…”

If dimensional creatures want to improve, there are generally two evolution directions.The first is the attribute evolution direction, and the other is the skill evolution direction.Both of these two require a large number of corresponding star orbs.

After listening to Zhang Xunkun’s introduction, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth lightly said, “Only children can do multiple-choice questions. Why can’t the two evolutions take care of both fish and bear paws? I want them!”

Zhang Xunkun was full of black lines and looked at Jiang Xiaobai speechless for a while.

Jiang Xiaobai touched Daha’s head and continued to ask: “How to evolve specifically”

After thinking about it, Zhang Xunkun replied: “It’s actually very simple.

If you want to help Daha understand the skills… “Speaking of which, Zhang Xunkun got up and took out a book as thick as two bricks from the bookcase, and threw it in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

“What this book records is the skills of various dimensional creatures.

If you want Daha to comprehend the skills of a creature, you can feed that… creature’s star orbs in large quantities.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai opened the big book casually.

But as expected, as Zhang Xunkun said, the skills of the dimensional creatures of various realms, gates, outlines, orders, families, genera, and species are recorded in great detail.

“Shadow Leopard, Star Sea Realm, layer by layer, talented abilities, Shadow Assault.”

“Flame Leopard, from the third floor of the Star Sea Realm to the first floor of the Nebula Realm, heaven, the sea of ​​fireworks.”

…Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai seems to have begun to select skills for Daha, Zhang Xunkun reminded him again: “Daha hasn’t reached the Star Sea Realm now, and the skill evolution can choose up to two. If Daha may not be able to bear it.”

Daha, like humans, also needs to slowly rise from the Stardust Realm, Galaxy, and Realm to Nebula Realm, Starry Sky Realm and so on…

Under the Star Sea Realm, dimensional creatures can only comprehend two skills at most.

Daha is now at the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.He has already understood the wind blade skill before, so he can evolve at most one skill.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that the “dark shadow raid” he saw in the book

,”A Sea of ​​Flames”

Everything is ordinary.

“Principal Zhang, Daha can only evolve one more skill now. Is there any…that… more special skill”

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t want to waste a place in vain.

After all, if Daha wants to evolve the third skill, he has to upgrade to the Xinghai Realm.

And he is currently only the first level of the Galaxy Realm.

Zhang Xunkun also understood Jiang Xiaobai’s meaning, and after thinking about it, he said seriously: “In Hainan, there is… there is a platinum-level dimensional space, and the dimensional creature is a kind of shadow leopard. Creatures, talent skills are shadow clones.”

The shadow clone is not bad, it sounds similar to He Weihua’s… clone skills.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: “I am going to Hainan to get Daha some star beads from the shadow leopard.”

Zhang Xunkun said helplessly after hearing this: “You should go back later.

After all, we have just returned from a victory, and there must be a lot of things these days.

Without you, the protagonist, I can’t explain to people from all walks of life…”

However, before the words were finished, Jiang Xiaobai no longer wanted to listen to Zhang Xunkun’s verbose, and directly gave Zhang Xunkun a back.

…Just after coming out of Zhang Xunkun’s office, Jiang Xiaobai ran into Xu Yan.

Xu Yan is wearing a pale white dress today, with a pair of big long legs looming under the skirt, and then there are delicate green and white jade toes…”Little Bai classmate, where do your eyes look? Is there money on the ground to pick it up?”

Xu Yan was secretly happy, but deliberately made a frosty look on her face.

Jiang Xiaobai listened, but said with no face and no skin: “If you can’t pick up money, you can pick up a sister Lin.”

Upon hearing this, Xu Yan couldn’t help but start acting up.

It’s a pity that Jiang Xiaobai was very thief and didn’t give Xu Yan a chance at all.

“Teacher Xu still owes me a gift, don’t you know what a good thing is.”

….. Xu Yan said before that after returning to China, she would give Jiang Xiaobai a gift.

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but think about it for a while.

As soon as the incident was mentioned, the annoyance on Xu Yan’s face suddenly converged, her eyes lightly turned a few times, and then she smiled: “I don’t know if Xiaobai still remembers Camille”

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback when he heard the words, and said with some doubts: “Of course I remember.”

Why did you mention that Camille shouldn’t be Xu Yan in front of me? When I was guessing, I saw Xu Yan smiling mysteriously: “You’ll know when you are in class tomorrow.”

After speaking, Xu Yan immediately flashed people without waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to ask further questions.

…The next morning, when Jiang Xiaobai went to class, he vaguely heard many classmates discussing the new exchange students.

From the twos and threes of the discussion, Jiang Xiaobai vaguely heard some information.

The exchange student looks like a European girl, and she looks pretty.

At least, some of the male animals in the school have had their hormones skyrocketing.

Jiang Xiaobai can even hear drooling voices from the voices of these animals…”Tsk, how can there be so many beauties in this world? Call them beautiful women patiently.”

After spitting out a few sentences, Jiang Xiaobai was ready to enter the classroom.

However, the boys vowed to say: “Jiang Xiaodi, we are telling the truth! Just now Teacher Xu led the…exchange student to the principal’s office, and everyone saw three.”


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