Chapter 489 Good place, average wine

As soon as he came out of Zhang Xunkun’s office, Jiang Xiaobai’s cell phone rang.

After the call, I found out that it was actually Liu Rong calling.

“Brother Jiang, this is Liu Rong from Beijing Normal University.

Will you come to the social dance tonight?”

Liu Rong, who was opposite, asked cautiously.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai raised his brow slightly.

Eighty percent of the guy He Weihua told Liu Rong that he had returned to school.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai hadn’t replied, Liu Rong over there couldn’t help but asked again, “Brother Jiang, will you come”

There was some unconcealed anxiety in his tone.

Jiang Xiaobai listened and replied faintly after thinking a little: “Okay.”

Liu Rong on the phone was obviously relieved, and immediately said with joy, “Thank you, Brother Jiang, for accepting my invitation. In the evening, we will pick you up in a car from Beijing Normal University…


In the evening, Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia changed into dresses and walked to the gate of Jiangnan University.

There is already a special car sent by Beijing Normal University waiting for Jiang Xiaobai and his party.

Zhou Jia obviously doesn’t know the “little secret” in the invitation letter

, I have been asking about the shadow leopard dimension space all the way.

In the end, I complained that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t take himself to play.

In this regard, Jiang Xiaobai could only glance at Zhou Jia with a meaningful gaze, and then play with the taste: “You are still too young, when you grow up a little bit, my brother will take you out to play.”

After hearing this, I saw… Jiang Xiaobai’s expression was pointed, Zhou Jia couldn’t help but blushed, but her mouth shot back: “Little brother, if it wasn’t for the sister, you would be too young. , Will definitely follow to Hainan secretly!”

As he said, Zhou Jia glanced down.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help being covered with black lines, but he did not respond again.

If we continue, Zhou Jia, who likes drag racing, will definitely remove the steering wheel.

Then this “car”

Will definitely drive into the “little black room”

Yes!…As soon as I arrived at the school gate, a driver came down from a black license plate 6.

“Classmate Jiang Xiaobai, right? The rest of your school has already left.”

With that said, the driver drove the car behind and made a gentle “please”


After getting on the bus, Zhou Jia said curiously: “Are you all the drivers of Beijing Normal University so polite?”

The driver didn’t look back, only looked at Zhou Jia and three people from the central rear view and smiled politely.

“I am the driver of Vice President Liu’s house, and Miss Liu Rong specially ordered me to pick up Classmate Jiang.”

After speaking, the driver added: “Ms. Liu Rong is the jewel in the hands of Vice President Liu of Beijing Normal University.”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai instantly felt two scorching eyes staring at him.

“Uh-where is the social dance tonight?”

Jiang Xiaobai asked a very stupid question, trying to divert the eyes of Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia who had chosen people.

In fact, the location is already indicated in the invitation letter.

But the driver replied respectfully: “It’s held in the Weiming Garden of the school.”

Along the way, when the driver was talking to Jiang, he was cautious in his words.

Reminiscent of the driver’s specific identity, Zhou Jia’s eyes gradually became more interesting.

“It’s all autumn, why are there still butterflies and bees”

…Wei Mingyuan.

This is not only a scenic spot in Jingshi University, but also a splendid scene in the city.

As soon as you enter the park, you will smell the fragrance of osmanthus chrysanthemum.

But in the eye, there is a stunning pool of Begonia flowers.

Red is like better than fire, and white is noble.

The sunset glow is extraordinarily long and clear.

Jiang Xiaobai and his group turned out of the flower pond, and another pool of blue waves came into view.

Occasionally, a blue bird swept across the water and caused a ripple.

After the water calmed down, it seemed that someone was making ink in the lake, and he drew the sunset glow on the horizon without hesitation.

At the end, he threw the pen again, and pointed out the crescent moon and the few stars that had hung in the sky.

Looking at the pleasant scenery in front of him, even Zhou Jia, who talked the most in the past, couldn’t bear to speak, and only quietly appreciated it with a pair of wonderful eyes.

After walking around the water pool for a while, a supernaturally crafted hill suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai and others.

The hill is full of towering ancient trees, lush and full of vitality.

But when you look closely, you can feel the creator’s ingenuity.

The trees grow in a patchwork pattern, as if they are implicitly mysterious.

But before everyone had time to marvel, they had already seen two majestic and magnificent statues of beasts.

One is the phoenix that seems to be angry and soaring into the sky, and the other is the angry dragon that seems to be hovering… lifelike, as if it will move in the next second.

The place where the two statues of sacred beasts are located is at the mouth of the valley where the hill suddenly split.

There were faint human voices and laughter.

“Student Jiang, go in by yourself, I can only send it here.”

The driver said with a respectful smile, and then said “please”


Jiang Xiaobai and the three of them passed through the valley mouth, and soon saw the shadowy pavilions and waterside pavilions, the blue glaze walls, and the flying beasts.

But the most eye-catching thing after approaching was a towering hall.

The dome is as high as more than ten meters, and it seems to be inlaid with a night pearl, illuminating the vast hall.

The jade walls with various reliefs are also dotted with various shapes of lanterns.

Under the exquisite layout, it is not obtrusive in the slightest, as if the stars are integrated into the sky, and it is integrated with this magnificent building.

Against the background of various magnificent lights, the bluestone floor on the ground of the main hall looks very dreamy.

Jiang Xiaobai and others couldn’t help but think of the pool of Qingchi outside Weiming Garden.

“It’s like a man Lin Yuan!”

Looking at the flat bluestone floor, Zhou Jia couldn’t help but admire.

Jiang Xiaobai also secretly nodded.

This hall of Beijing Normal University is the same as the scenery outside, and it can be called an ingenious workmanship.

At this moment, a waiter wearing a bow tie has greeted him, holding a dark cyan tray with a few glasses of red wine on it.

“Mr. Madam, 0.

Is there anything I need to serve?”

Jiang Xiaobai casually picked up a glass of wine from the tray and took a sip.

“The place is good, the wine is too average.”

With that, Jiang Xiaobai put the wine glass back on the tray.

When Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin heard this, they immediately took back the hand they had just extended.

When the waiter saw that the customer seemed dissatisfied with the drinks here, he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

When I was about to ask the customer what kind of drink he would like, a young man in a suit suddenly walked over.

“Where did the soil buns dare to pretend to be in Weimingyuan!”

When the voice fell, the young man in a suit suddenly saw Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia next to Jiang Xiaobai, and his eyes lit up.

“Are the two juniors also from Beijing Normal University? My name is Zhao Yan. I am a sophomore from Beijing Normal University…”

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