Chapter 497 Naruto Uzumaki did it!

Not long after Jiang Xiaobai entered the dimension space, a European on the ninth floor of the Star Sea Realm with an eagle nose hurried to the entrance of the dimension space.

“A bunch of useless things, so many people guarding it even make people mess up! People?”

At this time, the bearded man who was knocked unconscious by Jiang Xiaobai’s slap was already awake.

“That guy has taken advantage of the chaos to get in.”

Hearing this, Ying Gou nose was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, with a sullen expression: “You mean, there was only one person who made trouble just now, so many of you have not only… you haven’t received the money, and you haven’t kept the troublemaker.”

Beard and the others suddenly didn’t know how to reply.

Could it be that we directly said to Ying Goubi that we were not prepared just now, so for a while…it was a carelessness that people took advantage of the loopholes. This seems to be no different from looking for…Everyone is thinking about this… ………No one dared to reply.

Seeing this, the eagle’s nose took a breath, suppressed the anger in his heart and asked, “Do you know who did it?”

This time the bearded man can’t help but reply.

However, after thinking for a while, the beard can only give an answer in a very determined tone that is very puzzling.

“Naruto Uzumaki did it!”

Meow meow me…The mark on your face is like a cat’s whiskers Naruto, you are really teasing me, and immediately glanced at the beard with triangular eyes.

When he was about to get angry, someone next to him hurriedly added: “Boss Charles, it’s not Naruto, it’s a guy wearing a 163 Naruto mask!”

“So, that person is from Dongying:”

Ying Goubi directly inferred, and at the same time was greatly surprised.

Dongying people in the European United States have always been “submissive”


The face appeared.

The reflection of Yinggou’s nose to Dongying people is… with a single bow, his neck is like a spring.

People of this kind of people dare to smash other people’s places in Versailles “should…maybe…isn’t it.”

Bearded and others said uncertainly.

But soon someone helped to add evidence: “After the masked man finished hitting someone, he scolded a ‘Ba Ga’! I remember it very clearly.”

Hearing these words, Ying Gou’s nose suddenly waved.

“Follow me in and kill that… Dongying people!”

After finishing speaking, I walked directly to the Dimensional Space of Scale Turtles, still not forgetting to tell Beard and the others: “Remember, do it when you meet, and never show mercy!!”

…At this time, Jiang Xiaobai has found the group of people under Xiaotian Mountain.

After following for a long time, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that the students brought by Xiaotian Mountain seemed to be only here to kill ordinary scale turtles, and did not intend to look for the red flame scale turtles.

Moreover, with the exception of…Oda Yamashita, the other Dongying people have a lot of strength above and below the fifth level of the Galaxy Realm.

A few even just broke through to the stars.

Therefore, these…The people of Dongying can only hunt and kill scale turtles by rounding up.

After all, even if it is a flexible scale turtle, it is at least one level.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not choose to show up directly below Xiaotian Mountain, but changed a mask.

“Hey, I saw this scale turtle first!”

Jiang Xiaobai changed his voice and shouted at Xiaotian Shanxia who was about to hunt a scale turtle and the others.

Hearing that, all Dongying people were taken aback, and then they looked at the foot of Oda Mountain.

In fact, Oda Yamashita had noticed a little tail behind him.

However, when he sensed that…the guy wearing the Wolverine mask had only the first level of the Galaxy Realm, Oda Yamashita didn’t take it to heart.He only thought that this masked European was just trying to follow him.

After all, the scaled turtle dimension space is too dangerous for an awakened person who has just broken through the galaxy realm.

“Little brother, are you here alone or have you separated from your companions”

Oda Yamashita walks towards Jiang Xiaobai in a pleasant manner.

This is the territory of Europeans.

Seeing that Xiaotian Mountain had not discovered his true identity, Jiang Xiao smiled in his heart, but said with dissatisfaction: “In our territory, you guys… Dare to grab our things”

“Sir, everything is easy to discuss.”

Oda Yamashita was still not angry, but smiled gently, “We have always maintained a good relationship with your country, and everything can be negotiated and negotiated…”

At the same time, the other head is tied with “a little bit of red”

Dongying: The students also came up, bowing first, “Since your Excellency said it is yours, we can change another goal!”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai felt depressed.

These…The Dongying people are really interesting.

Before, in front of the Chinese people, they were all arrogant and rude.

When I arrived in Europe, I wanted to grow a tail and beg for mercy at Europeans.

In his bones, the five elements are really not flat.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai directly slapped it to be “a little bit red”


Well, I don’t believe you can bear it! Sure enough, “A little bit red”

The students of Akita Academy were all taken aback for a moment, and then they became “eight ga”.


Cried out.

Oda Yamashita also sank.

Originally, I came to Scale Turtle Space this time because I wanted to let the classmates of Akita Academy who have made a new breakthrough experience it.

At the same time, you can also get some Star Orbs of the Scale Turtle, so that everyone can go to the next level.

Therefore, since he came to Versailles, Yamashita Oda has been telling his fellow students to be patient in everything, not to be swagger, and not to conflict with the Europeans and Americans here.

But at the moment, Oda Yamashita can’t bear it anymore.

“Koizumi Yangde, like you, he is on the first level of the Galaxy Realm.

You can fight fairly!”

Oda Yamashita is very competent.

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai slapped “A little bit of red”

Immediately bowed to Jiang Xiaobai, and then said in a sharp tone: “Since your excellency is aggressive, I, Koizumi Yangde, are willing to fight your fair share!”

With that, Koizumi Yotoku drew a long sword from his waist.

However, at this time Jiang Xiaobai was struggling to laugh.

This guy in front of me really took a good name.

Isn’t Koizumi Yangde raised by a little dog?

Or, you can just call Gou Day… “Is you scared?”

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai hadn’t responded, Koizumi Yotoku urged again with a knife.

At the same time, he made up his mind, even if the masked man in front of him apologized to him, he would not accept it.

People were stunned under the eyes of everyone. If this hatred is not reported, how can I return to Akita Academy in the future to see Jiang Xiaobai pretending to wave his hand in a panic: “I’m not afraid of you, I’m afraid that you don’t follow the rules and besiege me!”

When Odayama heard it, he immediately said: “We Dongying people speak the spirit of Bushido, just like the chivalry spirit of you Westerners.”

And Koizumi Yangde snorted coldly, and pointed at a dense forest next to the sword in his hand and said, “In order to let you die safely by my sword, I can go to a duel with you in the forest!”

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