Chapter 500 Soul Eater Wolf

At this time, Xiaotian Yamashita can no longer think about what “bad things” Jiang Xiaobai did in the name of Dongying people.

, So that the people of the Amy family have to put themselves to death.

Even if it is dead, I must find a way to tell the truth to the people of the Amy family! Just as Xiaotian Mountain’s mind was turbulent, Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the European corpse on the ground and said calmly: “Oda-san, you died by yourself. , Or I will help you”

Hearing this, Xiao Tian Shanxia immediately felt a panic in his heart.

If the fish died and the net broke, Xiaotian Yamashita knew that he couldn’t fight Jiang Xiaobai at all, so he didn’t even think about it.

Oda Yamashita is only thinking about how to delay a little longer.

When other Europeans chase into this dense forest, they can destroy Jiang Xiaobai’s conspiracy and avoid Akita Academy, and even all the Dongying people, and the French gangster family.

Just as Xiaotianshan was in a hurry to scratch his head, an exclamation came from the dense forest: “Paul!”

However, Charles was worried that his younger brother had already caught up here.

Oda Yamashita was overjoyed, and even before he could stand up, he directly shouted: “The one who killed Paul was…”

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Tian Shanxia was hit by Jiang Xiaobai! “And Da Dongying: Those who oppose the empire will die in their 20s!”

When Xiaotian fell unwillingly to the ground and killed him, Jiang Xiaobai yelled at the furious Shire again.

Charlton was even more angry.

However, Jiang Xiaobai has already hurried towards the depths of the woods.

And Shire is in hot pursuit.

Even when he passed Paul whose death was terrible, Charles didn’t stop much.

Jiang Xiaobai forcibly resisted the urge to give Shire a skill, and just ran deep into the dense forest.

Shire is on the ninth level of the Xinghai Realm, and his level is too high.

Jiang Xiaobai knew that he was unable to perform “Holding a Girl in His Arms to Kill”

Under the premise, there is no way to deal with the Shire.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai is not willing to take the risk.

If you can’t kill the Shire with a single blow, maybe you will reveal your identity.

Although Shire is much higher than Jiang Xiaobai’s realm, his agility attributes are not as good as Jiang Xiaobai’s.

If it weren’t for his strength, Shire might have been dumped by Jiang Xiaobai at this time.

The two ran swiftly in tandem.

As it continued to deepen, various dimensional creatures continued to fall between the branches and leaves of the dense forest.

In this dimensional space, the scale turtle is at the absolute top of the food chain.

However, the scale turtle is not a solitary creature, and there are other dimensional creatures in this space.

For example, the silver-armored python that is hanging on a tree and spit out a red letter at Jiang Xiaobai! This silver-armored python is on the third floor of the Xinghai Realm.

I like hiding in trees to attack other dimensional creatures.

Concentrating on “escape”

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t notice the silver on the tree in front.

Being chased so tightly by Shire is really beyond Jiang Xiaobai’s expectation.

When thinking about whether to think of something else, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly saw a long black shadow falling from mid-air to the ground.

Silver-armored Python: However, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even take a look, and just an arrow passed.

It’s…The Charles, who was chasing after him, was entangled by the silver-armored python that had recovered from the trance.

Faced with the big mouth of the silver-armored python, Charles could only temporarily stop and level the silver-armored python first.

The silver armored python obviously picked the wrong opponent.

An awakened person on the ninth level of the Xinghai Realm could not rely on the fangs, venom and silver armored python’s inherent strangulation: skills can be dealt with.

But within half a minute, the silver-armored python couldn’t find the head and the tail, and it broke into three pieces.

However, just… taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Xiaobai made three turns and two turns in the dark dense forest, and quickly disappeared completely from Shire’s sight.

…After a while, Charles looked at the silver-armored python torn into three pieces with a gloomy expression, and suddenly sneered.

With a sudden increase in star power fluctuations, Charles’s jacket broke apart, and a wolf-like tattoo appeared on his back.

“Follow the call of my soul and show up, my soul-eater!”

The voice fell, and the tattoo on Charles’ back became: more…clear.

Soon it came to life.


With a long roar, a group of blue light and shadow jumped from Shire’s back.

When You Guang fell to the ground, it had already turned into a black wolf over two meters high.

This is Shire’s contract beast-a soul-eater with two levels of strength in the Star Sea Realm! “Catch up with the enemy just now for me.”

Charles stood with his hand in his hand, commanding the Soul Eater Wolf who kept making deep whimpers.

The Soul Eater wolf with the strength of the Star Sea Realm already had the intelligence that was close to humans, and immediately nodded, then lightly sniffed at the ground for a few times, and then rushed in one direction.

…At this time, Jiang Xiaobai stopped under a towering tree that more than ten people couldn’t hold together.

On the other side of the tree, a group of 1 European was staring at Jiang Xiaobai warily.

These guys seem to be a complete hunting squad, shield fighting, long-range, melee, etc…, everything is available.

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was puzzled, someone suddenly exclaimed: “Jiang Xiaobai!”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help being a little surprised.

The European who called out his name doesn’t seem to know him.

The person seemed to see that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t remember himself, and he took the initiative to smile and said, “I am Carlisle, the leader of the Canoer Academy. I have seen your style in the Global Competition 897 before.”

Jiang Xiaobai frowned, and after a moment of careful recall, he finally remembered that when he entered the global competition, he seemed to have met such a European.

Seeing a sudden look on Jiang Xiaobai’s face, Carlisle smiled and introduced to the companion beside him: “This is Jiang Xiaobai, a genius student from Eastern China.”

When those… Europeans heard it, some guys who didn’t pay attention to the global competition couldn’t help but sneered.

“It’s just one level of the Galaxy Realm.”

“Carlisle, aren’t you making excuses for your school’s failure?”

“Genius? Now any cat or dog can be praised as a genius!”

Listening to these…the low voice of discussion, Carlisle hurriedly said again: “Although Jiang Xiaobai does not seem to be strong, his true cultivation is almost comparable to a master of the Star Sea Realm, and It is still an extremely powerful auxiliary profession-you must not underestimate him!”

After speaking, Carlisle was afraid that Jiang Xiaobai would be angry, and immediately smiled and said to Jiang Xiaobai: “We are all members of employment organizations in Europe, and this time we are here for the scale turtles.

However, the previous support was swallowed by a silver-armored python, are you interested in joining us”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth had a faint smirk, and he squinted his eyes to examine these… Europeans nodded in agreement.


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