Chapter 505 Saving people is God’s business, I can only send you to see him (3/5)

Hellhound seemed to be very angry about the Scarlet Flame Scale Tortoise injuring him.

No matter the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle roared with raging flames, the Hellhound still didn’t dodge.

When he rushed to the front, he made a vertical leap, and the Hellhound directly slapped the jaw of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle.

The Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle also cut the Hellhound’s belly with one foot directly under the pain of eating.

In the raging flames, two fierce beasts of the star sea level are entangled in this way.

After a while, the hellhound tore off the jaw of the Scarlet Flame Scale Tortoise.

And his abdomen also broke a few blood holes.

Seeing this, Shire and Carlisle suddenly rushed towards each other at the same time with a sharp heart.

And the men of both sides immediately followed, and several seriously injured people actually fought together again.

Only the Soul Eater wolf lay on the ground dying, and the look of his fierce pupils gradually faded.

At this moment, several people in the audience can see that even if the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle that has lost two heads can kill the Hellhound, it will not last long.

Who can survive this fight, whoever can get the Star Orb of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle.

Soon, both Carlisle and Charles’s men fell to the ground with serious injuries and could no longer stand up.

Carlisle and Shire 22 relied on the last trace of will to fight each other to death.

Suddenly, the red flame scale turtle made a “boom”

There was a loud noise.

The turbulent and domineering shock wave instantly lifted the exhausted Carlisle’s Shire tens of meters away.

Immediately afterwards, the entire dense forest ignited a raging fire.

In the skyrocketing fire, Carlisle couldn’t help but grinned.

The value of the star-level star beads is unimaginable! At this moment, the smile on Carlisle’s face suddenly solidified, and a figure appeared in the fading flame.

“It’s you, Jiang Xiaobai!”

I saw Jiang Xiaobai walking slowly in the flames, holding an alloy longbow in his hand, and shooting two arrows in a certain direction.

Carlisle took the opportunity to look at it, but saw that Charles had two big holes in his chest, his expression was extremely hideous, but he was obviously dead.

“Good kill! Thank God, Jiang Xiaobai, save me quickly.”

Carlisle spit out two blood arrows, and his face quickly returned to normal.

In Carlisle’s view, although Jiang Xiaobai at this moment is a variable, it is always more reliable than the dead Shire.

“save you”

However, Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly, and a curve appeared in the corner of his mouth.

“Saving people is your God’s business, I’m just responsible for sending you to see him.”

Carlisle: Jiang Xiaobai: “Don’t you have a chance to kill me just now?”

After hearing this, Carlyton was shocked and stunned.

“You, how did you know”

When asked in a surprise, Carlisle suddenly remembered the inexplicable words that Modris and Jiang Xiaobai had said, and couldn’t help but angrily said: “It was Modris who told you to you.”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly, “It’s not as good as Reese yourself, I’ll give it to you.”

With that, Jiang Xiaobai’s star power condensed, and a long arrow directly nailed Carlisle, who wanted to say something more, to the ground.

At this time, the raging fire in the dense forest has been burning more and more.

The terrible howls of dimensional creatures sounded everywhere.

Jiang Xiaobai knew that he couldn’t stay for long, and quickly found the bodies of the Soul Eater, Hellhound, and Scarlet Turtle, then took out the shells of the Star Orb and Scarlet Turtle, and rushed to the lake not far away.

It wasn’t until the fire gradually burned farther that Jiang Xiaobai took three star beads and tortoise shells to leave the dimensional space of scale turtles.

…Sitting on the plane from Versailles back to China, Jiang Xiaobai has been thinking about one thing.

The middleman on the dark web once said that they would send someone to assist the “venomous wasp”

Assassinate yourself.

But when I was in Versailles, the middleman on the dark web never contacted the “venomous wasp”

And no other suspicious person has looked for himself.

In the dark web style, it is understandable to keep the identity of the helper secret.

But the dark web will never put its own pigeons.

In other words, we will never put “venomous wasps”

Of pigeons.

By the time he got off the plane, Jiang Xiaobai had thought about everything that happened in Versailles, but still couldn’t think of any clues.

“Maybe those guys didn’t find me or maybe when they arrived, Shire and Carlisle had already fought, so they didn’t dare to show up.”

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he could only explain it this way.

When he returned to the dormitory, Jiang Xiaobai opened the dark web to submit the task, these…doubts were finally solved.

“Your mission is complete”

Just when Jiang Xiaobai just clicked “Finish” under the task of offering a reward for the red flame scale tortoise shell

Then, a dialog box popped up suddenly.

Jiang Xiaobai saw that it was the middleman on the dark web before.

“It’s finished, and the tortoise shell of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle has also been obtained. This time I was really lucky, and I actually picked up a big bargain directly.”

Jiang Xiaobai’s press: If he thought about it before, he started to fool the middleman on the dark web.

However, the dark web middlemen seem to be not interested in these…

“I’m asking about that… assassination mission!”

Jiang Xiaobai had been prepared for a long time, and immediately replied: “No–I didn’t see that kid at all.

You may not believe it, but as soon as I entered the dimensional space, I saw a soaring fire ignited inside.

Everyone was escaping outside, and I didn’t dare to go too deep, so I kept guarding at the exit of the dimension space.”

These are all the rhetoric that Jiang Xiaobai thought up on the plane.

“Until the fire weakened, I didn’t find the kid, so I went in and searched.

But apart from…there are still living things in several lakes, there is nothing left in the place that has been burned by the fire, only the corpse of a red flame scale turtle.

By the way, did you mean to send someone to help me? No one contacted me.”

The dark web middleman over there was obviously confused by Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

After almost half an hour, another message was sent.

“How could this happen? I obviously sent more than a dozen people at the Star Sea level, and also specially gave an ancient scroll that can summon hell creatures to the leader!”

After paying such a big price, the assassination target is not known for life or death, which makes the middleman of the dark web unable to help but become angry.

Even to the “venomous wasp”

When sending the message, there was also a anger between the lines.

However, this news surprised Jiang Xiaobai slightly.

This-isn’t it talking about the people in Carlisle and the ancient scroll that the middleman in the dark web said, can it be… the sheepskin scroll that Carlisle took out at the time, thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly replied : “There is indeed a strange thing in the lake in the dimensional space of the scale turtle.

It looks like a wolf and a dog, and it’s huge, but it’s cooked.”

In order to convince the middleman on the dark web to believe his nonsense, Jiang Xiaobai added after sending it: “I later inquired that there seems to be no canine dimensional creature in the scaly turtle dimensional space.”

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