Chapter 513 Daha’s new skills (1/4)

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Xuyang found a playful smile on Jiang Xiaobai’s face.

And the students next to him stared at him strangely.

Seeing this, Zhao Xuyang’s heart suddenly felt a bad premonition.

At this moment-“Teacher Zhao, come out for a while.”

As soon as Zhao Xuyang heard it, he knew that this was the voice of Principal Zhang.

Looking back, Zhang Xunkun looked at himself expressionlessly.

Zhao Xuyang: “……”

In fact, when Zhao Xuyang mentioned Principal Zhang for the first time, Principal Zhang had already appeared at the door of the classroom.

However, Zhao Xuyang was facing the door of the classroom at the time, so he did not find it.

But Jiang Xiaobai and other students saw it.

Jiang Xiaobai also deliberately mischievous, using the agitation method to make Zhao Xuyang turn his back to Zhang Xunkun and then say “Principal Zhang is useless.”


After trying to understand this… Zhao Xuyang couldn’t help but look at Jiang Xiaobai with a bitter expression.

However, Zhang Xunkun said again: “Teacher Zhao, I also know that I am useless in front of you, but now can I trouble you to come out first, I really have something to look for you, this old man.”

Hearing that, Zhao Xuyang almost cried.

Zhang Xunkun deliberately said something so humble, whether he was about to be fired and thinking about this, Zhao Xuyang gave Jiang Xiaobai a cry of “you are ruthless”.


…After a few days of peaceful and leisurely campus life, Daha, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally managed to break through to the Galaxy Realm.

Daha looked more active after awakening, sometimes rushing to Jiang Xiaobai with excitement and licking around, and sometimes jumping up and down to show off his new skills.

After successfully entering the Galaxy Realm, Daha also naturally understood the new skills.

After the advancement of the dimensional creatures, the skills are diverse, and because Daha has swallowed nearly a hundred Voidwalker star orbs and Shadow Leopard star orbs some time ago, the skills he comprehend is also related to the attributes of the sky.

Multiple shadow clones.

Moreover, it is even higher than He Weihua’s shadow clone.

Once the cast is carried out, in addition to being able to separate out several clones, Daha’s body and several phantoms will appear around the clones during the action.

Moreover, these phantoms will perfectly mix Daha’s body with the clone.

Even Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t find the real Daha from among the dazzling clones and phantoms in the first time.

However, Jiang Xiaobai was always able to point out which Daha’s body was.

This made Zhou Jia a little bit annoyed, until after nearly a hundred attempts, she was not convinced.

However, Zhou Jia still complained with resentment:, look at the dog!”

Jiang Xiaobai listened and shook his face strangely.

Seeing a dog is really accurate. What kind of word is this Zhou Jia, can you speak a little bit, “Zhou Jia, you have to look at the essence through the phenomenon.

Jiang Xiaobai frowned and pointed to Daha in front of him and said, “Daha has both hind legs clamped tighter.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Da Ha, who was originally excited, suddenly became listless, covering his eyes with his paws.

What a painful comprehension, can you not talk about it? “That’s right, Daha doesn’t have a small Dingding, so I can’t see the tightness of the legs.”

Zhou Jia nodded thoughtfully and looked at Daha, “Daha, isn’t there a little Dingding? It’s not a big deal!”

Daha: Jiang Xiaobai was full of black lines in an instant.

What does it mean that there is no such thing as Xiaodingding… Jiang Xiaobai picked up Daha and walked out.

“Let’s take the Daha test hall to test again to see how much Daha’s strength has improved.”

…A testing hall near Jiangnan University.

After completing the formalities, the teacher of the pet skill training hall led Jiang Xiaobai to the huge test field.

It is very lively, and many pets in a wide variety of categories are showing off their skills under the guidance of training teachers.


A… koala roared and the descendants stood up, and a flame of flame appeared on the two front palms.

After a few seconds, it slammed out again.

Although the momentum is great, Jiang Xiaobai and others can see that this koala is only a beginner in the Stardust Realm.In fact, the power of the flame is not much.

But what is rare is that this koala looks very gratifying, and also very good at acting like a baby.

As soon as he finished using his skills, he ran back to his master happily, rubbing his furry head affectionately against the master’s leg.

On the other side, a… piebald liger is extremely irritable.

I saw this variegated liger beast with red eyes, and people were roaring in low voices, and the iron chain on the neck was pulled full. I am afraid that if the person involved let go, this liger will choose someone. Eaten up.

“Your pet is not suitable for domestication. It is too ferocious. The wild nature of this large carnivorous creature is difficult to remove. Although it is powerful, it is extremely easy to hurt people…”

An undecided trainer stepped back, and then said to the owner of the Liger with a look of horror.

“Hahaha-what I am after is… the ferocity of this beast!”

…The owner of the piebald liger seems to be a rich second generation, and he is very arrogant when he speaks.

“How can ordinary pets be worthy of my identity as Young Master Su?”

In fact, a cage testing hall like this is equipped with venues, in addition to … it is used to receive wealthy people alone, but also to target ferocious pets such as the piebald liger.

After all, wild and untamed pets are too cruel, and if they are not careful, they will hurt other people’s pets.

It even hurts people! But this young Master Su appeared in this kind of ordinary training ground with a piebald liger, obviously in order to show his prestige in front of other pet owners.


Zhou Jia rolled her eyes and said something, and then touched Daha’s head.

“Xiaobai, let the training teacher take Daha to try it.”

Perhaps the training teacher was afraid of incurring unnecessary troubles for Jiang Xiaobai and others, and took Daha far away from Su Dashao, and then began to test for Daha.

After some complicated methods, Jiang Xiaobai’s three people3 were surprised to find that Daha except… the original “Wind Blade”

Skills and the “multiple shadow clones” just understood

In addition to the skills, you can even use “Flash” in a small area

Skills! Looking at Daha who is constantly tossing in the air, Jiang Xiaobai thoughtfully: “Daha’s flashing skills should belong to the advanced skills of clone skills. Look, Daha must always use multiple shadows before flashing. The clone skill, and it can only flash three times in the clone and ghost.”

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