Chapter 518 Is Wei Monkey the principal? (2/5)

As the black-faced man’s voice fell, all Chinese soldiers began to gather.

On the ground not far away, unexpected changes also occurred.

A dark crack appeared silently in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and a mechanical cold voice came from inside.

“Please verify your identity.”

At the same time, the weeds around everyone also sounded “簌簌”

the sound of.

Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan looked at each other in surprise, and had already sensed that there was a strong fluctuation in star power at the place where the movement was made.

At this time, the Chinese soldiers had completed the formation.

The black-faced man threw a piece of paper containing mysterious star power into the crack in the ground.

After a while, there was another voice from inside.

“One more person.”

Xu Yan knew that it was a peculiar identity verification method just now, so she hurriedly said: “I am a member of our scientific research team.

We are the person recommended by Xu Jingsong, and you may directly check it if you have a letter of recommendation written by him.

If necessary, I can provide his contact information.”

As soon as the voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This man has an old face and a silver head, his eyebrows are awe-inspiring, and he has a vaguely non-irritating aura.

This person is obviously of a very high status.The black-faced man and those…The Chinese soldiers immediately raised their hands to salute, but did not say any names.

The white-haired old man glanced at everyone, and finally set his gaze on Xu Yan.

“You’re the old guy’s granddaughter Xu Yan, right?”

After hearing this, Xu Yan was taken aback first, and then said in a surprised voice: “You are the grandfather Zhao Zhishan that my grandfather often mentions!”

With that said, Xu Yan took the initiative to step forward and bowed: “Grandpa Zhao.”

Then he handed a letter to the white-haired old man with both hands.

“This is an autograph letter from my grandfather who asked me to bring you.”

Zhao Zhishan nodded, turned his back to the seam, and at the same time said faintly: “Come with me.

By the way, how is your grandpa now?”

“Grandpa is in good health and can drink a little wine every day.”

Xu Yan gestured to Jiang Xiaobai lightly, “They are Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin, this time the researchers.”

Jiang Xiaobai was about to say hello, but he heard Zhao Zhishan whisper: “The surname is Jiang, it’s them… why bother?”

Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin heard strangely.

Could this old man know my identity with this doubt, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xu Yan with questioning eyes.

Xu Yan shook her head slightly and signaled Jiang Xiaobai not to speak.

The group followed Zhao Zhishan to the seam in the ground.

I saw Zhao Zhishan raising his hand and passing it gently, and the crack in the ground revealed a light.

At the same time, a spiral staircase appeared in the ground crack.

Zhao Zhishan should walk down first.

A mysterious halo swept over Zhao.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at it and nodded secretly.

That should be a security check mode.

Then Xu Yan, Jiang Xiaobai and others went down one by one, and the Chinese soldiers walked at the back.

After everyone entered the seam, there was a slight noise on the top of the head, but the seam closed silently again.

“Respondent Zhao Zhishan, number 103, identity information has been verified and can be passed.”

The cold mechanical voice sounded again.

The sound fell, and the stairs that had been hovering down suddenly disappeared, and a huge elevator appeared in front of everyone.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help frowning slightly.

The security facilities here are so tight that it must be aimed not only at the hell creatures who occasionally escape, but at some awakened people with ulterior motives.

The location here is already extremely secretive, even if you let yourself go from Kunming again now, you may not be able to find it accurately.

In this way, there is only one explanation, and that is that the exact location here has been mastered by certain forces, so such a cumbersome and prudent defense system has been set up.

While thinking about this…, Zhao Zhishan suddenly spoke up again.

“You go down from here.”

As soon as the voice fell, the elevator suddenly stopped, and a gloomy door slowly opened.

The three of Jiang Xiaobai were surprised to find that they couldn’t see anything behind the door.

Obviously, the door was blocked again by some mysterious means.

That… the black-faced man saluted Zhao Zhishan again, and then took those…Chinese soldiers into the darkness.

The elevator started to descend again.

But Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t tell at all, the kind of…declining feeling space he felt at this time was true or false.

Only then did Zhao Zhishan open the letter that Xu Yan had brought.

After a while, Zhao Zhishan slowly folded the letter and squeezed it tightly in his hand, with a gentle touch on his face.

“Wei Monkey is now the principal of the military academy”

When the voice fell, Xu Yan…didn’t understand what Zhao Zhishan said.

Jiang Xiaobai moved in his heart and smiled faintly: “Grandpa Zhao said it was not President Wei Xuehai Wei, right? He is now the President of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy-you used to know him.”

Hearing this, Zhao Zhishan nodded lightly, looked at Jiang Xiaobai again, and then slowly nodded.

However, there was a strange look in those slightly muddy eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little unnaturally stared at by Zhao Zhishan.

Jiang Xiaoxin also felt that the atmosphere at this time was a little weird, and couldn’t help but leaned against Jiang Xiaobai, with some vigilance faintly emerging in her eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Zhishan nodded to Jiang Xiaobai suddenly.

“Well-you are very good.”

After finishing speaking, regardless of the surprised expressions on the faces of Jiang Xiaobai’s three people, they said in a deep voice: “The respondent Zhao Zhishan has confirmed the identity of the visitor and can open the channel.”

…As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai immediately noticed that the feeling of falling just now had disappeared.

At the same time, another dark door appeared in the elevator.

It’s just that the direction of the door is completely opposite to the direction of the previous door.

“You go in from here.”

Zhao Zhishan pointed to the door and said in an unquestionable tone, “Remember, your authorized scope is only visitors. After entering, all actions can only obey the orders of the resident army.”

With that said, Zhao Zhishan handed three three-like pendants to Jiang Xiaobai’s hands.

“Wear it next to the body.

This is not only a communicator, but also your locator and life detector.

Once removed, you will be directly teleported out.”

Jiang Xiaobai frowned upon hearing this.

No one likes what they say and do, and even their position is under the control of others.

But before Jiang Xiaobai could question him, Zhao Zhishan disappeared from the three people’s eyes.

“Sister Yan, who is Elder Zhao?”

Jiang Xiaobai asked, playing with the pendant.

Xu Yan hesitated for a moment, and then replied: “Grandpa Zhao is…one of the awakened people who came here with my grandpa, but Grandpa Zhao was always responsible for responding outside.”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaoxin suddenly said: “Xu-old-teacher, then how can Grandpa Zhao know Principal Wei?”

Listen to Jiang Xiaoxin deliberately use “Teacher Xu”

To call Xu Yan, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but feel helpless.

However, what Jiang Xiaobai is more concerned about right now is the question Jiang Xiaoxin asked!!

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