Chapter 53 Have a heart of output (3/4)

Just like entering the Bronze Dimensional Space, if you want to enter the Silver Dimensional Space, you also need to pay an entry fee and detailed information registration.

However, the entry fee per person in the Bronze Dimensional Space is 10,000 per person, while the Silver Dimensional Space is 200,000 per person.

When the registered soldier at the military base looked at the information Jiang Xiaobai filled in, he couldn’t help but glanced at Jiang Xiaobai strangely.

Obviously, the other party deeply admires Jiang Xiaobai, who is still in the freshman year of high school, and the rookie who has just awakened not long before daring to enter the silver dimension space.

However, there were Stardust Realm level awakeners such as Yuan Ningxiao, and the soldiers in charge of registration did not say much.

In the process of walking towards the dimension space, several people are also chatting with each other.

Although it is not long, Jiang Xiaobai can feel that a few people are relatively easy-going.

“Be careful when you go in. Silver Dimensional creatures have a certain amount of intelligence. Many times they exist and lie at the entrance of the Dimensional Passage.”

Yuan Ningxiao suddenly said when he entered the alloy room and saw the dimensional space door that looked like an aperture in the air.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head in surprise and looked at Yuan Ningxiao “Ambush?”

At this time, Zhao Hong, one of the few people, echoed: “Yes, I was almost hit by my old brother, but fortunately, the reaction was quick at the time.”

I don’t know what was thinking of, Zhao Hong looked lingering, the fat on his face was still shaking, looking quite happy.

“You will naturally understand these after entering the university.” Yuan Ningxiao said again.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai has no doubts.

After all, for students in high school, more is just to understand those bronze-level dimensional creatures, silver-level, for ordinary high school students, there is no danger that they can touch.

Even if you know it, it doesn’t make much sense.

After reminding Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Ningxiao had already taken out the magic cube of the weapon, and after being injected with star power, it turned into a long sword almost one meter long.

However, different from ordinary long swords, on both sides of the blade of Yuan Xiaoning’s long sword, there are barbs that look like serrations, densely packed, and the flashing cold light on it makes no doubt its sharpness.

But compared to Yuan Ningxiao, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but complain about Zhao Keer, who was an awakened melee talent in the team.

Although the weapon in his hand is also a sword, the sword is one meter long and nearly half a meter wide.

“What the hell is already a small door panel!” Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but spit out in his heart.

After other people took out their weapons accordingly, Jiang Xiaobai also took out the alloy longbow he brought from Jiang Xiaoxin last night.

“Huh, Brother Jiang actually brought a weapon?”

Seeing the alloy longbow in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand, Zhao Hong said in surprise.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “Although it is a support, as a man, how can he have a heart to output.”

Zhao Hong and others laughed one after another without paying attention.

After all, as a result of Yuan Ningxiao’s yesterday, Jiang Xiaobai had just awakened, and he was only at the level of a first-level or second-level star mechanics apprentice.

With such strength, even if the silver dimensional creatures stand in front of Jiang Xiaobai, it is estimated that Jiang Xiaobai can’t even break the defense of those dimensional creatures.

After finishing the outfit, Yuan Ningxiao waved his hand, and Li Dashan, who was a shield among several people, was already the first to step in.

After Jiang Xiaobai entered the dimensional space after Yuan Ningxiao and another melee Zhao Keer, Jiang Xiaobai took a breath, and it was also a door to the dimensional space that entered in front of him.

Just like the last time after the feeling of top-heavy and weightlessness for about a second, what appeared to Jiang Xiaobai again was another venue.

Under the sky like dusk, the surrounding trees are densely packed with towering and dense trees. What makes people particularly eye-catching is that the surrounding trees, whether they are trunks or leaves, are actually colorful.

It seems to be full of the magical colors of the fairy tale world.

But looking at the scenery in front of him, for some reason, there was an unspeakable dull and solemn atmosphere all around.

“Be careful,”

At this time, Zhao Hong, who also passed through the dimensional space, reminded Jiang Xiaobai.

And Yuan Xiaoning at the back also said, “Be careful. We have only sixty sticks of antidote after we have come down a few times. On average, each person can only use ten sticks. Before crossing this dense forest, we must pay attention to which small ones. Colorful spiders.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai asked in surprise: “Everyone can only use ten sticks. Isn’t that enough?”

Zhao Hong, who was walking in front of Jiang Xiaobai, looked around and replied: “You don’t know, brother. In this colorful spider dimensional space, the most dangerous thing is actually not the colorful spider king, but the small colorful spiders around.

Because the color of the shell of these colorful spiders is exactly the same as the color of the surrounding trees, once they do not move, it is difficult to detect at all.

Although these small variegated spiders are very weak, even equivalent to the speed and strength of a seventh- or eighth-level astronomical apprentice, they will not make the slightest sound when they are moving.

Once the flower is bitten, it will become paralyzed without using the antidote within ten minutes.

Therefore, even if it was us, the longest time was spent in this dense forest. There is no idea when suddenly a dozen small colorful spiders will quietly pounce on you from some places.

Generally speaking, through this dense forest, everyone before me has to use at least seven or eight antidote, this time I bring you, I’m afraid I will use more. ”

Hearing Zhao Hong’s explanation, Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and looked at the colorful trees around him again. It was already a little more solemn.

Then, this is how the group of people walked slowly in the dense forest.

Yuan Ningxiao and others were in front, and Zhao Keer was at the end of the team, and there were three others in front of Zhao Hong, who completely protected Jiang Xiaobai.

However, just when a group of people walked slowly for almost two hundred meters in the dense forest.

On the trunk of a tree that Jiang Xiaobai and others had just walked, a few black compound eyes suddenly appeared, and they were facing Jiang Xiaobai and others who had just walked by.

At the same time, above the surrounding big trees, there are also compound eyes opened one by one.

It was also when Jiang Xiaobai and others walked almost ten meters forward again.

In the next moment, there were already a few spiders about the size of babies slowly falling down the silk.

Mixed with the surrounding leaves and dim light, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning and others below were not even aware of it.

However, while the compound eyes of a few of the small colorful spiders were turning, they were so deadly that they all stared at Jiang Xiaobai who was walking below.

However, just when these small colorful spiders were full of violent compound eyes staring at Jiang Xiaobai to death, they originally took a strange twitch from the abdomen of these small colorful spiders.

In the next moment, the spider silk that originally dangled them was also directly broken because of the twitching of the abdomen of these small colorful spiders. *

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