Chapter 568 This feels so cool!

“Tornado, don’t embarrass this little pitiful person. I think it must be Jiangnan University deliberately bragging to the outside world. If we are right, we disdain to challenge the Awakener of the auxiliary department, so we blow him so god! What am I Zhang Lang? I have never seen the big wind and waves, a tasteless auxiliary system awakener, can it still win the failure of our remote system”

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was immersed in the voice of the Tsundere girl, an untimely voice suddenly came in, causing Jiang Xiaobai to turn his stomach.

Whose voice is so disgusting! I saw a boy walking slowly from behind to the tornado. He looked handsome and dressed like a dog. What he said was strange, acrimonious, and his eyes were still there: Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia were spinning around.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even say a word, and glanced directly at the knee of the boy named Zhang Lang.The next second, Zhang Lang suddenly felt that his legs were pierced by a needle, and a tingling current came.

Suddenly, Zhang Lang, who originally put one hand in his pocket and wanted to pretend to be in front of a few beautiful women, suddenly became unbalanced and his legs became weak.


The next moment, in front of everyone, Zhang Lang thumped and knelt directly in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

0 “Congratulations to the host for achievement points +20”

Zhang Lang: Dragon Roll: …Jiang Xiaoxin: …Zhou Jia: “Hahahahahahahahaha, where’s the silly fork, laughed at sister hahahahaha!”

The students in the classroom looked at the scene in front of them, completely unremarkable, and cast their sympathetic eyes to Zhang Lang who was kneeling on the ground with a bewildered expression.

“Warrior, this…! Dare to challenge Jiang Xiaobai!”

“Who is this guy, I dare to come here and hit the ground without asking.”

“Who doesn’t know the skills of Jiang Xiaobai, Jiangnan University, you can kneel down and call Dad every minute!”

“The people from Southeast University, why do they transfer to this place and kneel for thousands of miles?”

… “You! What despicable means did you use!”

A few fragmentary voices fell into Zhang Lang’s ears, no matter how stupid Zhang Lang was, he knew that the reason was Jiang Xiaobai.

He has always been held in the sky by people.Where did he have suffered such humiliation, his face blushed suddenly and his neck was thick, and he stood up and asked Jiang Xiaobai angrily.

Before Jiang Xiaobai could speak, Zhou Jia spoke disdainfully.

“Idiot, a mere remote awakener who dares to challenge Jiang Xiaobai is really one-on-one. You can kneel down without even touching the corner of his clothes!”

Jiang Xiaobai also nodded with satisfaction, and sighed: “No one has been looking for me for a long time, and it’s hard to find a fault. It feels so cool!”

Everyone shivered silently.

“You trash, don’t get in the way here.”

Tornado recovered from the shock he had just now, and then glanced at Zhang Lang, then looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a complicated expression, “It turns out that this world really has the ability to make people kneel…”

Although Tornado was Tsundere, he did his homework before coming, and heard a lot about Jiang Xiaobai.

The first one is… cheap.

The cheapest people are invincible.Even the skills of Jiang Xiaobai are also cheap.

The second is…He is an auxiliary system, which actually plays the role of a strong attack system.

It stands to reason that the role of auxiliary skills in the team is just the icing on the cake, and the support is nothing, but she has watched several videos about Jiang Xiaobai’s game.

Not only was the skill trick unexpected, he couldn’t guess what he was thinking at all, and the skill was strange, which caught people off guard.

Although Tornado also hates Zhang Lang, he has to admit that Zhang Lang is indeed a gifted awakener at Southeast University.

Now he is already at the eighth level of the Stardust Realm. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the prince of the emperor. Before Jiang Xiaobai, he didn’t even have the slightest resistance to resist, so he knelt directly. Skills, I will be very gentle.”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the tornado with a smile, with a big bad wolf expression.

Once upon a time, they were also coaxed by Jiang Xiaobai…too cunning! But Jiang Xiaobai was not guilty, and he ran over to give him achievement points. Don’t be for nothing! Just then Zhang Lang knelt and just… With 200 achievement points, the strength of this Tsundere tornado must be higher than Zhang Lang. If she asks her to call her father, or send her to the soul, then she will send it! “Hmph! This lady doesn’t believe it, you are so powerful. !”

Even if I know that Jiang Xiaobai is not empty, but the tornado still looks like Tsundere.

She kicked away Zhang Lang who was in the way, and instantly mobilized the strong and majestic star power in her body, and a strong breath emanated from her.

“Tornado, the awakened person with strong attack talent skills, the second floor of the Galaxy Realm!”

The arrogant and indifferent Loli sound was spit out from the tornado’s mouth, only to see the tornado’s toe, leaving the ground, it was slowly floating, the whole person’s aura was extremely strong, and even a gust of wind was set off in the classroom.

Except for…Jiang Xiaobai, everyone in the classroom was shocked by this aura and took a few steps back.

The awakener of the assault talent skills! And also broke through the galaxy! Jiang Xiaoxin rarely looked surprised, staring at the tornado in the mid-air in a combat pose, she couldn’t think of her as a little girl who actually awakened the assault skills! It seems her talent It’s really strong! “F*ck, this little sister is so strong, she is also on the second floor of the Galaxy Realm, and her cultivation speed can catch up with Xiao Bai. What a cruel character.”

Zhou Jia is rare to praise people, and even more rare to praise women, to be able to be praised by her in this tone, Tornado is really the first.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, and slowly said, “Jiang Xiaobai, the awakener of the auxiliary talent skills, the second floor of the Galaxy Realm.”

He also broke through the Galaxy Realm! The tornado was shocked, and it was obvious that Jiang Xiaobai’s information was written on the seventh floor of the Stardust Realm. In just two months, how could he level up so quickly? The surrounding students also changed their expressions. .

If Zhang Xunkun was present at this time and knew what Tornado was thinking, he would only have a wry smile.

Not to mention the data from two months ago.At first, Jiang Xiaobai was still on the first level of the Stardust Realm the day before, but was upgraded to the fourth floor of the Stardust Realm the next day.

Zhang Xunkun was so angry that he carried his own incompetent bastard and beat it up, hating iron but not steel! The tornado lifted his delicate chin, holding a black leather whip tightly in his hand, because it was suspended in the air, so that it opened The tight black dress disappeared a lot, and Jiang Xiaobai discovered that the absolute area of ​​Tornado’s left leg was actually tied with an imperious black ribbon! Tornado said in a deep voice: “You are also in the Galaxy Realm. It seems that Miss Ben It’s…………underestimated you.”

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, “I underestimate you too.”

I originally thought it was Loli from Tsundere, but I didn’t expect it to be Onee-san with Loli face, superb!

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