Chapter 62 The picture is too beautiful, it is unimaginable (first update, first order)

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the people were paused, and their eyes turned to Jiang Xiaobai one after another.

And Jiang Xiaobai himself was a little stunned after hearing what Yuan Ningxiao said.

Obviously, he didn’t expect Yuan Ningxiao to make this proposal suddenly.

But don’t wait: Jiang Xiaobai has any response, Zhao Hong on one side already shrugged and said: “I have no problem. return.”

Several other people also nodded one after another when they heard this.

Yuan Ningxiao is now proposing this proposal.Although it is a duty, the few people present as students of Jiangnan University naturally also know another layer of deep meaning of Yuan Xiaoning’s approach.

Make friends.

It is hard to believe that the few people present are all students from Jiangnan University who are selected from nearly ten million candidates.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as the proud child of heaven.

But at this moment, they are holding the idea of ​​friendship with a middle school student who has just awakened.

But after going through today’s Dimensional Space and realizing the efficacy of Jiang Xiaobai’s talented skills and the value of 07, several people did indeed emerge this idea of ​​yours.

Xixi in the world is all profitable, not to mention that if they encounter any extremely troublesome dimensional space and tasks in the future, they can still ask Jiang Xiaobai for help.

None of the people present are stupid, so they can naturally tell the pros and cons.

The skills of Jiang Xiaobai alone made it impossible for Zhao Hong and the others to have the idea of ​​being hostile or even enemies with Jiang Xiaobai.

Especially after experiencing today and seeing with my own eyes…the situation after the dimension space was affected by Jiang Xiaobai’s skills.

Thinking about another day in the future, if the same thing might happen to them, a few people just… couldn’t help but trembled.

“I’m Cao, the picture is so beautiful, it’s hard to imagine.”

Therefore, for: Yuan Xiaoning’s proposal, none of the people present objected.

Seeing this reaction from a few people, Jiang Xiaobai groaned slightly and did not continue to speak.

From the attitudes and reactions of several people, it is possible that Jiang Xiaobai is not clear about the thoughts of several people.

But today, in the Dimensional Space group, Jiang Xiaobai has good senses for several people. If there is a chance, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t mind working with a few people again.

After accepting the bag full of star beads, Yuan Xiaoning suddenly called Jiang Xiaobai into the room upstairs.

After Jiang Xiaobai, who was a little confused, followed Yuan Xiaoning into the room, Yuan Xiaoning quickly closed the door.

Afterwards, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a bit of unkind eyes.

“During the fighting training yesterday, you were the one who played the ghost!”

“I, Cao, was discovered.”

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart suddenly burst.

It’s right to think about it, Yuan Xiaoning can be the captain, no matter…

In terms of strength and thinking, it can be said to be the best among peers.

In the previous line of Dimensional Space, Xu Fang all revealed weird places.

Several times, Yuan Xiaoning, Zhao Hong and others were all in danger, and they all seemed to be the cause of luck.

Even when Zhao Hong was dealing with the…spots, he could detect the…partially the same on the corpse of the colorful spiders.

Not to mention Yuan Ningxiao.

Several times later, it was found that the corpses of some colorful spiders were destroyed.

And all of this has not appeared in the previous few times when their team entered the dimensional space of the colorful spider.

Naturally, Yuan Ningxiao might not think of various reasons.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction, Yuan Ningxiao already had a guess in his mind.

But although Jiang Xiaobai’s heart paused, he looked at Yuan Ningxiao with a dazed look on his face and said, “Is there any problem with the fighting training yesterday?”

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s sincere face, Yuan Ningxiao just sneered and watched Jiang Xiaobai not saying a word.

Looking at this picture of Yuan Ningxiao, Jiang Xiaobai was also a little embarrassed, knowing that the confusion would not pass.

Immediately scratched his head and smiled, “Ha, senior sister is really Bingxue smart, she knew it was me so soon.”

After being praised by Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Ningxiao was not at all happy, but his expression sank.

With a bite of silver teeth, he almost squeezed out a word from the gap between his teeth, “It’s really you.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t react to anything.

Dammit, was deceived, what a treacherous woman.

Noting Jiang Xiaobai’s look, Yuan Ningxiao suddenly thought of the strange feeling he felt when he was in the basement yesterday, and the roots of his ears were already red unconsciously.

If it was just a simple reaction yesterday, I can think of my own reactions completely because of Jiang Xiaobai’s reasons, and during the whole process, Jiang Xiaobai stood in front of him. He looked innocent asshole.

Seeing Yuan Ningxiao’s gaze getting worse and worse, Jiang Xiaobai quickly coughed, “Senior sister, calm down. I can think of other ways, it’s totally because of the reason.”

“Oh, it’s still mine.”

Yuan Ningxiao sneered.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and went down the slope: “You can say so.”

Yuan Ningxiao: “”

After being replied by Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Ningxiao was choked for a while and didn’t know how to proceed with the topic.

After a while, Yuan Ningxiao, who had eased a bit, asked again: “Let’s talk about it! What the hell is going on?”

“Actually, this is the second talent skill I awakened.”

Jiang Xiaobai493 is a little embarrassed.

After all, this skill of my own is indeed a bit bad and cruel, I am totally embarrassed to say it! “The second talent skill of Awakening, you have become a Level 5 Star Mechanic Apprentice.”

Yuan Ningxiao said in surprise.


Jiang Xiaobai nodded and admitted.

After getting confirmation from Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Ningxiao couldn’t help taking a breath.

From before Yuan Yang, Yuan Ningxiao knew that Jiang Xiaobai had been awakened in less than a week.

But in such a short time, he has directly entered the first level of the fifth-level star mechanics apprentice.

This growth rate is simply shocking.

But thinking that Jiang Xiaobai would have 666 star power points upon awakening, Yuan Ningxiao also felt that this was not too difficult for people to accept.

After thinking for a while, Yuan Ningxiao asked again: “In the dimensional space before, the problem of the colorful spider king spider silk was also a ghost that you did in secret.”


Jiang Xiaobai nodded obediently.

Now Jiang Xiaobai is completely inexhaustible.

After all, what I did yesterday was completely a hooligan.

Of course, it is not important to be a hooligan, the important thing is to get caught, which is a bit uncomfortable.

Moreover, the one in front of him is not Zhou Jia’s little Nizi who can let him knead at will, but the big man in the Stardust Realm, which is temporarily unattainable.

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