Chapter 66 It’s a shame not to have a post skill (fifth change, first order)

At noon, after eating something, as the last time, Zhou Jia, the second-generation rich, directly asked the driver to drive a few people out of Yucheng.

The Bronze Dimensional Space is different from the Silver-level Dimensional Space.

Each silver-level dimensional space is named according to the name of the main dimensional creature in that dimensional space.

The bronze-level dimensional space has no name.

Although the dimensional creatures in each dimensional space are different.

But because of the level and strength of the dimensional creatures in the Bronze Dimensional Space, it can be said that they are not ranked at all.

In other words, the bronze-level dimensional space is like a copy of a novice.

After arriving at the military base, Chu Hai, who was tall and sturdy and didn’t look like a middle school student, also smiled and waved.

Since the last time in Dimensional Space, I don’t know why, as long as I see Jiang Xiaobai, Thursday Hai has an inexplicable excitement and impulse in his heart.

Especially when I think of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, the feeling of fullness every time I wave a shield is what makes Thursday Hai extremely nostalgic.

Just after experiencing the last dimensional space, Thursday Hai has also been promoted to become a Level 5 Astral Mechanic Apprentice in the past few days.After hearing Zhou Jia’s invitation yesterday, Thursday Hai did not even think about it but… agreed.

“Student Xiaobai, meet again.”

Regarding Hai Hai’s greeting on Thursday, Jiang Xiaobai also smiled and nodded.

Later, after greeting Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin, on Thursday Hai asked: “How are you going to do it today?”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoxin said: “It’s still the same as the last time, Zhou Xuechang, you should protect Xiaobai.”

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said, “No, it’s better to decide based on the situation inside.”

Zhou Jia snorted, “Don’t be too aggressive, this time those in the dimensional space… Although the dimensional creatures are only bloodthirsty wolves with the strength of the fifth-level star mechanics, their speed and power are complete. Not lower than some sixth-level stars.

Your small body, it is estimated that you hit those… bloodthirsty wolves, not even scratching…”

Glancing at Zhou Jia of Tsundere, Jiang Xiaobai slowly raised his right fist, “I’m afraid that if I punch it down, the bloodthirsty wolf will die.”

Zhou Jia snorted with a face of disbelief, “You continue, I watch you blow”

Look like.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai just rolled his eyes and was too lazy to explain to this guy full of protein powder.

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai and others also approached the base.

Although the bloodthirsty wolf is good, because the bones and fur on the body are of great value.

Therefore, many hunters prefer to hunt bloodthirsty wolves.

Naturally, there are also many awakened people gathered around the military base.

There is even no shortage of students who seem to be students from other middle schools.

Coupled with the sound of the surrounding people, Jiang Xiaobai can’t help but think of the last set of games to brush copies.

However, the scope of each dimensional space is extremely large, even the scope of the bronze-level dimensional space is not less than a Yucheng at all.

Not to mention accommodating dozens of people, it can accommodate thousands of people at once, and throwing it into the dimensional space is the same as splashing.It may not be possible to meet once in a few hours.

After showing the student ID, Jiang Xiaobai and others directly stepped into the military base, and under the leadership of the soldiers walked to the place where the Dimensional Kong Gate was located.

The car was familiar with the road and stepped into the dimensional space.After the feeling of weightlessness disappeared, the surrounding pictures appeared in a huge canyon.

And just entering the dimensional space, Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight has already seen some of the awakened people gathered around who have entered the dimensional space earlier.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and others appear at the entrance:, all around…the awakened people’s sights are all turned around.

And when he noticed the slender Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia who had already emerged among the four, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly feel the brilliance that flashed in the eyes of some of the awakened ones.

At the moment when they walked out of the dimensional space, Jiang Xiaoxin and the others had already unconsciously tightened the weapons in their hands.

Slightly carelessly glanced at these surroundings…After the awakened, under the leadership of Chu Hai, several people chose a position and started to take action.

But in the process of walking, no matter…

Whether it was Zhou Jia or Thursday, Hai and even Jiang Xiaoxin’s eyes were placed on the surrounding and behind from time to time on the awakened people.

Wealth touches people’s hearts.In many dimensional spaces, it is often not those…dimensional creatures that are dangerous, but more likely those…awakened ones.

After all, in the real world, there are still legal constraints, but in the dimensional space, there is no such thing…

Once there is a conflict of interest or other conflicts, it is not uncommon to fight directly and even kill the killer if a word is inconsistent.

This is something that all students will come into contact with when they are in school.

Although cruel, it is a fact.

Therefore, when students in many schools enter the dimensional space for the first time when they are awakened, most of them are led by their own teachers. For those of humanity…the awakened ones.

The rule of survival of the fittest, even among the awakened, is inevitable.

The bloodthirsty wolf is a dimensional creature of the five-level star mechanics apprentice level, and its strength is naturally needless to say.

And the terrain distribution in this dimensional space is also extremely complicated, not only including jungles and valleys, but also plains.

Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, and Thu Hai were all promoted to become Level 5 Star Mechanic Apprentices in the recent period.

With care and caution, it is naturally impossible to choose valleys and plains that are more dangerous and difficult.

In that case, once you encounter wolves, then it will be troublesome.

Therefore, after walking a certain distance, Jiang Xiaoxin and others quickly discussed and decided to put the preliminary location in the dense forest.First, they determined the specific good examples of the bloodthirsty wolf before making plans.

After deciding on the location, Four Person 4 has already begun to move quickly.

Waiting until a few people entered the jungle and walked for about ten minutes, in the sight of the few people, they finally met the first bloodthirsty wolf.

The bloodthirsty wolf looks the size of an adult lion.

However, looking at the pair of faint blue pupils staring at the bloodthirsty wolf who was staring at him and others, Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze stopped for a while on his lush hair, his gaze couldn’t help but shift slightly.

With strong and powerful legs, it feels a pity not to use the skill.

Before he knew it, under the influence of his skills, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he had begun to focus on things. The focus of things had begun to change.

: Because there is no manuscript, so the chapter can only be coded, please support! Please order the first farmer!

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