My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 133: As the saying goes, great strength brings about miracles

"It doesn't matter, he's just the master of a first-level famous teacher hall."

Han Qingshan said nonchalantly, in Qinglin College, not only the master of the first-level famous master hall, but also the master of the second- and third-level famous master hall, he must maintain enough humility and respect.

Otherwise, teach them how to behave every minute.

"That's right, can a mere leader of a first-level famous teacher's hall create any waves?"

Sun Yian said disdainfully that in the past, the master of the famous master hall was indeed a mountain that he could not climb, but now.

He just laughed.

Before he came back, there was another master of the second-level famous master hall who called him Master An affectionately. Please take good care of him in the future.

I ignored him.

So, how could he possibly think highly of Diao Bu Diao as the leader of a first-level famous teacher hall?

"But, what if when we go to find Lin Taixu, he brings the famous teacher guard to stop us?"

Sun Chaohong asked worriedly.

"Dad, don't worry,"

"The Famous Master Hall has regulations. Famous teachers are not allowed to use the power of the Famous Master Hall to participate in personal grudges. Anyone who violates this rule will be dismissed from their status as a famous teacher, or even killed on the spot."

Sun Yian said with a smile that this rule was set up to curb the excessive power of famous teachers.

If there was no such rule, wouldn't all the famous master guards all over the world become the thugs of famous masters fighting for power and profit?

"Besides, there is a waste of a one-star famous teacher on one side and Instructor Han, a three-star famous teacher on the other. As long as Diao Bu Diao is not stupid, he will never do anything stupid like favoring Lin Taixu."

Later, Sun Yian said confidently that he offended a three-star famous teacher because of a one-star famous teacher.

I'm afraid even a fool can't do such a thing.

If you're not cunning and you're not stupid, how can you not understand the importance?

"Haha, that's good, that's good."

When Sun Chaohong heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said, finally letting go of a stone in his heart.

Since there is no help from the Famed Master Hall, Lin Taixu will undoubtedly die tomorrow.

Thinking about it, Sun Chaohong showed a ferocious smile. If you offend my Sun family, Lin Taixu, you probably didn't expect to pay the price with your life.

It is foreseeable that as long as Lin Taixu dies tomorrow, no one in the entire Qingfeng City will dare to go against his Sun family. Even Diao Budiao and others from the Famous Master Hall will have to obey the Sun family.

Thumbs up!

Lin Taixu's mansion.


"Congratulations to the controller's disciple Zhao Feishang for advancing to the first level. The system rewards the controller with 1,000 experience points and the famous teacher with 1,000 experience points."

"The system reward has arrived, please pay attention to check it."

"The current controller has 66,500 system experience points, 37,000 famous teacher experience points, 47,400 silver coins, and 110 points of creation value out of nothing."


"Congratulations to the controller's disciple Zhao Feishang for advancing to the first level. The system rewards the controller with 1,000 experience points and the famous teacher with 1,000 experience points."

"The system reward has arrived, please pay attention to check it."

"The current controller has 67,500 system experience points, 38,000 famous teacher experience points, 47,400 silver coins, and 110 points of creation value out of nothing."


"Congratulations to the controller's disciple Ouyang Yanran for being promoted to the first level. The system rewards the controller with 1,000 experience points and the famous teacher with 1,000 experience points."

"The system reward has arrived, please pay attention to check it."

"The current controller has 68,500 system experience points, 39,000 famous teacher experience points, 47,400 silver coins, and 110 points of creation value out of nothing."

When Lin Taixu heard the system beep, he couldn't help but smile. He saw that the system experience value and the famous teacher experience value combined had exceeded one hundred thousand, which made him even more happy.

Instantly I felt like I could do it again.

He estimated that if he used all these experience points, he could reach the level three martial arts master in no time.

Then coupled with the tenth level Black Tiger Fist, I wonder if I can defeat a fourth level martial arts master with one full blow.

Hehe, he is really looking forward to it.


Suddenly, Lin Taixu shouted. He remembered that he had another chance to make something out of nothing. He had been sleeping for the past two days and almost forgot about it.

"The system is here."

The system answered immediately.

"enter the system."


"The system is on."

Controller: Lin Taixu

Age: 16

Physical strength: 5000 (jin)

Famous teacher level: two-star famous teacher

Apprentice: Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, Lin Luoyi, Ouyang Yanran

Martial arts level: 0

Body refining level: martial artist fifth level (0/5000)

System experience value: 685000

Famous teacher experience value: 38000

Martial arts talent: 0 (talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial arts body: waste body (spicy chicken) (the martial arts body of Fengyun Continent is divided into five elements body, spirit body, fighting body, king body, holy body and Tao body)

Kung Fu: Taixu Dragon Claw Hand (God Level) Black Tiger Fist (Level 10) (Full Level)

Equipment: none

Making something out of nothing:110

"Which martial arts talent can be increased with system experience points?"

Lin Taixu looked at his attribute column and asked in a sour tone, "Martial arts talent is 0, what the hell, luckily only Lao Bang himself can see it."

If others could see it, they would probably die laughing.


The system answered very straightforwardly.

However, before Lin Taixu could be happy, the system continued, "Before the martial arts talent is 10, every 10,000 system experience points used can increase the martial arts talent point by one point."

"Before the martial arts talent is 20, every 20,000 system experience points used can increase the martial arts talent point by one point."


Lin Taixu couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard this. Looking at his system experience points of only more than 60,000, even if he used them all, he could only increase it by six points. Damn, system, you are still as stupid as ever.

"What about the martial arts body?"

Lin Taixu asked again. Since he couldn't increase his martial arts talent to become a genius, it would be good to increase his martial arts body.

Look at Wang Luoyi, his strength is simply too strong.

"To upgrade the martial arts body to the five elements body, you need 100,000 system experience points."

"To upgrade the five elements body to the spirit body, you need 1 million system experience points."

"To upgrade the spirit body to the combat body, you need 10 million system experience points."

"To upgrade the combat body to the king body, you need 100 million system experience points."


The system said the experience points for upgrading the martial arts body one by one.

Lin Taixu was dumbfounded and wanted to slap himself hard. This is fucking. I thought I could do something with more than 60,000 system experience points, but I never expected it.

I am still a younger brother.

"I want to improve my physical strength."

Lin Taixu thought about it and said unwillingly.

Since the martial arts talent and martial arts body cannot be upgraded, then forget it. Besides, I have a system, and upgrading is useless. It is better to simply and rudely improve strength.

As the saying goes, great strength creates miracles.

No matter whether you are a god or a demon, I will suppress you with my own strength.

"I'm sorry, this system does not provide such services."

The system rejected Lin Taixu directly. He wanted to take a shortcut. Hey, back off.

This is my territory and I am the boss. What good things are you thinking about?

"This is possible."

Lin Taixu said with a dark face.

"This. Really not."

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