
Sun Yiquan asked subconsciously. At this moment, his mind was already buzzing. Although there are many famous teachers in the New Moon Kingdom, the number ranges from one-star famous teachers to five-star famous teachers.

However, there are only three famous teachers in Qingfeng City.

One is Diao Budiao, the master of the Qingfeng City Famous Teacher Hall, a two-star famous teacher.

Because it is backed by the Famous Master Hall, it plays a very important role in Qingfeng City and is high above the rest.

One is Huang Taiji, the head of the four major families in Qingfeng City, the head of the Huang family, and a one-star famous teacher.

The reason why the Huang family can become the head of the four major families is also due to its status as a one-star famous teacher.

I heard that Huang Taiji has almost reached the review standard of a two-star master teacher. He has been very popular in Qingfeng City recently. If he can be promoted to a two-star master teacher, then the Huang family will definitely make further progress.

As for the third one, it was Lin Taixu.

Compared with the first two famous teachers, who were either the master of the famous master hall or the head of the family, Lin Taixu was not worth mentioning, because he had no identity background, was a loser, and could not even recruit a disciple.

Therefore, Lin Taixu's presence in Qingfeng City is extremely low. There is nothing.

If someone hadn't reminded him, no one in Qingfeng City would have deliberately thought of Lin Taixu.

However, if you can't remember it, you can't remember it. There is no doubt about his identity as a famous teacher.

When Sun Yiquan thought that Lin Taixu, whom he had unintentionally offended, was actually that useless famous teacher, the injuries on his body no longer hurt and his legs no longer cramped.

He felt that if Lin Taixu told him to get out, he would definitely be able to run as fast as a third-level martial artist.

"Not much, just two million."

Lin Taixu said, looking at Sun Yiquan sincerely, as if to say, it's not much, after all, a famous teacher cannot be insulted, right?

"Why don't you go and grab it?"

Sun Yiquan was frightened by Lin Taixu's words and cursed angrily.

For two million, it would be better to just kill him.

Compared to two million, fear of that was all forgotten by him.

Take life and death lightly and do it if you don't accept it.

"Aren't I just robbing you now?"

Lin Taixu blinked, looked at Sun Yiquan and said, Poor baby, whose door is worth a million?

Whose face is worth a million?

Isn't this obviously a robbery?

If you have to force me to say it, are you happy?

"Master. It's so interesting."

"So handsome."

"Why didn't we realize that Master is so humorous before?"

Looking at Lin Taixu, Zhao Feixue and others, little stars twinkled in their eyes. They felt that the master was so handsome. He could talk about blackmail in such a refreshing and humorous way. Just ask, who else?

How shameless.

However, we love it.

"Can you be so shameless?"

Murong Wushuang blinked her beautiful eyes, feeling that Lin Taixu's words had simply subverted her understanding that famous teachers should not be insulted.

Famous teachers should not be insulted. Doesn't it mean that the dignity of a famous teacher is challenged and endangered? As a famous teacher, he will not hesitate to fight to the end for his dignity?

You say money on the left and add money on the right. What the hell is that?

Do you want to be humiliated if you have money?

If this spreads out, aren't you afraid of becoming the public enemy of the world's famous teachers?


When Sun Yiquan heard Lin Taixu's words, his eyes turned black with anger. He saw a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth, his body went limp, and he lay upright and passed out on the ground.

Half of them are angry, the other half are still angry.

He felt that his heart was so tired.

"Go find the famous teacher guard."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu said calmly, Do you want to pretend to be dead to escape the debt?

Sorry, this method won't work in front of this famous teacher.

The famous teacher guard is a department set up specifically to protect famous teachers. There are countless experts and hordes of counselors in it.

Now that he, a one-star famous teacher, is being treated illegally by others, Lin Taixu believes that now is the time when he needs protection.

Besides, if they are not allowed to take action at this time, then when?

This is called waste utilization.

Uh, no, this is called everyone performing their duties.

"Master, disciple, please go find the famous teacher guard."

Murong Wushuang said that she would go to the Master Master Hall every month to receive the resources of a one-star master teacher for Lin Taixu, so it was most appropriate for her to go to the famous master to guard her.

"Okay, be careful."

Lin Taixu nodded and said, "If you have something to do, I will do my best, but you can't let him, the master, do such a trivial matter."

Besides, even if he goes, he doesn't know where the Master Guard is.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wuwu nodded, turned around, left the pavilion, and walked out of the manor courtyard.

"You guys go back to the Sun family and ask your master to come and redeem him with two million silver coins. Otherwise, your family will be confiscated and your family will be destroyed."

After thinking about it, Lin Taixu looked at the several Sun family guards lying on the ground not far away and said, his words were sonorous and powerful, and he was unparalleled in domineering.

After all, in the Crescent Moon Country, offending a famous teacher could be a big deal in a big way.

Even if it is small, it is still very big.

Confiscation of homes, extermination of clans, etc., that's nothing.

"Wow, Master is so handsome."


Lin Taixu's pretense immediately aroused the admiration of Zhao Feixue and others, just like the river bursting its embankment, flowing endlessly.

"Yes, yes, Master Master."

When several guards heard this, they all jumped up from the ground as if they were amnesty, and their speed was a little faster than when they were not injured.

If the majesty of the famous master was not deeply ingrained in their hearts, and they were afraid that their escape would arouse Lin Taixu's greater anger, they would have run to fetch reinforcements before Lin Taixu could speak.

Now that Lin Taixu finally spoke, he only hated his parents for not giving them a pair of wings.

In less than a breath, their figures appeared on the street outside the manor, running wildly.

Oh my god, this broken courtyard is actually where a famous teacher lives, which scared my father to death.

"Master, have some water."

"Master, do you want some cakes?"


After the crowd of idlers left, Zhao Feixue and others immediately showed great courtesy to Lin Taixu. Well, such a domineering master, we disciples should spoil him more.

No problem.

"Okay, okay."

Lin Taixu nodded and smiled, kicked the unconscious Sun Yiquan out of the pavilion, turned around and sat down, enjoying the service of a group of beauties and apprentices.

As the saying goes, life should be enjoyed to the fullest

Uh, no, there are flowers to be picked, ah, it's not right.

Forget it, never mind, just enjoy it in time.

Lin Taixu was too lazy to think about it anymore. He drank the tea handed by the second apprentice and ate the cakes brought by the third apprentice. He was not fragrant.


In less than half an hour, Murong Wushuang came back, followed by a thin man with a cold look in his eyes. He was wearing a white robe with golden fish embroidered on the cuffs and hem of the robe.

As he walked, the golden fish seemed to be alive and kept swimming.

In his right hand, he also held a three-foot long sword. The blade of the long sword was narrow and long. Just looking at the appearance, you can feel the flexibility and sharpness of this sword. It is very good at chopping and stabbing.

As long as the people of Xinyue Country see people dressed like this, the three golden characters of Mingshiwei will appear in their minds.

Feiyufu, Chasing Soul Sword,

The rebellion is not over, and the sword will not be put away.

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