My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 218: Is this considered a rebellion?

"It's over, it's over."

Seeing this situation, the onlookers around him sighed, which is why they didn't dare to fight against Cheng Santong.

Beating them three times is not a big deal, but angering the defending city defense army is a big deal.

You must know that the city defense army is an army formed by the Crescent Kingdom royal family to maintain city defense security.

Dare to fight them is tantamount to rebellion.

Moreover, even if you are powerful enough to kill the city defense army in front of you, so what?

You kill this group, and another group will come tomorrow. They will die a lot, but you only need to die once and the game is over.

Just ask you if you are afraid.

Unless you are strong enough to compete with the entire Crescent Kingdom, otherwise, there is only a dead end.

If it weren't for this terrible consequence, Cheng Santong would be so arrogant today?

Suddenly, everyone around him couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu with deep regret in his eyes.

What a good young man, he is going to die like this, but the key is that he is still so handsome.

Alas, what a pity.

"Let's see if you die."

Seeing this, Cheng Santong sneered and said, "If you dare to hit him, I'm sorry, there are only a few people in the entire Gale City."

Originally, he just wanted to make some small money to spend, so he just wanted to blackmail Lin Taixu Wan'er for 8,000 silver coins.

However, he is looking for death himself.

If you dare to hit him, it is equivalent to hitting his brother-in-law.

Hitting his brother-in-law was equivalent to hitting the city defense army, and beating the city defense army was equivalent to hitting the Crescent Kingdom royal family in the face.

If you dare to slap the New Moon Kingdom royal family in the face, then you are rebelling.

No one in heaven or on earth can save you.


While everyone was talking, a dozen sergeants rushed to Lin Taixu. Their eyes were cold and stern, and the spears in their hands were piercing Lin Taixu's various parts of the body.

"court death."

Lin Taixu's face turned cold, and the energy and blood in his body rose, as if a peerless beast was awakening.

Then, with a flash of his body, he dodged the tip of the spear that was stabbing him, and then punched a sergeant in the chest.


The sergeant felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his body flew out involuntarily, and he immediately let out a heart-rending scream.

"Bang bang bang."

I saw Lin Taixu's body like a swimming dragon, moving gracefully among the forest of spears. With every step, a sergeant was knocked away. In the blink of an eye, in less than a few breaths, more than a dozen sergeants who besieged him were beaten by him. He fell to the ground and kept wailing.

"How brave. You dare to attack the city's defense. You are rebelling."

Seeing this, Hou Yihou shouted angrily, drew out the long knife from his waist and slashed at Lin Taixu.

"Hey, you actually dare to hit me? Don't think that just because you say I'm handsome, I won't hit you."

Lin Taixu smiled coldly when he saw this. Although Hou Yihou's attack seemed sharp to outsiders, in his eyes it was full of flaws and was extremely slow.


Hearing a crisp sound, Lin Taixu stretched out his arm and accurately grabbed Hou Yihou's long knife. With a slight exertion of his fingers, there was a "click" sound, and the long knife made of steel was like tofu. Usually they are pinched in half.

Then, Lin Taixu moved his palm and pinched Hou Yihou's throat.

"Tell me, is your neck as hard as a steel knife?"

Lin Taixu asked with a smile.

"You, you, if you kill me, you are rebelling. Not only the city defense army will not let you go, but even the current royal family will not tolerate a murderer like you going unpunished. You'd better think clearly."

Hou Yihou said, looking at Lin Taixu with deep fear in his eyes, "Just forget it if you say you are handsome."

But he is so handsome and so strong, is there any reason for this?

Now he can only hope that Lin Taixu will be afraid of the consequences of killing him, otherwise, he is afraid that his life will really be over today.


Seeing Lin Taixu easily defeating more than a dozen city defense troops and holding Hou Yihou in his hands, everyone present could not help but remain silent.

They seemed to be watching a peerless murderer in action, well, no, they seemed to be watching a peerless murderer being born.

"It's over, it's over."

Seeing this, Cheng Santong couldn't help but trembled with fear. He felt that he might have kicked an iron plate today.


Lin Taixu smiled coldly and looked at Hou Yihou with pity in his eyes. Fortunately, his eldest disciple Murong Wushuang did not follow him. If she had been there, she would have cut him into nine or eighteen pieces with one knife.

According to your logic, killing you would be tantamount to rebellion.

The master who framed the princess was even more heinous and deserved to die.

"Yes, as long as you let me go, I promise to treat this as if it never happened."

Hou Yihou said quickly, looking at Lin Taixu with a look of begging for mercy. He didn't want to die yet. If he died, the four concubines would belong to others.

At the same time, I hated Cheng Santong in my heart. If it hadn't been for this bastard, would I have ended up in this situation?

He is cheating on his father, but you are cheating on your brother-in-law.


Lin Taixu smiled coldly and said, "Whether killing you would be considered a rebellion, I don't know, but I know you are rebelling."

"Are we rebelling?"

Hou Yihou looked at Lin Taixu. If his life and death were not in the hands of the other party, he would definitely sneer at Lin Taixu.

He had only heard that killing an official was considered a rebellion, but he had never heard that killing a loser was considered a rebellion.

Well, it’s not considered waste.

According to the analysis of Lin Taixu's ability to easily grasp his own strength, if the other party did not use some secret method or treasure to cover up the breath of vitality, then Lin Taixu would most likely be a physical practitioner.

Second level physical training.

However, even if they kill a second-level physical cultivator, they can't be accused of rebellion.

Sure enough, if a person is handsome, his brain will be stupid.

Well, I suggest you read more if you have nothing to do. Otherwise, people will laugh at you and say that you are nothing but handsome.

I testify that he has hair. :system.

Don’t drive, second warning: Author.

"Does framing a famous teacher count as rebellion?"

Lin Taixu looked at Hou Yihou with a smile and asked, then he took out his famous teacher token, shook it at Hou Yihou and put it away.


Hou Yihou couldn't help but turned pale when he heard this. As soon as he said the word "famous teacher" as a name, Lin Taixu tightened his fingers and pinched his throat so that he could no longer say the word "master" behind him.


Lin Taixu put a finger to his lips and made a silent gesture to signal Hou Yihou not to shout.


Hou Yihou nodded desperately and looked at Lin Taixu with pitiful eyes, saying that he understood, he understood.

Just a few words popping up on my forehead, I won’t say them out loud.

There was nothing he could do. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He had an ugly face and was so embarrassed that he blushed and his neck was thick. To put it in layman's terms, your employer is going to strangle him to death, you little stick.

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