My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 233: Can’t be coaxed

"Sir, this is against the rules."

At this time, a big man with a beard said in a deep voice, his eyes were cold and stern. Although he only had the first-level martial arts cultivation of a second-level warrior, he gave people an extremely fierce feeling.

"My words are the rules."

Dong Daying said coldly, looking at the bearded man, he was suddenly startled, because he seemed to remember that this person was not among the people who boarded the Iron-winged Goshawk in Gale City.


The bearded man didn't seem to expect that Dong Daying was so tough, and he couldn't help but became speechless. He was thinking about how to get Dong Daying to agree to land, but he didn't expect that his words attracted Dong Daying's attention, thus exposing himself.

Dong Daying's eyes flashed, and when he was about to question such a bearded man, Lin Taixu said, "Mr. Dong, I have another question."

"Oh? Sir, please ask."

Seeing this, Dong Daying immediately gave up questioning the bearded man and smiled at Lin Taixu.

This flattering appearance made everyone feel speechless for a while.

Although they also know that Lin Taixu has a good background, you are also a fourth-level martial arts master after all. Can you please show some respect?

As for being like a slave?


"How much attack can your protective shield block?"

Lin Taixu asked.


Dong Daying couldn't help but was startled, as if he couldn't keep up with the rhythm. Master, aren't we talking about the landing?

Does this have anything to do with the protective shield?

However, since Lin Taixu asked, he immediately answered honestly, "It can withstand the full attack of a second-level warrior realm warrior for ten minutes."

"A second-level samurai warrior will attack with all his strength for ten minutes?"

"So weak?"

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and said, but it was enough, because he found that no one here was above the level of a second-level warrior.

ten minutes?

Sorry, if anyone dares to move, he will hammer him to death.

"I wonder what the young master means by this?"

Dong Daying asked, feeling very hurt in his heart. He felt that he was not stupid anymore. Why did he feel that he couldn't keep up with the master's brain circuit?

"It's no fun, just keep flying."

Lin Taixu said, not intending to explain to Dong Daying, he would understand naturally.



Dong Daying responded helplessly and slowly stepped aside, not daring to disturb Lin Taixu anymore.


Looking at the bearded man, the boy in green and the girl in soft armor looked at each other, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Because although they didn't know the bearded man, the aura on his body made them feel very familiar.

Then, a chill spread throughout their bodies.

Something is wrong.

"It seems that I'm here for you."

Lin Taixu was as observant as a hair. He noticed something was wrong with the soft-armored girl and brother, and immediately understood what was fishy and whispered.

Previously, he was still wondering whether Hua Yixiong from the Hua family in the imperial capital wanted to take the opportunity to plot against him, which made him worried for a long time.

But I didn't expect that it was the siblings who brought it on.

Hey, I feel at ease now.

none of my business.

The soft-armored girl glanced at Lin Taixu indifferently and said nothing. Lin Taixu didn't need to say anything, she already guessed it.

In Gale City, she was certain that there was no such person as a bearded man, but now he appeared here inexplicably.

So he obviously sneaked in when the Iron-winged Goshawk landed.

"Let me guess, why are they here?"

Lin Taixu leaned towards the soft-armored girl and said with a look of gloating.

Seeing Lin Taixu looking like he needed a beating, the soft-armored girl really wanted to slap him in the face. Isn't it good to be a human being?

"Well, I must be trying to snatch you back to be Mrs. Yazhai."

Lin Taixu squinted at the soft-armored girl and said with a smile, he even wanted to take that figure back.

When the time comes, tie up your little hands and take off the mask. If you look beautiful, it will be an unexpected surprise.

"Do you want to die?"

The soft-armored girl looked at Lin Taixu and said coldly. This time she was really angry. She didn't know why she was angry. Anyway, she just wanted to beat Lin Taixu after hearing his joking words.


When Lin Taixu saw that the soft-armored girl was annoyed and asking for trouble, he immediately sat upright and closed his eyes to rest.


The soft-armored girl didn't say anything when she saw this. She was obviously disturbed by the appearance of the bearded man.

"damn it."

The bearded man watched the iron-winged goshawk flying over the predetermined spot, and suddenly cursed angrily in his heart. Just as Lin Taixu guessed, they came just for the soft-armored girl sister and brother. They originally planned to take advantage of the opportunity. The iron-winged goshawk landed again and forcibly abducted their lives.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, they did not dare to take the Iron-winged Goshawk directly in Gale City, but instead came up halfway.

As a result, they ambush at the halfway point, but found that the soft-armored girl did not leave the Iron-winged Goshawk, so they changed their plan and killed a few people, and then they and others assumed their positions and came up, planning to go to the next stop. Do it again.

It was originally planned well, but now it looks like it will succeed.

However, due to Lin Taixu's suggestion, Dong Daying did not order the Iron-winged Goshawk to land, which led to the failure of his plan.

Why don't you make him angry?

He now wanted to tear Dong Daying and Lin Taixu into pieces and grind them to dust.

However, at this point, he had no other options and could only place his hopes on his companions below.

"Are you angry?"

After about half an hour, the soft-armored girl Lin Taixu didn't say a word, as if she felt something was missing, and asked in a low voice.

Although she didn't catch it, she knew very well that since Lin Taixu saw her, he always secretly looked at her, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But for some reason, Lin Taixu really stopped looking at her, and she felt even more uncomfortable.

Heh, woman: Lin Taixu.


Lin Taixu hummed, which was considered an answer, but his eyelids didn't move, indicating that he was very angry, the kind that couldn't be coaxed.


The soft-armored girl was stunned when she heard this, and her silver teeth creaked in her mouth. She really wanted to kill this bastard.

This is fucking.

It was obviously you who teased me first, okay? I just said one sentence to you, and you got angry?

Besides, even if I said something a bit harsh, you, a grown man, have such a small tolerance?

You said you were angry and said it so confidently and as a matter of course?

Can you have some shame?

"Forget it, you can be angry, I don't want to care about you."

The soft-armored girl said in her heart, and in order to show her determination, she moved her body towards the blue-clothed boy next to her.

"Sister, is there something?"

Seeing this, the blue-clothed boy was stunned for a moment and asked.

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