My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 262 Hundred Times Interest

"Why did you pay?"

"Isn't this obvious?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but said speechlessly.

"Is it obvious? I'd like to hear the details."

Nangong Yidao found it very interesting and asked seriously.

"Well, since you don't know, I will give you some guidance."

"You're here to protect me, right."

Lin Taixu said to Nangong Yida in the same serious manner.


Nangong Yidao nodded and looked at Lin Taixu quietly, making up his mind that even if Lin Taixu said the money was extravagant, he would not pay because he had no money.

There was no way, the family was very tight, and his wife said in a high-sounding way that men become bad when they have money, so he was never allowed to put more than ten silver coins on him.

Haha, naive.

He didn't even want to expose her wife's rhetoric. Does it take money for a man as handsome and powerful as him to become evil?

Definitely not needed.


As long as he tells the outside world that the King of Zhenbei wants to take a concubine, and whatever he wants, he is guaranteed to have a lot of girls coming over with piles of silver coins.

Besides, is he that kind of person?

"Do you think, if I don't pay, I will just eat the Overlord meal?"

Lin Taixu continued, intending to teach this unsighted captain of the Zhenbei Army a good lesson and let him know what the dangers of the world are.

Um, no, let him know what common sense is.

"It must be."

Nangong Yidao nodded and said.

"Then are they going to hit me?"


"Then will I resist?"


"If I can't beat them, will they kill me?"

"It seems that it will."

Nangong Yidao thought for a while, it seems very possible. With your small body, I guess someone could cut you into pieces without even using weapons.

Besides, swords and guns have no eyes, and fists and feet are ruthless.

The chances of you failing are quite high.

"Then the question is, do you have to protect me?"

Lin Taixu said with a smile.


Nangong Yidao couldn't help but be stunned. It seemed like he had to really protect him. Not to mention that he was his future son-in-law, he was just an ordinary person. The person escorted by King Bei was beaten to death on the way. This was also It doesn’t make sense.

"So, if you don't pay for this meal, who will?"

Lin Taixu said matter-of-factly.


Nangong Yidao blinked and looked at Lin Taixu, telling him with his limited knowledge that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of any reason to refute Lin Taixu.

"So pay it forward."

Lin Taixu leaned back on the chair comfortably and said with a smile.

You don’t want to be asked to pay the bills honestly, but now you have given up?


Oops, let me go, there is such a saying.

Not only was Nangong stunned, but everyone eating in the hall was also dumbfounded. Are there such shameless people in this world?

Do you still want to show off your face?

"The young master is the young master. He can always speak shamelessly in such a fresh and refined manner. He is really a role model for our generation."

Diao Budiao stood aside, thinking to himself, feeling that Lin Taixu's shamelessness had already rushed out of the sky and beyond Fengyun Continent.

There is no one in the entire Crescent Kingdom who can match him.

It's great to have such a master.


The boy standing aside also felt thunder rolling from the sky, and Lin Taixu's words simply refreshed his understanding.

"Okay, I'll pay."

Nangong Yidao thought for a long time but couldn't think of a reason to refute Lin Taixu, so he had no choice but to darken his face and make the appointment. However, thinking that he had no more than ten silver coins, his face suddenly turned dark again, and he said weakly, "But, I have no money."

"No money? This is easy."

When Lin Taixu heard this, he immediately became energetic. He put his body in front of Nangong Yidao and said with a smile, "You have no money, but I have money. I have whatever you want."


Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu blankly, feeling like there were countless grass and mud horses whizzing by in his heart, what the hell.

You have money and you don't pay the bill, so let me, a poor person, pay the bill?

Isn’t it good to be a human being?

Well, that's right. If you plan carefully and know how to live your life, your daughter will definitely be happy when she marries him: System.

: Nangong Yida.

"Of course, it won't be borrowed in vain, it must be paid with interest."

Lin Taixu continued, "Brothers are still settling accounts. We are not familiar with each other, right?"

It’s normal to charge you some interest, right?


Nangong Yidao continued to look at Lin Taixu, wanting to slap Lin Taixu on the head and let him know why the peach blossoms were blooming.

However, considering that Lin Taixu was the son of his benefactor and the future husband of his precious daughter, forget it.

This also shows that he is frugal and not a waste of money, right?

"Then let's borrow thirteen thousand one hundred and fifty."

Nangong Yidao said helplessly. Others said that when a scholar met a soldier, it was hard to explain. He felt that he was that soldier.


Lin Taixu said generously, "The interest is 1,315,000. We are so familiar with each other, so the 5,000 odd will be wiped off for you. You can just give me 1,310,000 in the future."


As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, not only Nangong Yidao was stunned, but everyone around him almost jumped up.

He looked at Lin Taixu blankly.

Brother, this is not interest, this is robbery.

It’s doubled a hundred times.

Why, you are selling balls, why are you so stupid?

"Forget it, one million will do. He is really a poor man."

When Lin Taixu saw this, he couldn't help but said with a heartache. If his upper and lower lips touched, he would lose more than 300,000 yuan in income.

so sad.

Let me cry to death.

"one million?"

Nangong Yidao gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Taixu and said, his eyes almost bursting into flames.

Isn’t it good to be a human being?

Even if your employer lends you 10,000 silver coins, it would be reasonable for you to charge tens or even hundreds of dollars in interest, but it would be better for you to just charge one million in interest.



Yes, I am your father. Does it still matter if a father borrows money from his son and pays it back?

Definitely not.

An idea flashed in Nangong Yidao's mind, and then he looked at Lin Taixu with a smile and said, "Okay, one million is one million."

At the same time, I thought in my heart, let alone one million, so what if it is ten million?

The key is for me to give it to you.


It's over, another fool.

Everyone in the hall thought so in their hearts.

The boy standing aside couldn't help but look at Nangong Yidao with some pity, and really wanted to force him to waive the bill, so that this unlucky guy would not have to pay off his debts or pay off his debts all his life.

But when I think about it, I am not the boss, so he does not have the authority to waive orders.

Alas, there is nothing I can do to help.

"Here, write an IOU."

Seeing Nangong Yidao's cheerful look, Lin Taixu immediately threw out a pen and paper and put it in front of Nangong Yidao. Although Nangong Yidao's behavior seemed strange, as long as he wrote the documents, he wouldn't worry about anything happening to the other party. .

Who in this world dares not to pay back the money he owes Lin Taixu?

Do you know how to write the word "death"?

Well, then use your daughter to pay off the debt.

Thumbs up!

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