My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 354: The Beginning of the Soul


Lin Taixu stopped on an unknown hilltop, overlooking the camp below the mountain, looking at the endless camps and the formations of the Zhenbei Army in training, his eyes wandering, sometimes cold, sometimes confused, sometimes clear.

If Diao Bu Diao saw Lin Taixu's eyes, he would be shocked and think that Lin Taixu was going crazy.

Yes, at this moment Lin Taixu really had a taste of crazy.

At this moment, his soul was experiencing conflicts and tortures again and again.

He originally thought that he came to another world, eating, drinking, playing and having fun, and just spent his life like this, but now, he seemed to feel that he should do something.

"I am a famous teacher, I should educate people with virtue and educate the world."

Suddenly, Lin Taixu stretched out his palm, palm facing the sky, and said slowly, and as he spoke, an indescribable momentum rose from his body, making him become empty, sacred, and extremely tall.


Diao Butiao, Liu Sandao and others looked at each other in bewilderment. They didn't know what happened to Lin Taixu, which made them feel like worshipping him.


Lin Taixu clenched his palms, as if he had grasped the avenue of heaven and earth. An invisible pressure burst out from Lin Taixu's body, like the tide of heaven and earth, spreading all over the place.


At the moment when this pressure came, Diao Butiao, Liu Sandao and others felt their knees soften, and they fell to the ground involuntarily.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Lin Taixu as if they had seen a ghost.

It seemed that the Lin Taixu standing in front of them was no longer a person, but a god, making them feel ashamed and unattainable.

"Acting by heart is the truth."

"I am the only one."

Lin Taixu murmured in his heart, feeling as if he had touched something extraordinary, but it seemed as if he had not touched it. In short, it was very fantasy and mysterious.

Well, it was also very fucked up.

Yes, it was fucked up, just like a person who clearly felt that he had seen this thing, but couldn't remember where he had seen it.

And, he desperately wanted to know.

You say, can it not be fucked up?



Just when Lin Taixu was secretly fucking up, a seven-color lightning that was difficult to detect with the naked eye fell from the sky and fell directly into Lin Taixu's mind.

"Boom boom."

Suddenly, Lin Taixu's originally dim and dark mind suddenly burst into thousands of lights. Under the illumination of the seven-color lightning, the sea of ​​​​the soul was instantly expanding and expanding to the surroundings.

One mile, ten miles, a hundred miles.

In an instant, Lin Taixu's sea of ​​​​the soul surged to a radius of 999 miles. The soul was vast and the waves were emitting a mysterious and inexplicable powerful aura.

Moreover, this soul was different from others.

In Fengyun Continent, warriors' spirits are all as clear and transparent as water, but Lin Taixu's spirit is floating in gold and flashing with lightning.

If Emperor Fengyun saw this, he would be confused, and countless question marks appeared in his little head.

"Hmm? Such a powerful spirit fluctuation."

Above Yanlin Garden, Chu Xuan, who was practicing with his eyes closed, felt the fluctuation of Lin Taixu's spirit and opened his eyes in surprise. He felt that the power of this spirit was about to catch up with his own.

Is there still a martial emperor in the North Territory?

Immediately, Chu Xuan stood up, took a step and followed the spirit breath revealed by Lin Taixu.

One step is a thousand miles.

In an instant, he accurately reached the top of Lin Taixu's head.


"It's him again."

Chu Xuan looked at the spirit breath emerging from Lin Taixu and felt a very absurd feeling.

As we all know, in Fengyun Continent, only a Level 5 Martial Honor who is promoted to Level 6 Martial King can give birth to a soul, and Lin Taixu is just a physical cultivator, and his spiritual cultivation level is only the first level of a Level 1 Martial Apprentice.

Such a person can actually give birth to the power of the soul?

Isn't this ridiculous?

Or, are all the famous teachers recognized by heaven so shameless?


Then, Chu Xuan's mind moved, and a soul power fell towards Lin Taixu. He wanted to see whether Lin Taixu's soul was just a facade or a real one.


When Chu Xuan rose and fell around Lin Taixu's body, he saw a soul power flashing with light gold quietly spreading all over Lin Taixu's body.

It blocked Chu Xuan's soul without a single leak.


Chu Xuan was stunned. He was not surprised that his soul was blocked by Lin Taixu's soul, because his soul was only tentative, not offensive, and it was reasonable to be blocked by Lin Taixu's soul.

What really surprised him was that Lin Taixu's soul actually had color.

This is fucking amazing.

It was more shocking than seeing Lin Taixu awaken his soul through physical cultivation.

This situation, let alone seeing it, he had never even heard of it.

This is simply unbelievable.

Immediately, Chu Xuan's soul moved and suddenly attached to Lin Taixu's pale golden soul, but the pale golden soul seemed to be provoked, and a flash of lightning suddenly appeared, which actually shook his soul apart.


Chu Xuan only felt a subtle pain in his soul, and suddenly found that there was a faint lightning flashing at the place where his soul and the pale golden soul touched, and it was constantly devouring his soul.

And that pain was the reaction after being devoured.

"Oh my."

Seeing this, Chu Xuan was shocked and quickly withdrew his soul power, looking at Lin Taixu with a look of horror.

How strong and powerful is the soul of the ninth-level martial emperor.

Others don't know, but Chu Xuan knows it clearly. It's no exaggeration to say that his soul is not invincible among the strong men of the same level, but it is not something that anyone can swallow casually.

But now, his soul was actually swallowed.

It's like someone told him that Emperor Fengyun is a woman. Not only can he not accept it, but he wants to kill the person who told him.

"What kind of freak is this?"

Chu Xuan's body descended directly in front of Lin Taixu, looking at Lin Taixu closely, as if he wanted to look at Lin Taixu closely, hoping to find clues.

He is a ninth-level martial emperor, and he is proficient in the avenue of space, so even if he stands in front of Lin Taixu, he still has a lot of ways to prevent Lin Taixu from seeing him.

However, even though he looked through Lin Taixu's body, he still couldn't find anything. In the end, he had to sigh and attribute it all to the master recognized by heaven.

Sure enough, the master recognized by heaven is arrogant.

I can't compare to him.

"Huh? What are you doing kneeling on the ground?"

In fact, from the appearance of the soul to the arrival of Chu Xuan, it took only a few breaths. Lin Taixu didn't know that someone was standing in front of him. He just looked at Diao Bu Diao and others kneeling on the ground and asked in surprise.

This habit of kneeling at every turn, should it be changed?

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