My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 409: Sending Away Beggars

"You bastard, Lin Qianhu is the Qianhu of the Zhenbei Army Supplies Office. With such a high and powerful position, how could his identity be fake?"

"Are you blind?"

At this time, Chang Wenshi suddenly changed his fierce look and cursed angrily at Yuan Zhixin.


Yuan Zhixin was dumbfounded by Chang Wenshi's scolding, and looked at him in confusion. I naturally knew that Lin Taixu was true.

Didn't you say that no matter what Lin Taixu said, you always insisted that he was a lie and then put him in jail?

Why the hell are you turning your back on me now?

Please be a human being.


Lin Taixu looked at Chang Wenshi and smiled, saying, "Chang Qianhu is indeed a sensible person, but your subordinates dare not compliment him."

Since Chang Wenshi chose to take a step back, he would naturally not be aggressive. After all, he couldn't really kill Chang Wenshi.

After all, the other party is also a serious city defense army Qianhu. If he kills a Qianhu on the first day he comes to Desert City, it will not be easy to explain to his precious apprentice Murong Wushuang in the future.

As the saying goes, look at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face.


"Haha, you made Lin Qianhu laugh. Don't worry, I will strictly discipline my subordinates in the future and will never let them make such low-level mistakes again."

Chang Wenshi said with a smile, a look of shame on his face, as if he was not the one who wanted to fight Lin Taixu just now.


When Yuan Zhixin saw this, he couldn't help but feel dizzy. It turned out that the clown was myself.

"Haha, it doesn't matter."

Lin Taixu smiled and waved his hands, looking equally approachable and amiable.

"By the way, Chang Qianhu, what do you plan to repay the 100 million silver coins you owe me?"

Suddenly, Lin Taixu's expression changed, he looked at Chang Wenshi and said seriously.


"I owe you 100 million silver coins?"

Hearing this, Chang Wenshi looked at Lin Taixu blankly, "100 million silver coins, and I owe you."

I do not know how?

"Yes, everyone is familiar with each other, but the property must be kept separate."

Lin Taixu's eyes flashed with a cunning light, he reached out and patted Yuan Zhixin's forehead gently, and said seriously that it would be inappropriate to kill Chang Wenshi.

However, he thinks it is appropriate to ask for compensation.

Even if my precious apprentice knows about it in the future, he will understand me.

"Lin Qianhu, don't go too far."

Seeing Lin Taixu's actions, Chang Wenshi immediately understood that Lin Taixu was planning to blackmail him. Smoke suddenly filled his nostrils and he shouted at Lin Taixu in a low voice.

What the hell, 100 million.

How did you say it?

Sorry, starting now is basically 100 million: Lin Taixu.

"Too much? Isn't it too much to pay back the money you Chang Qianhu owes?"

Lin Taixu sneered and said, If you want to deal with me, you can deal with me. If you see the time is not right and you want to slap me on the butt, forget it.

Is there such a good thing in this world?

Sorry, no.

Therefore, one word cannot be less than 100 million silver coins.


Xiao Yexuan looked at Lin Taixu quietly, feeling that his outlook on life had been severely impacted.

He has never seen a famous teacher blackmail others at every turn, and he also said it with such a calm face, as if he was doing it for your own good.

This is no saint.

He's just like a holy bandit.

Diao BuDiao and Liu Sandao glanced at each other with an expression that I knew.

Blackmail, uh, no.

The young master is serious about making money.

Never give up or miss any opportunity to make money.

Li Yiyue, on the other hand, blinked his charming big eyes in surprise and showed respect for Lin Taixu.

The young master is indeed a rich man. You see, there are people who owe him money everywhere.

And it’s still 100 million silver coins.

"Lin Qianhu, I'm afraid you have remembered it wrong. I remember that I only owe you one hundred thousand silver coins."

Chang Wenshi's old face darkened and he gritted his teeth and said.

In the end, he compromised with Lin Taixu and was willing to pay 100,000 silver coins to settle the matter.

After saying that, his heart was dripping with blood.

I felt like I was out of luck. Before I could get this benefit, I was blackmailed out of 100,000 silver coins.


Lin Taixu curled his lips, revealing a contemptuous smile. One hundred thousand silver coins?

Sending beggars away.

Immediately, he saw him walking towards Chang Wenshi. Seeing this, Xiao Yexuan hurriedly followed him, worried that Lin Taixu would be slapped to death by Chang Wenshi for doing such a shameless thing.

As a bodyguard, he is competent.

Seeing Lin Taixu walking towards him, Chang Wenshi's eyes flashed with fierceness, but when he saw Xiao Yexuan, he couldn't help but trembled in fright, and instantly gave up his plan to suppress Lin Taixu.

A fifth-level martial master?

Mommy, are the Hua family dead?

You didn't tell me that Lin Taixu was protected by a level 5 martial master?

At this moment, Chang Wenshi felt a trace of regret in his heart. If he had known this, he would not have dared to accept no matter how great the benefits the Hua family promised him.

"One hundred thousand silver coins? Do you think I, Lin Taixu, am a beggar?"

Lin Taixu stopped in front of Chang Wenshi and said coldly.

"Two hundred thousand silver coins, let's just forget about it."

Chang Wenshi gritted his teeth and said in a low voice that this was his biggest concession. It was still very painful to ask him to give out 200,000 silver coins.

"Do you know what a memory crystal is?"

Lin Taixu asked with a smile.

"Memory crystal?"

When Chang Wenshi heard this, he couldn't help being shocked. Although he had never seen this thing before, he had heard of it.

He used to think about getting a memory crystal to play with himself at night, but when he found out that the memory crystal was from his father who couldn't buy it, he gave up.

And now Lin Taixu actually told him about the memory crystal. Could it be that

"From the time your people started to cause trouble for me, to the time you led the city defense army to attack and kill me, these are all recorded."

"Hehe, frame a thousand households in the Zhenbei Army, attack the famous teacher's guard, no matter which one can get you killed, you have to take care of it."

Lin Taixu said lightly. After speaking, he patted Chang Wenshi on the shoulder, and then walked toward the gate of Desert City.

If you want to deal with Lin Taixu, sorry, you have to see if you have the ability first.

Although the Hua family is good, don’t be greedy.

"Damn it."

Chang Wenshi never dreamed that Lin Taixu actually recorded what happened. He clenched his hands in anger and shouted in his heart,

I originally thought that as long as I missed today, I could die without admitting to dealing with Lin Taixu.

Now it seems that they have already planned this.

What the hell, isn’t it good to be a human being?

Seeing Lin Taixu walking towards the city gate, Diao Budiao, Liu Sandao and others immediately guarded Lin Taixu. They looked at the surrounding city defense troops with cold eyes, fearing that their desperate actions would be detrimental to Lin Taixu.

Although they also knew that with the help of the city defense army, even if they were all put together, they would not be Lin Taixu's opponent.

However, as guards, they naturally have to fulfill their duties without leaking anything.

Well, there is a saying.

Attitude is important.

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