"Idiot, now that the King of Heaven is here, I can't save you."

Li Busi almost laughed to the sky, looking at Lin Taixu like he was an idiot.

You openly defy the famous teacher and guard, what are you thinking?

There must be water in it.

He didn't even dare.

Fortunately, Lin Taixu couldn't guess what Li Busi was thinking. Otherwise, he would definitely sneeze at him. Do I need the King of Heaven to save me?

Sorry, I am the King of Heaven.

You loser.


I saw the two beautiful figures of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi under the attack of the four famous teacher guards, like dancing and flying butterflies, always dodging past the moment the Yuan Locking Chain fell.

"Boom boom boom."

After they dodged, four chains of locking elements hit the ground, making a roaring sound. Dust flew up from the ground, leaving whip marks several inches deep.

After several attacks with no results, the four famous teacher guards seemed a little impatient, and their attack speed became faster and faster.

In fact, if it weren't for the contribution of the Element Locking Chain, with their seventh-level strength as a first-level martial artist, they would have been defeated long ago in the hands of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, and their life and death depended on luck.

Two minutes later, Murong Wushuang flashed forward and approached the two famous teacher guards along the gap in the Element Locking Chain. His white, boneless hands were imprinted on their chests like lightning.

"Bang bang."

Two dull sounds came out, and the two famous teacher guards felt a sharp pain in their chests. Then, they flew out with blood vomiting and hit the ground dozens of feet away. They couldn't get up for a long time.


When Cheng Sanjin saw this, his eyes couldn't help but bulge. Unexpectedly, with just a little more effort, Murong Wushuang defeated two of his men. He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air in his heart. Are the second-level warriors so powerful?

After knocking away the two famous teacher guards, Murong Wushuang glanced at Wang Luoyi and found that although she was attacked by the two famous teacher guards, she was not in any danger, so she did not plan to go up to help. After all, adding some practical experience would be more beneficial to Wang Luoyi. It is the best shortcut to becoming stronger.


Seeing this, Lin Taixu looked at Murong Wushuang with a slight smile. No matter what, this disciple was so good-looking and delicious.

Even when he beats people up, he looks so beautiful.

"Get over here."

After seeing Wang Luoyi, Murong Wushuang glanced at Cheng Sanjin not far away, with a cold light in his eyes. As soon as his palm was explored, he grabbed Cheng Sanjin.

Taixu Dragon Claw Hand!


As Murong Wushuang stretched out her palm, a claw shadow condensed on her palm. As the vitality poured in, it suddenly grew to a size of more than ten feet, and it grabbed Cheng Sanjin head-on.


Along the way, the air all around was torn apart with bursts of whining sounds, the sound was terrifying.

"So brave."

Seeing this, Cheng Sanjin roared angrily, waved his arm, and a five-meter-long chain of elemental locks as thick as an arm smashed towards Claw Shadow with endless roars.


The Suo Yuan Chain soared into the sky like a giant python, and in the blink of an eye it bombarded the Taixu Dragon's claw hand, erupting with an ear-splitting roar, and an astonishing air wave like a volcanic eruption, sweeping away in all directions.

Everyone around them felt the air wave was overwhelming and their skin hurt when touched. They all retreated tens of meters before they felt better. They all showed expressions of horror and were speechless.

With this power, if they were at the center of a storm, they would feel like they would be torn into pieces within less than three seconds.

The battle between the second-level warriors was so fierce!


I saw that the Suoyuan Chain was dimmed under the impact of the huge claw shadow. It could not hold on in the air for less than a second before being blown away by the claw shadow. Cheng Sanjin couldn't help but take several steps back under the huge force. , every time he took a step back, he spit out a mouthful of blood.


When Cheng Sanjin saw this, he couldn't help shouting in horror. Just when he was about to run away, a huge claw shadow fell from the sky and imprisoned Cheng Sanjin in it.


Just a few horrifying sound of fractures were heard. The bones in Cheng Sanjin's body were pinched and broken by the contraction of the claw shadow, and at least several ribs were crushed, causing him to scream in pain.

"Kneel down."

Murong Wushuang shouted softly, and with a thought, he saw the shadow of his claws shrinking, and lifted Cheng Sanjin to Lin Taixu like an eagle catching a chicken, and then pressed it down, only to hear another click sound, Cheng Sanjin His knees were pinched hard again, forcing him to kneel straight in front of Lin Taixu.


Under the severe pain, Cheng Sanjin's face turned ferocious, like a ghost. He suppressed dizziness and looked up to the sky and roared.


Murong Wushuang looked at Cheng Sanjin's tragic situation, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but then he still stood there calmly.

In fact, her original intention was not to break Cheng Sanjin's bones. However, after being promoted to the second level of the second level warrior, she could not control the strength she used, which was why Cheng Sanjin was in such a miserable situation.

Would she say such an embarrassing thing?

Impossible to say.

Impossible in this life.

"Bang bang."

At this time, I heard two figures being smashed to the ground. Wang Luoyi also solved the battle and injured two famous teacher guards to the ground, unable to get up.

I don't know whether he is tired or excited, but his smiling face is slightly flushed, making him look extraordinarily beautiful.


"So cruel."

"This is a rhythm that is going to break the sky."

Seeing this, everyone around them took a breath of cold air again. Not only were they fighting in front of the Hall of Famed Masters, but they were also beating up the guards of the Masters Masters. Isn't this breaking the sky? What is it?

For at least several decades, no one has dared to do so.

Immediately, some people who originally coveted the beauty of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi immediately extinguished their fantasies.

Just kidding, even if such a woman was given to them for free, they wouldn't be able to stop yelling at her.

At worst, they will beat him to death, at worst, the whole family will be beaten to death by them.

Not worth it.

Sure enough, the red pink is the skeleton, and the color is the deadly steel knife.

They even wondered maliciously whether the reason why Lin Taixu was a waste was because Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi destroyed him.

"What kind of disciple have I taken on? Is he so violent?"

Lin Taixu blinked and said in his heart, by the way, you can just give him a casual beating. As for breaking most of his bones?

It hurts.

However, I like it.

If Murong Wushuang knew what Lin Taixu was thinking, he would definitely give him a big eye roll.

I will tell you, am I unable to hold back?


"You're dead, you're dead."

Cheng Sanjin looked at Murong Wushuang and yelled through gritted teeth, no one has ever dared to disobey the Master Guards' law enforcement, and no one has ever dared to attack the Master Guards.

Now, even if the King of Heaven comes, I can't save you.

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