My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 46: Killing and destroying the heart


Li Busi looked at Lin Taixu stupidly, his mind a little confused.

And this sexy operation?

You can't blame him for being stupid. He has done things like this to extort money from others.

But the question is, are you a famous teacher?

What about your ethics?

What's your bottom line?

You can actually do such a shameless thing, do you want to go to heaven?


"Is this blackmail?"

Everyone around was also dumbfounded. You looked at me, I looked at you, and everyone was silent.

If I offend a famous teacher, can I get money to settle the matter?

I'm afraid you are not a fake famous teacher.

"Isn't he afraid of being held accountable by the Famed Master Hall for doing this?"

Someone worriedly said that the Famous Master Hall stipulates that famous teachers are not allowed to ask for property from others in any form. Anyone who violates this rule will have his or her order revoked, be kicked out of the Hall, and will never be hired.

Doesn't Lin Taixu want to go against the Famed Master Hall by doing this?

"What's there to hold accountable? It's not a request, it's someone's consent."

As soon as this person finished speaking, someone retorted.

Don't ask who he is, once you ask, he is a jerk.

When other people heard this, they thought it was right. Although he was also surprised as to why Lin Taixu would do this, rules are dead and people are alive.

Other famous teachers would shed blood or cut off their heads for the sake of their own reputation, but they would never bend their backs for money.

But who tells people to be shameless?

If you really want to meet such a shameless famous teacher, isn't there nothing you can do about it?


"You don't need to worry about this. Don't you think it would be more satisfying for Master Lin to do this than to kill Li Busi?"

Someone else said, with a smirk on his face.

For those disciples of big families, in addition to killing him, there are actually many ways to make his life worse than death. For example, abolishing his cultivation and letting him fall from the high altar of the family to the dust in an instant and suffer all the world. Cold stare.

Another example is making a big mistake, falling out of favor, and not being able to compete for power at the top of the family.

No matter which one, it is an unacceptable reality for the superior family geniuses or young masters.

And undoubtedly, Li Busi falls into the latter category.

It is conceivable what Li Busi's fate will be when the senior officials of the Li family find out that the family has lost so much money and offended a famous teacher because of him.

What Lin Taixu did was simply murderous and heartbreaking.

Poison, too poisonous.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Li Busi with gloating thoughts. Now, it depends on whether you die or not.

"Yes, now that Li Busi returns to the Li family, even if he doesn't die, he will still have to shed his skin. This is much crueler than killing him."

"It seems that Master Lin is not a good man or woman, but I like him."

"I would also like."

The more they talked, the more excited they became, feeling that Lin Taixu's move was absolutely amazing.

I don't think Lin Taixu did this just for money.

In their hearts, famous teachers may be short of everything, but they will not be short of money.

Because just the resources received from the Famous Master Hall every month can be converted into a considerable sum of money.

So, will famous teachers be short of money?

"If you don't agree, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"Then let's solve it in the normal way."

Lin Taixu saw that Li Busi was still hesitating and said immediately.

Although the labor and management are poor, they still have the awareness that the melon that is forced is not sweet.

At worst, I will kill you later and ask your Li family directly for money.

What is mine is mine.

What is not mine must belong to me.

"No, no, no, I agree."

When Li Busi heard this, he couldn't help but shuddered and said quickly.

Who is willing to die if he can live?

Unless you are a fool.

However, it seems that five million silver coins is a bit much, so don’t worry, the best thing to do is survive first.


Lin Taixu smiled slightly and reached out to pat Li Busi on the shoulder. Sure enough, those who understand current affairs are heroes and have a bright future.

"Manager Liu, please take a walk."

Lin Taixu turned his head and said to Liu Sandao who was beside him.

"I have a saying in my heart: Mom sells batches, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

When Liu Sandao saw this, he couldn't help but said silently in his heart, "It's so special, it's the best."

If famous teachers had different attributes besides levels, he would not hesitate to add a unique attribute tag to Lin Taixu.

Blackmailing the famous teacher Lin Taixu.

"Yes, sir."

In the end, Liu Sandao reluctantly handed over his hand and said, "In the end, I will resist everything by myself."

Then he waved his hand and ordered the famous teacher and guard under his command, "Take him away and go to the Li family."

"Yes, sir."

The famous teacher guard immediately responded and escorted Li Busi and a group of Li family guards towards the Li family.

"Shuang'er, Yi'er, let's go in."

After Liu Sandao took Li Busi away, Lin Taixu said to Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, and walked towards the gate of the Famous Master Hall.

Now that the little trouble is solved, it's time to get down to business.

He wanted to see how corrupt the Famous Master Hall would be in the next few years.

If Lin Taixu's idea were to be known to others, they would definitely sneer at it and laugh out loud.

You are just a one-star famous teacher at the bottom, you really think you are the master of the famous teacher hall.

Whether the Hall of Masters is good or bad, what does it have to do with you?

Do you care?

It's still rotten, it's rotten all over your face.

"Yes, Master."

"Yes, Master."

Seeing this, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi hurriedly followed behind Lin Taixu.

As soon as Lin Taixu stepped into the Master Teacher Hall, he saw a wide hall with many counters inside. Inside the counters were pills, medicinal materials, equipment, etc.

These were prepared by the Master Teacher Hall for the Master Teachers. Their prices were much cheaper than those sold in the outside market and could be purchased and used by the Master Teachers.

However, there was a requirement that they could only be used by Master Teachers or Master Teachers' disciples and could not be sold to the outside world.

If a Master Teacher dared to violate this requirement, once verified, his Master Teacher qualification would be immediately cancelled and his Master Teacher token would be taken back.

This was also to prevent Master Teachers from purchasing these resources and then reselling them to others to make profits.

"Meet Master Master."

As soon as he entered the Master Teacher Hall, a maid with a pretty face walked over quickly and saluted Lin Taixu.

Her expression and actions were extremely humble and respectful.

If it weren't for Li Busi, she might not know Lin Taixu, but now if she said she didn't know Lin Taixu's identity, she would be looking for death.

"Take me to the resource room?"

Lin Taixu said directly, and glanced at the maid in front of him, sighing with disappointment. This appearance, in the previous life, was definitely a star level. If he could take a look at her, he would definitely fight with the five brothers for three days and three nights.

But now, there are Murong Wushuang and other beautiful disciples who are completely immune to the maid's appearance.

Just like the sage time.

Hey, where is the surprise?

"Yes, Master Master, please come this way."

The maid hurriedly responded and immediately took Lin Taixu to the stairs on the second floor.

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