"So, you'd better explain carefully why your injury will heal sooner or later, but you will be cured in advance when I arrive."

"Why, I am a miracle doctor. Wherever I go, I bring my own healing skills?"

Immediately, Lin Taixu continued.

"Yes, this matter needs to be verified."

Nangong Yidao said, originally he didn't plan to speak, but he was worried that Lin Taixu wouldn't be able to handle it in the end and would have to wipe his ass himself, so he had better get rid of Hua Feishen as soon as possible.

Even if it is not treason, dereliction of duty or avenging private revenge.

There is no getting away with these crimes.

"How to check this?"

Murong Meng asked with some confusion, you don't have a memory crystal, so you record Hua Feichen's physical condition every day.


Lin Taixu couldn't help but tap his fingers on the table, feeling a little tricky.


Seeing this, Hua Feichen snorted coldly and said, "That's what the boss said, what can you do to me?"

"Check the guards of the other hospital."

Niu Baichuan said, a cold look appeared in his eyes, and he spoke.

He didn't believe that if a few guards were arrested, hung up, and beaten, they would not tell the truth.

"Either he was killed or he ran away."

At this time, Diao BuDiao said weakly.


Niu Baichuan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and looked at Diao Budiao speechlessly, okay, just pretend I didn't say anything.

"Then let's go, we'll come back another day."

Lin Taixu stood up and said.


Seeing this, Niu Baichuan, Nangong Yidao and others were stunned, looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly, and left just like that?

Wouldn't that be a waste of work?

There won't be such a good opportunity next time.

Murong Meng was stunned when he saw this. Will he wither now?

It shouldn't be.

You are coming with such a big battle, only thunder but no rain?

Hua Feichen looked at Lin Taixu coldly, sneering in his heart, "Wait, I will make you proud today. When I send a letter to the family to send strong men, if I don't kill you by then, my surname will not be Hua." .

"By the way, take Mr. Hua to the inn to recuperate, lest anyone say that our Zhenbei Army is unkind."

After taking two steps, Lin Taixu stopped, looked at Hua Feichen and said.

"I dont go."

Hua Feichen immediately said, "You're kidding, wouldn't I be a fool if I went to the inn with you?"

Besides, who knows where you are taking me. If you take me to the Zhenbei Army Camp, can I still hope to come out alive?

After all, with the ability of the Zhenbei Army, they could kill themselves in the military camp, and then find an excuse to say that they were too seriously injured, or that they were not accustomed to the environment.

Then go find someone to complain to.

Lin Taixu glanced at Hua Feichen lightly, then turned and walked out of the hall.


Diao BuDiao stepped forward, slapped Hua Feichen in the face, and cursed, "Don't be shameless."

"You, you dare to hit me?"

Hua Feichen stretched out his hand to cover his beaten face, looked at Diao Butiao in shock and said.


Seeing this, Diao Budiao kicked Hua Feishen in the stomach, kicking him several meters away and slamming him to the ground.


"Second Prince, help me, someone wants to murder this official."

Hua Feichen felt a pain in his abdomen, and when he opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood popped out. He quickly looked at Murong Meng and shouted for help.

"take away."

Diao BuDiao waved his hand and shouted.


Immediately, two famous teacher guards stepped forward, held Hua Feichen up and walked out.


When Murong Meng saw this, he couldn't help but open his mouth. He didn't know whether to stop Diao Budiao or say that the fight was good.

Forget it, one more thing is worse than one less thing.

He immediately got up and walked out of the hall.

Seeing this, Nangong Yidao, Xiao Yexuan, Niu Baichuan and others couldn't help but followed out.

"Take this too."

Lin Taixu walked outside the hall and looked at Huafangyuan who was still steaming on the ground. He then continued to walk forward and said as he walked, "See if there is anyone alive. Take away all the dead ones." Never mind."

Level 5 Martial Master, Level 3, that’s a good thing.

If you go back and find an opportunity to kill him, you can gain a lot of system experience points in vain.

This was also the reason why he stopped Nangong Yidao from killing Hua Fangyuan just now.

This is called waste utilization.


"Yes, Master."

Diao BuDiao responded and immediately ordered Liu Sandao and others to do it.

"Wang, er, squad leader, what do you think Mr. Lin's intention is for doing this?"

Niu Baichuan asked Nangong Yidao in a low voice.

It doesn't matter if they can't get military supplies, it doesn't matter if they can't cure Hua Feichen of being rebellious.

But if you take him away, what will it do?

"Hmph, mind your own business."

Nangong glared at Niu Baichuan and said.


Niu Baichuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes speechlessly, why should you mind your own business?

If you don't know, just tell me, I won't laugh at you.


"Captain, go back and find some famous veterinarians to give Mr. Hua a good treatment."

Suddenly, Lin Taixu stopped and said to Nangong Yidao, who was walking behind.


When Nangong Yidao heard this, he almost staggered and fell to the ground.

He looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly.


Are you serious?

Niu Baichuan and the soft-armored girl also looked at Lin Taixu as if they were idiots, veterinarian?

Even if you plan to call a veterinarian, don't say it in public.

"Second Prince, help me, Lin Taixu wants to avenge himself and kill his subordinate."

When Hua Feichen heard this, he couldn't help but trembled and shouted crazily.

He had known that Lin Taixu must have had bad intentions in taking him away.

This is a real deal.

"Ahem, Master Lin."

When Murong Meng saw this, he couldn't help but said to Lin Taixu with a dry smile.

"Haha, just kidding, let's ease the tension."

Lin Taixu laughed and said, reaching out and patting Murong Meng on the shoulder. This kid is so sincere.

"Haha, I think so."

Murong Meng nodded and said with a smile.

"But from the looks of it, he probably won't even wait for the vet."

Immediately, Lin Taixu glanced at the embarrassed Hua Feichen again and murmured in a low voice.


When Murong Meng saw this, he couldn't help but stare at Lin Taixu with wide eyes, thinking of countless grass and mud horses whizzing by.

Regardless of his status as a disciple of the Hua family, Hua Feichen is still an official of the imperial court, with a rank of third rank. You are playing with his life and death like this.

And it's still in front of this prince, is it really appropriate?

"That...isn't good."

After thinking about it, Murong Meng whispered.

"Well, I feel bad about him too."

Lin Taixu looked at Murong Meng, nodded and said, and also cast an approving look at him.

As expected, the heroes all see the same thing.

As long as you pay the debt, we can become good friends.


Hearing this, Murong Meng almost dropped his jaw in shock. Is that what I meant?

I mean, it's very bad for you to arrange a high-ranking official in the court like this.

You stick.

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