
Huang Baihai hadn't taken a few steps when he heard a noise behind him. He looked back curiously. It didn't matter that he almost popped his eyes out.

What did he see?

The resource manager of the famous teacher hall was actually knocked to the ground.


This is too exciting.

Instantly, he felt dry mouth and looked at Lin Taixu in a daze. Are you planning to go to heaven?



Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi stared at Lin Taixu in a daze. This hit made them tremble in their hearts. It was very pornographic and violent.

Well, I like it.

Especially Murong Wushuang, knowing that she had been deceived for so many years, if Lin Taixu hadn't taken action first, she would have taken action.

Well, since the master took action, I have to endure it.

After all, I only have one master, I have to spoil him.



The two maids standing by screamed in fear and ran out of the room in a hurry, their speed comparable to that of a rabbit encountering a wolf.


"Lin Taixu, you rubbish, you dare to sneak attack this manager."

Diao Butan is worthy of being a martial artist of the ninth level of the first-level martial arts apprentice. Even if the pearwood chair with the hardness of gold and iron hit his head, he did not faint, but roared in exasperation.

His fat body rolled on the ground and he stood up.


But before he could stand firm, Lin Taixu grabbed another chair and smashed it down.


"Lin Taixu, you are dead."

Diao Butan screamed again after being beaten, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, half of which was from the beating and half from anger.

It was a great shame for him to be knocked to the ground by a rubbish when he was a first-level martial arts apprentice with the ninth level of cultivation.

Moreover, it was not once, but twice in a row.

This was simply intolerable.

"I will kill you, no one in heaven or on earth can save you."

I saw Diao Butan roaring, slapping his arm towards the ground, and his vitality surged in his body. His whole fat body immediately rose from the ground, and he waved his hands and slapped Lin Taixu's chest.

"Master, Xiao."

Seeing this, Wang Luoyi couldn't help but screamed in fear, but when he shouted the word "heart" at the end, he stopped shouting, thinking that he had overreacted and forgot that the current master was no longer the master before.

Be careful?

What be careful?

Sun Dachang, who was a second-level warrior, was slapped to death by the master, let alone a fat man who was a ninth-level warrior.

He should be careful.

As expected, just as Diao Butan's body had just bounced up and his arms had just swung out, Lin Taixu had another chair in his hand, and smashed it on Diao Butan's head without any fancy moves.


Diao Butan felt his head buzzing and felt like it was going to explode. Under the bombardment of Lin Taixu's huge force, his body fell hard to the ground again.

"Kill me?"

"No one in heaven or on earth can save me?"

"Fuck, are you worthy?"

Throwing away the chair with only two legs left in his hand, Lin Taixu grabbed something he could smash again, once, twice.

He smashed Diao Butan simply and roughly, and for a moment, screams and wood chips flew.

No matter how Diao Butan struggled, Lin Taixu could accurately hit him on the head with a bench when he just stood up.

"So miserable."

Seeing this, Huang Baihai on the side couldn't help but twitch his eyes and felt sorry for Diao Butan for a few seconds.

"You sneak attack"

"Let's have a fair fight if you can."

"Do you have any shame?"

"Help, someone is killing someone"

Diao Butan was beaten to a bloody mess, with humiliation and panic in his eyes. He didn't realize why Lin Taixu could always react so accurately, but thought that Lin Taixu could only hit him by sneak attack.

Young man, no martial ethics.

It's totally unworthy of a master teacher.

"Master master. You."

A few minutes later, watching Lin Taixu smash almost everything in the room and Diao Butan was almost dying, Huang Baihai, who was standing aside, finally spoke weakly.

At this moment, he felt that his level 2 warrior cultivation was fake.

Because even if he went to hit Diao Butan, he felt that he would never be able to grasp the timing so well, nor could he hit him so smoothly.

Not to mention so... well, pleasing to the eye.

This is fucking, are you a waste, or am I a waste?

Huang Baihai felt a little depressed and hit.

"It's okay, I won't die."

Lin Taixu glanced at Huang Baihai and said, just as he was about to smash the stool in his hand down again, he looked around the room and saw that there was only this one left in his hand. He immediately stopped smashing it, put it aside, and turned around and sat down.


Huang Baihai looked at Lin Taixu, then looked at Diao Butan who was covered in blood, and said speechlessly in his heart, is this okay?

It's probably not going to die.

But it's probably not going to live either.


Originally, when he heard that Lin Taixu had beaten Sun Dachang, the eldest elder of the Sun family, to death, he was still half-believing and half-doubting, thinking that even if Lin Taixu had this ability, he would not be so rude and kill people at a disagreement.

After all, he was a one-star master after all.

However, after witnessing Lin Taixu dealing with Diao Butan with his own eyes, he believed it.

And judging from Lin Taixu's proficiency in techniques, he definitely does this kind of thing a lot, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to create such a cool feeling.

Sure enough, no one who can become a famous teacher is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Even if it is a hereditary master.

Huang Baihai sighed in his heart.

"Go out."

Seeing Huang Baihai's scared look, Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and said, this guy is also a second-level warrior after all, why is he so timid?

Have you ever seen anyone beaten?

Fortunately, you are the son of Huang Taiji, the head of the Huang family, the head of the four major families in Qingfeng City.



Huang Baihai smiled awkwardly. His hands felt like they had nowhere to put them. His face felt hot. He was despised by someone he had disdained before. No one would care about him.

"I didn't expect that the famous master would be so brave. It truly amazes the younger generation and makes them sincerely convinced."

Huang Baihai said respectfully, replacing me with a junior, even though he is older than Lin Taixu and has higher cultivation than Lin Taixu.

However, according to Fengyun Continent's practice, all famous teachers will be treated with the courtesy of junior, or with the title of "sir".

Because you can't guarantee that this famous teacher will be able to teach a disciple who is more powerful than you in less than a few years.


There is no guarantee that this famous teacher will turn against you in the blink of an eye and accuse you of disrespecting the famous teacher.

When it comes to things like love, well, it depends on luck. Who can guarantee that he is the child of luck?


And based on Lin Taixu's urinary properties, it's not certain that an unhappy person would push himself to the ground and give him a beating.

Will I resist then?

Or not to resist?

Therefore, as a new moon custom, shoot first as a sign of respect.

Safety first!

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