My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 505: Don’t you understand yet?


Seeing this, Nangong Yida felt a little relieved. Fortunately, he knew he was afraid, but it seemed that he could still be saved.


About a few minutes later, Lin Taixu suddenly looked at Nangong Yidao and showed a lewd smile.

"Have you thought of a solution?"

When Nangong Yidao saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned. So fast?

It is no exaggeration to say that he has not thought of any good solution until now, and how long has it been?

Did this guy actually think of it?

It's not simple. It seems that although his character is not very good, his mind still works quickly.

But why did seeing his smile make him a little flustered?

"I thought of it. Isn't such a simple thing easy to do?"

Lin Taixu said proudly, without even looking at who I was.

"Tell me quickly."

Nangong Yidao said impatiently, letting him learn a lot.

Uh, no, let him consult with others to see what the possibilities are.

"It's very simple. Just leave such a headache to that old stickman, King Zhenbei."

Lin Taixu said with a smile.


Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu blankly, his mind not turning around for a moment.

"Think about it, this palace is in the Zhenbei Army Camp."

Lin Taixu squinted at Nangong Yidao and said, It seems that God is fair. Although your martial arts cultivation is high, your IQ is low.

Forget it, I will talk to you properly.


Nangong Yidao nodded.

"This palace should be called the Military Quarters Palace."

Lin Taixu continued.

"Well, it seems so."

Nangong Yida nodded and said, it seems that there are three big characters written in front of the palace gate: Military Supplies Office.

Dragons and phoenixes dance, iron draws silver hooks.

It's a very beautiful font, almost catching up with his calligraphy.

"Isn't that right?"

Lin Taixu said with a smile.

"Why is it right again?"

When Nangong Yidao saw this, he was even more confused and asked, at this moment, he felt like he was the fake King of Zhenbei.

What the hell, after all, Labor is also a world-famous military god, strategizing, and able to win a victory thousands of miles away.

Why do you feel like you can't keep up with Lin Taixu's rhythm when talking to him?

"Don't understand yet?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but yelled, "How short of a brain does this have?" I said it so clearly.

"Since this is the Zhenbei Army camp, and this is the Zhenbei Army's military supply house, do you think that if people from all over the world come to rob it, will the Zhenbei King Laobangzi let them run wild?"

"Then if word gets out, will he still be shameless?"

Lin Taixu continued, looking at Nangong Yidao with disdain, meaning, the uncle said it so clearly, if you still don't understand, then there is nothing I can do.


Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu, his mouth opened and closed, closed and opened again, but he couldn't find any words to express his feelings about holding the grass.

What the hell.

It turns out that the clown is actually me?


Lin Taixu asked.

When Nangong Yidao heard this, he almost vomited blood.

If you still don’t understand, then he is really an old stick.

Love means asking me to clean up your mess.

Please, can you be a human being?

"Come, I'm in a good mood today. I'd like to invite you to tea."

Seeing that Nangong Yidao seemed to understand, Lin Taixu couldn't help but said in a good mood, turned around and walked towards a room.

I'm so happy today.

Unintentionally, he installed a big pen, and unintentionally, he was able to trick the old stickman Zhenbei Wang.

It immediately put him in a good mood.

The room is very large, with thick carpets on the floor, and the surrounding furniture is extremely luxurious and beautiful, especially a huge glass window that offers a panoramic view of the mountains in front of you, making it seem like you can see all the small mountains.

"This room is nice. It's already used for drinking tea."

Lin Taixu walked into the room, took a casual look, and said with satisfaction. He immediately took out a beautifully packaged tea box from the storage ring, and then took out a teacup, a kettle and a large bucket of clean and transparent water and placed them on the table. .

The tea leaves were bought from the system mall, and the second-level Yunwu tea, tea cups and water were also bought from the system mall.

Second level tea cup, second level tea water.

It cost him a total of four thousand system silver coins.

Four thousand system silver coins is equivalent to 400,000 silver coins in reality. Taking 400,000 to drink tea means that he is in a really good mood today, otherwise, he would never be able to do such a wasteful thing.

In fact, he wanted to buy Level 4 Yunwu Tea, but after looking at the price, he decided not to buy it.

In one word, poor.

Uh, no.

He just needs to be willing to do it. Don't pursue those vain things, as long as there is a sense of ritual.


After preparations were completed, Lin Taixu wondered whether he should buy a stove to boil water. Otherwise, he would not be able to make tea with cold water.

"I come."

Nangong Yidao, who walked in with a dark face, saw this and reached out to take the teapot filled with water. Energy surged secretly. Within a moment, the water in the teapot started to miraculously boil.

"Oh, I'll go. It's ok, it comes with a quick heating function."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but said in shock, this speed is faster than the heat.

Nothing else.

Immediately, Lin Taixu grabbed two handfuls of tea leaves and put them in two cups respectively. He made a gesture to Nangong Yidao and sat down.


Nangong Yidao silently glanced at Lin Taixu, and silently poured the water boiled with his own energy into the two cups in front of him.

The boiling water was poured in, and the tea leaves flew around. After being soaked in boiling water, the green tea leaves exuded a refreshing fragrance.

The fragrance was like orchid, thick and deep, gathering more and more at the mouth of the cup, tumbling and floating, like clouds and fog.

In addition to bringing people the ultimate olfactory enjoyment, it also brings people an amazing visual feast, and there is an indescribable charm flowing in it.

"What kind of tea is this?"

Nangong Yidao asked in shock. He felt the fragrance of tea entering his body, and his body and mind were actually washed by the avenue, empty, clean, and distant.

"This is the tea I planted casually when I was free in my hometown. Well, I picked it myself and made it by myself."

"This tea has no name. If you must give it a name, then call it Taixu tea."

Lin Taixu said without blushing, picked up the teacup, smelled the fragrance of the tea leaves, felt refreshed, and then took a small sip, feeling astringent at first and then fragrant.

Well, it's a little sweet.

"Good tea."

Lin Taixu said in his heart, this is many times better than the tea he drank in his previous life.


"Detected vitality energy, the controller system experience value increased by 100 points."

At this time, the system's electronic voice sounded in Lin Taixu's ears.

Oh, my gosh.

Drinking tea can also increase system experience value?

Damn, the knowledge of white tickets has increased again.

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