"The Master of the Holy Forest Hall is really thoughtful and scheming. I admire him. I admire him."

Sitting at the head of Ye Bu Xing, a fat, pale-faced deputy master of the Imperial Master Master Hall in his fifties said in admiration that Lin Taixu's action was a textbook-level Jedi counterattack.

The Holy Master is truly worthy of his reputation.

This person's name is Cao Hongfu, he is a fifth-level Martial Master with an eighth-level cultivation, and a five-star famous teacher.

It's just that this person doesn't like worldly affairs, only loves food, and has never participated in the affairs of the Imperial Capital's Famous Teacher Hall. Therefore, for the famous teachers of the New Moon Country, his sense of existence is extremely low.

However, everyone who knows him knows that anyone who dares to despise him is a fool.

Because he was attacked jointly by three opponents of the Ninth Level Martial Lord, and after a day and night of fighting, he killed two of them, seriously injured one, and then left gracefully.

Known as the Killer with a Smiling Face.

In terms of strength, he can be ranked among the top three in the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall.

"Bold and careful, decisive in killing, kind."

Another deputy hall master said with admiration, this person's name is Luo Xiangyang, he is an eighth level martial master.

He is also a ruthless person who can fight across levels.

"After Deputy Hall Master Xiao said this, I can't wait to meet Hall Master Lin."

Another deputy hall master of the Famous Master Hall, Wang Jinglong, said with a smile, this person was at the eighth level of martial arts and was equally famous in the Famous Master Hall of the Imperial Capital. Although he was thin in stature, he dominated with his strength.

He once killed a monster beast with the ninth level of martial arts strength, a fire lizard, with one punch.

As we all know, the monster itself is extremely powerful, has strong skin and thick flesh, and can easily defeat human warriors of the same level.

In particular, the Salamander is good at defense.

Wang Jinglong can kill the Fire Lizard, which shows how powerful he is.

The three deputy hall masters of the Famous Master Hall opened their mouths to praise. Although the other five deacons of the Famous Master Hall did not speak, it was clear from their expressions that they very much agreed with the words of the three deputy hall masters.

The curiosity and respect for Lin Taixu grew stronger.

This is a young evildoer. He is full of ideas, bold and careful. He is truly worthy of being the Chosen Saint Master.

"In this way, the Hua family has stolen the chicken but lost the rice this time."

Ye Buixing said with a smile, but then his smile faded and he said, "However, we have to worry about the Hua family's dog jumping over the wall, which will be detrimental to Hall Master Lin."

As he spoke, Ye Buxing tapped his fingers lightly on the table, frowning a little.

He was not worried about the strength of the Hua family, but because the Holy Master didn't want to see them now, they couldn't protect Lin Taixu personally.

If the Hua family sends strong men to assassinate him, what can they do?

Even if you rush over immediately, the day lilies will probably be cold.

"Yes, if the Hua family gets angry out of shame and is not good for Hall Master Lin, then..."

One of the deacons spoke, but the rest of the words were not spoken because it would be taboo to say so.

However, even if you don't say it, everyone present can understand it without being a fool.

Suddenly, everyone present fell into silence.

The next day, near noon, Lin Taixu finally woke up. After cleaning up briefly, he opened the door and walked out. He saw Diao BuDiao standing respectfully outside the door. He didn't know how long he stood there. Anyway, If he hadn't been leaning against the edge of the door, he would have been lying on the ground.

"Master, are you awake?"

When he heard the door open, Diao Butiao immediately stood up straight and said respectfully.


Lin Taixu nodded, which was considered a response.

He lived in a suite on the third floor, and right out of the door was the lobby. Therefore, Lin Taixu just took two steps and found that at a table in the middle of the lobby, Li Yiyue was cooking plates of dishes. put it on the table.

Hearing the sound behind him, Li Yiyue smiled sweetly, looked at Lin Taixu and said, "Master, come and eat quickly. Yue'er has cooked your favorite pickled fish."

Pickled fish, yes, it’s the kind of pickled fish you think of.

But the fish is not the fish you think of, but the golden fish.

The golden light fish is a first-level monster that is extremely fast. Its scales are golden and can emit a faint golden light during the day, hence the name golden light fish.

The meat of golden fish is tender and delicious, and it nourishes yin and yang. Therefore, both warriors and common people like to eat golden fish.

After Lin Taixu ate golden fish one time, he felt that it was far better than the fish he had eaten in his previous life. Therefore, he liked to eat pickled fish in his previous life, so he tinkered with the other-world version of pickled fish.

However, sauerkraut is cheap but golden fish is expensive.

Because golden fish is delicious, but its growth cycle is slow, and it is only three centimeters when it is born.

After that, it can only grow one centimeter a year.

It is no exaggeration to say that a twenty-centimeter-long golden fish would take seventeen years.

Therefore, rare things are more valuable, and Li Yiyue only occasionally made one for Lin Taixu.

Although Lin Taixu never lacked her money to buy groceries, she just didn't buy them.

Tell me what you can do.


When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but laugh, feeling that tears were about to flow out of his mouth.

"Of course it's true, Master."

Li Yiyue looked at Lin Taixu, said with a smile, pulled out a chair next to him, and helped Lin Taixu sit down.

"Well, yes, it is indeed pickled fish."

Lin Taixu sat down, saw a pot of pickled fish in the middle of the table, and said with a smile.

"Lao Diao, go back and see if there are any golden fish fry for sale in the market. If there are, buy some. Then, dig a pond. Well, set a small goal first and raise 100 million of them."

Immediately, Lin Taixu ordered Diao Budiao.

"One hundred million?"

Diao BuDiao almost bit his tongue. Brother, can you finish 100 million pieces?

Besides, that thing only grows a little bit a year, and it will take at least ten years before it can be served on the table. Can you wait?

When Li Yiyue saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned. Young Master, you have such a big heart.

"has a problem?"

Lin Taixu looked at Diao BuDiao sideways and asked.

One hundred million, is that a lot?

"no problem."

Diao BuDiao quickly shook his head and asked, what could be the problem?

"Well, there's a pool in the backyard, just put it wherever you want."

Lin Taixu added that he knew that the golden fish grew slowly, but he believed that this slowness was for others. He would go back to the system and buy some feed to feed them. They were not growing ten centimeters in a month.

No matter what, he felt that it would not be a problem to let them devour each other and then strengthen themselves.

After all, big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps. This is the law of survival of nature.

Maybe they swallow their companions and evolve into a golden arowana.

That would be very nice.

"Yes, Master."

Diao BuDiao nodded and planned to do it later.

"Master, Master"

At this time, I saw Liu Sandao running over and shouting excitedly, his face full of anger, as if he wanted to kill someone.

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