My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 565: Mixed Origin Blood Evil Technique

"Boom boom."

In an instant, the sword light fell, a series of roars erupted, and endless waves of vitality and sword light shot out in all directions, as if the end of the world was ushering in.

The surrounding Zhenbei Army soldiers were knocked away one after another and fell to the ground, coughing up blood.

Fortunately, he was only injured by the shock and there were no casualties.

When the light dissipated, I could see where the eight dead warriors were standing. Centered on their feet, countless cracks spread like spider webs in all directions, reaching several feet deep, which was shocking.

Looking at them again, they all looked pale and looked at Nangong Yida in disbelief. They didn't even know that the weapon in their hands was broken into two pieces.

"Come again."

Nangong Yida saw that the eight dead warriors Wu Zun actually blocked his attack, and without thinking, he swung his sword again.

This time the sword was much more powerful than the last one.

Wherever the sword shadow went, it roared like thunder and flashed with light, making people's eyes feel a sharp stinging sensation.

"Semen and blood come out."

Seeing the dazzling sword light coming, the eight dead warriors woke up and let out a sharp shout again.

"Puff puff"

I saw the eight dead warriors spouting out a mouthful of blood essence in unison. After the essence blood was sprayed out, it stagnated slightly in the air and quickly blended together.

In an instant, a ray of light shot out from their fused essence and blood, falling on the bodies of the eight dead warriors respectively.

As the light fell on them, their somewhat sluggish aura instantly became stronger, and streams of invisible and vicious aura spurted out from their bodies and shot straight into the sky.

Then, they were seen charging towards Nangong like rabid bulls.

Hunyuan blood evil technique!

This is an extremely sinister technique, activated by the warrior's essence and blood. It can instantly restore the warrior's injuries and unleash double combat power.

However, this Hunyuan Blood Demon Technique is powerful, but the side effects are also quite severe.

As long as this technique is used, the martial arts foundation of the body will be irreversibly damaged and will always stay at the current state.

Therefore, Hunyuan blood evil technique is also called forbidden technique.

However, although this Hunyuan Blood Demon Technique is extremely powerful, there are really not many people who practice it.

After all, a moment of success brings a lifetime of failure.

No one is willing to leave it alone.


However, it is the best thing to be trained by a dead warrior. After all, a dead warrior is a consumable product cultivated by a family and will be sacrificed for the benefit of the family at any time.

No need to worry about the future at all.

Seeing this, Hua Zhiyuan and others could not help but secretly heave a sigh of relief. Although they did not practice the Hunyuan Blood Evil Technique, they were well aware of the power of the Hunyuan Blood Evil Technique.

A forbidden technique that can unleash double the strength.

Can it be awesome?

"Let's see how you die."

"Let you pretend."

"If you dare to show off in front of our Hua family, you will become Shabi now."

Hua Cuimin and others sneered, looking at Nangong Yidao with eyes full of ridicule.

Is the power of the Hua family something that you, a group of casual cultivators, can understand?


"Boom boom boom"

There were loud noises, and countless sword lights fell on them, blooming with dazzling sparks.

Although the sword light that filled the sky did not cause them any actual damage, the force of the bombardment caused their speed to slow down, as if they were trapped in a swamp.

Difficulty moving.


"Go quickly."

Hua Zhiyuan, the dead warrior Wu Zun, burst out with the Hunyuan blood evil technique but was suppressed by Nangong's sword. He couldn't help but shouted in a low voice, with a solemn and fearful look on his face.

Obviously, the power of Nangong Yida was beyond his expectation. As he spoke, he grabbed Hua Yihu's arm and ran forward.

"It's him."

Only then did Hua Tiansheng remember that Nangong Yidao was none other than the masked man who almost killed him in Yanlinyuan. He was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his body flashed, and he ran a few minutes faster than Hua Zhiyuan.

Last time, he was lucky enough to survive because of the teleportation talisman.

This time, he didn't dare to hope that he could escape with the teleportation talisman.

You know, if a strong man like Nangong Yidao is prepared, he may be killed by the opponent's sword before he even takes out the teleportation talisman.

"Don't let him get away."

Standing on the seventh floor, Lin Taixu saw Hua Zhiyuan actually running away with Hua Yihu, and shouted loudly.

"I'll chase him."

When Wang Jinglong, who had not intervened just now, saw this, he immediately dodged and jumped down from the building.

"Old Xiao, please protect Mr. Taixu."

Cao Hongfu and Luo Xiangyang shouted, turned around and jumped down from the building to chase Hua Zhiyuan and others.


When Xiao Yexuan saw this, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and looked at Cao Hongfu and others who jumped down speechlessly, "Okay, I'm just a soy sauce guy."

Calm down.

"Let's go down."

Lin Taixu said, turned around, led Murong Wushuang, the soft-armored girl and others out of the room and walked downstairs.

Seeing this, a group of soldiers from the Zhenbei Army followed suit.

"Boom boom boom."

On the street, Nangong Yidao and the eight dead warriors Wu Zun were fighting fiercely. Although Nangong Yidao was powerful, it was difficult to defeat the eight dead warriors Wu Zun who were using forbidden techniques.

The surrounding Zhenbei Army put up shields and protected themselves tightly. From time to time, scattered vitality and sword light bombarded the shields, making a fierce sound.

Seeing Lin Taixu and others coming down, Niu Baichuan hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Lin Qianhu, don't get close. This level of battle is not something we can participate in."

"Have you taken medicine?"

Lin Taixu glanced at the eight dead warriors and felt that the state of these dead warriors was a little wrong, and asked in surprise.

Fighting is fighting, how can you have red eyes and trembling bodies?


"It's the use of forbidden techniques."

Niu Baichuan explained, looking in the direction of the dead warriors, knowing that this was the sequelae of the forbidden technique.

As long as the prince persists for a while, and waits until the sequelae of the forbidden technique are completely erupted, it will be too easy to take down these dead warriors.

In fact, he saw that the dead warriors were wrong, but he didn't see the abnormality of Nangong Yidao.

Although the fight between Nangong Yidao and the eight dead warriors was not long.

However, Nangong Yidao burst out with all his strength, and in a short period of time, half of his vitality was consumed.

Now it depends on which side can hold out to the end.

"Let them all retreat."

Lin Taixu pointed to the Zhenbei Army soldiers in front and said.

The eight dead warriors were suppressed by Nangong Yidao, and he thought about moving the surrounding Zhenbei Army away.

Then, give him a shot.

Isn't it fun?

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