My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 587 Someone is looking for

"That's Tao Ti."

The system replied contemptuously, "It's so ignorant and terrible."

If you call a Tao fetus a pregnancy, you are the only retarded person in the world.

"What is Tao Ti?"

Lin Taixu asked, muttering in his heart, isn't this a fetus?

Ten months of pregnancy, ten months of pregnancy.

Is there a difference?

"Those who perfectly activate the Tao body will give birth to a Tao fetus, which can follow the master to practice and fight together."

"Moreover, the embryo of Tao is immortal and untouched by all calamities."

"From now on, Li Yiyue not only practices at an astonishing speed, but also has monstrous combat power. Invincibility at the same level is just the simplest thing."

"Going retrograde to defeat immortals is her daily routine."

The system explained.

"I wipe it so hard?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but said in surprise, Mommy, will I be invincible from now on?

Uh, no, you have to hug Xiao Yue'er's thigh from now on.

Invincible at the same level, going retrograde to defeat immortals

Listen, he is a real boss among the bosses.

If we don’t embrace it, is there any justice?


"Has it stopped?"

Outside the mobile palace, Nangong Yidao, Cao Hongfu and others looked up at the night sky. Seeing that there had been no sound for a long time, they couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Wang, what do you think is going on today?"

Cao Hongfu looked at Nangong Yidao and said, but as soon as Wang Zhi finished speaking, he turned his head to the side and looked at Wang Jinglong and said.

"I don't know."

Wang Jinglong was stunned by Cao Hongfu's question and answered subconsciously. At the same time, he looked at Cao Hongfu curiously.

I muttered in my heart, wasn't this guy so frightened that he was so polite to me and called him Brother Wang?

Didn’t everyone call me Lao Wang before?

When Nangong Yidao saw this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He knew that Cao Hongfu recognized his true identity, but he didn't want to reveal it, so he brought the topic to Wang Jinglong.

"If you are born with a vision, there will definitely be trouble. Please be careful lately."

Nangong glanced at Cao Hongfu and others with his sword, then disappeared in front of everyone.


When Cao Hongfu and others heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. Why did this sound a little wrong?

What do you mean we should be careful?

Why, you want to hit us.


At a place thousands of miles away from Lin Taixu, a corner of the dark night sky was suddenly torn open, and a figure staggered out of the gap.

The figure's clothes were in tatters, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. There were black smoke coming out from several places on his body, and there was a faint smell of meat floating around.

It seemed extremely miserable and pitiful.

The figure is none other than Chu Xuan, the ninth-level Martial Emperor who fights against the Heavenly Punishment and the director of the Tianzhen Department of the Northern Territory.

"Ci'ao, you were careless."

Chu Xuan fell to the ground and muttered. He didn't know whether he was deliberately trying to find a step for himself or if he was really careless.

However, no matter what the truth was, the result was that he lost and was almost electrocuted into a pile of barbecue.

Chu Xuan complained for a while, and then saw a ray of light flashing from his body, and his original embarrassed appearance disappeared in an instant, and he regained his sanctimonious appearance.

"Hey, good apprentice, my master is here."

Immediately, Chu Xuan was seen looking in the direction of Dahuang City and said with a smile.

After saying that, he moved, tore apart the space and shuttled in the direction of Lin Taixu.

The next morning, as soon as Lin Taixu walked out of the room, he saw Murong Wushuang and Li Yiyue standing at the door.



Seeing Lin Taixu getting up, Murong Wushuang and Li Yiyue immediately shouted softly.


Lin Taixu nodded to Murong Wushuang, looked at Li Yiyue, and asked with a smile.

After activating the Ice Spirit Taoist body, Li Yiyue seemed to be reborn. Standing there, she looked like a goddess who had walked into the human world, with ice muscles and jade bones, and moving aura.

Lin Taixu couldn't help but be dazzled by this huge change.

It doesn't matter if you say you are powerful, but you are still so charming. How will the young master live in the future?

"As far as I can tell you, Master, Yue'er has recovered."

Lin Taixu's stunning gaze was caught by Li Yiyue, and the beauty was in his heart. As she spoke, she bowed to Lin Taixu and saluted, and said, "Thank you, Master, for saving your life. Yue'er will never forget it."

"It's good, it's just a matter of effort, don't worry about it."

Hearing this, Lin Taixu laughed and signaled Li Yiyue not to take it to heart.

Although he wanted to hug his thigh, as a good young man in society, he naturally knew the eternal saying, that is, lick the dog, lick the dog, and lick the dog until there is nothing left.

Besides, by activating the Ice Spirit Dao Body for Li Yiyue, he also got many benefits.

So, let’s talk about hugging thighs later.

No rush, no rush.

Arriving at the dining room, Lin Taixu began to eat breakfast. Murong Wushuang and Li Yiyue served on the left and right, serving them wholeheartedly.

"Hey, Yue'er, the birthmark on your forehead has disappeared."

While eating, Lin Taixu noticed that Li Yiyue's forehead was as smooth as jade, and the original ugly red birthmark had disappeared, and he couldn't help but said curiously.

"Yes, Master. I don't know what happened to Yue'er. When I woke up in the morning, I found that the birthmark was gone. It's all thanks to Master."

Li Yiyue said with a smile, looking extremely relaxed and happy.

Women all love beauty. Who wants to have an ugly thing on their face?


Before, Li Yiyue thought that she would not live long, so she did not have much resistance to the red birthmark. Now that her body has recovered, she naturally hopes that there will be no red birthmark on her face.

Fortunately, God has mercy on her.

When she got up in the morning and looked in the mirror, she found that the red birthmark had disappeared, which made her really happy for a long time. She knew that it must be that the young master wiped off the red birthmark when he treated her.

Therefore, she was even more grateful to Lin Taixu.

The body recovered, the birthmark disappeared, and the young master was by her side.

Well, she felt that the future was promising.

Even the air she breathed was sweet.

"It's best if it's gone."

Lin Taixu said with a smile. That thing was really disgusting. Now that it's gone, it's undoubtedly the best for Li Yiyue. In this way, she doesn't have to feel inferior and won't be laughed at by others.

He remembered that others laughed at Li Yiyue for being ugly. Although Li Yiyue didn't refute anything at that time, he saw the unwillingness and anger in her heart from Li Yiyue's eyes.

But he just couldn't express his helplessness and pity.

"Yes, Master, please eat your food"

Li Yiyue nodded repeatedly, picking up food for Lin Taixu with chopsticks.

"Master, someone is looking for you outside"

At this time, Diao Butiao walked in quickly and whispered to Lin Taixu.

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