My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 640: Revenge for the Stolen Wife

"Huh, do you think I'm a fool?"

The soft-armored girl heard this and sneered, not even believing a single punctuation mark in Lin Taixu's words.

"Where's the evidence?"

Nangong Changao said, looking at Lin Taixu with countless little question marks in his eyes.

"I am the proof."

Lin Taixu pointed at himself and said.

"Be more detailed."

The soft-armored girl said.

"Can you get this thing out of the way first?"

Lin Taixu did not answer the soft-armored girl's words. Instead, he pointed at the long sword on his neck and said.

It's not that he's afraid of death, it's just that he's not used to it.


Seeing this, the soft-armored girl thought for a moment and retracted her sword obediently, but her eyes were coldly staring at Lin Taixu, full of warning.

"Do you know why I became the Qianhu of the Military Supplies Bureau?"

Lin Taixu subconsciously reached out and rubbed his neck a few times, looking at the soft-armored girl and Nangong Changao and asked.

"have no idea."

The soft-armored girl said very rudely, but once she said it, she was really curious about why Lin Taixu became the Qianhu of the Munitions House.

You know, that's a thousand households, a status that many people can only dream of.

"Isn't it true that Brother Lin has outstanding abilities, so the prince has a keen eye to recognize heroes?"

Nangong Changao said seriously that in his impression, his father was fair, wise and mighty, and would never bend the law for personal gain in anything.

What's more, it's a position in the Zhenbei Army.

The soft-armored girl glanced coldly at Nangong Changao. Nangong Changao immediately shut up, showed a sly smile, and said, "Brother Lin, please continue."

"The reason why I became the Qianhu of the Military Supplies Mansion is because your father introduced me through the back door. And the reason why your father did this is because he hopes that after I take charge of the Military Supplies Mansion, I can steal all the resources in the General Supplies Mansion."

Lin Taixu continued.

"is it possible?"

Nangong Changao couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu blankly. He and outsiders came to steal his things?

What, my dad? He's crazy.

"Then what?"

The soft-armored girl continued to ask, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch. If she didn't want to hear what other tricks Lin Taixu could pull off, she would probably take action.

This is simple.

You make up a lie, can you make it more reliable?

It’s okay to think of you as a fool, but don’t think of us as fools too.

"you still need to ask?"

Lin Taixu exclaimed in surprise, looking at the soft-armored girl with a trace of pity in his eyes, calling you stupid, you still don't believe it, now it's time to give it a real hammer.


Seeing Lin Taixu looking at her like a fool, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but clenched her silver teeth. With a move of her fingers, half of the long sword that had just been sheathed was pulled out again.

Forget it, good men don’t fight with women.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but subconsciously take two steps back and said, "I stole the resources of the Military Supplies Office. The Zhenbei Army will definitely be in chaos because of this, and the old stick of the Zhenbei King will definitely be furious because of this."

"If a person is angry, his mind will inevitably have flaws."

"If there is a flaw, your father will find an opportunity and kill him with one strike."

"As soon as the King of Zhenbei dies, won't your father naturally take over the Zhenbei Army?"

Lin Taixu talked a lot like he was pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, trying to keep his words as simple as possible.

I don’t mean anything else, I’m just worried that the soft-armored girl won’t understand.


As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, the soft-armored girl and Nangong Changao couldn't help but open their mouths, and thunder was rolling in their hearts. Otherwise, they would all believe it if the protagonist was their father.

"Don't understand yet?"

Seeing the dumbfounded expressions of the soft-armored girl and Nangong Changao, Lin Taixu thought they still didn't understand, so he couldn't help asking speechlessly.

The brain is a good thing, but it's a pity that you don't have it.

Hey, the squad leader was so wise that he actually gave birth to two idiot children. No wonder he wanted to assassinate the old stickman King Zhenbei.

If there is no protection from the Zhenbei Army, I am afraid that once the team leader dies, these two useless people will definitely help others count the money after being sold.


Nangong Changao nodded stupidly and said.

Understand means understanding what Lin Taixu said.

However, the meaning was understood, but it did not mean that he accepted Lin Taixu's words.


Then Nangong Changao shouted to the soft-armored girl, secretly tapping his head with his finger, meaning, Brother Lin, is there something wrong here?

Can you say such outrageous and bizarre things?

It's understandable if you say it, just open your mouth.

The problem is, he still has a mysterious confidence, which is a bit

It's intriguing.

He felt that if Lin Taixu wasn't crazy, he was seriously deceiving himself and his sister.

Well, all things considered, the elements of deception clearly have the upper hand.

"Do you have a grudge against the King of Zhenbei?"

The soft-armored girl looked at Lin Taixu and asked. Lin Taixu didn't look like he was making up nonsense, and it was even less likely that her father would want to replace King Zhenbei.

So, what's the problem?


Just as the soft-armored girl finished speaking, before Lin Taixu had time to reply, Nangong Changao looked at the soft-armored girl in shock.

Sister, Brother Lin is crazy, are you stupid too?

If Brother Lin had a grudge against the King of Zhenbei, he would have been kicked out a long time ago. How can Dad still let him stand here in full force and deceive us?

It’s true that dad’s knife can’t kill anyone.


Lin Taixu ignored Nangong Changao, nodded to the soft-armored girl, and praised the soft-armored girl's wit in his heart.

Fortunately, okay, fortunately, I still have some brains.

"What grudge?"

As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, the soft-armored girl and Nangong Changao were startled and asked hurriedly.

"Revenge for taking my wife."

Lin Taixu said seriously. When he mentioned this, he hated Nangong Yidao.

Of course, I am still a little cautious. After all, I think that Nangong Yidao will regret the marriage. So far, it is just my guess and has not been confirmed by Nangong Yidao.

What if I guessed wrong?

Soon, Lin Taixu seriously denied this speculation.

No, it's impossible. How could I be wrong?

"Revenge for seizing your wife?"

The soft-armored girl couldn't help but lost her voice, her eyes almost popped out as she looked at Lin Taixu in disbelief.

"Oh my god, dad is bullying men and women outside?"

Nangong Changao couldn't help but exclaimed, showing great disdain, contempt and contempt for his father's behavior.

Why don't you take me with you for such a thing?

Uh, no, are you worthy of your mother for doing such a thing?

Are you worthy of my sister and me?

"Your father bullies men and dominates women outside?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but look at Nangong Changao in surprise and asked, the fire of gossip burning in his eyes.

I can't tell. This squad leader usually looks sanctimonious, but he thinks he is a gentleman.

As it turned out, he was a pervert who robbed civilian girls behind his back.

It is simply shameful to be in company, ashamed to be in company.

No, if you look back and see him, you must let him teach you his experience.

It's been a few months since I traveled to this other world, and I'm still a novice.

Everyone is so familiar with it, but you don’t teach me.

Can you bear it?

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