My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 700 It feels a bit slow

"Didn't you see that the Holy Master has already summoned someone? Isn't it a little bad for us to show up?"

Xiao Yexuan frowned and said, "It is our duty to protect the Holy Master, but the problem is that the Holy Master does not want their protection."

This is a bit frustrating.

"Wait a little longer, a little loach can't make waves."

Luo Xiangyang replied.

"That's fine."

Wang Jinglong nodded.

"Brother Li, this guy can't really have a great background, right?"

A Li family guard whispered to Li Zhengqi. For some reason, he always had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Just him? What do you think?"

When Li Zhengqi heard this, he couldn't help but almost laughed to death at his subordinate's words. What kind of background could Lin Taixu, a first-level martial arts disciple and a loser like him, have?

Because for a family with a real background, if the heirs or descendants cannot practice, even if they buy promotion pills, they must improve the other party's martial arts cultivation level, so as not to lose face to the family in the future.

And Lin Taixu is still only a first-level martial arts disciple. He obviously comes from a poor family. Should he be afraid of such a person?


"I don't think it's possible either."

The Li family guard thought for a while and said, although there are many peerless geniuses who like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, they are only the very few among the very few.

He couldn't believe that he was so unlucky that something with such a small probability would happen to him.

"Boom boom boom"

At this time, the thunderous sound of horse hooves was heard, and a cavalry wearing armor was galloping towards this direction from the north.

No one had arrived yet, but the bone-chilling killing intent swept over like a strong wind, making Li Zhengqi and others shudder subconsciously.

"Get out of the way, this is the cavalry of the Zhenbei Army going out, don't block the way."

Immediately, Li Zhengqi shouted loudly and quickly retreated towards the side of the road.

In fact, there was no need for Li Zhengqi to remind him that as long as he was not a fool, the dozen or so Li family guards knew how to dodge. After all, if they blocked the march of the army, they would die in vain if they were killed.

Immediately, everyone scrambled to retreat to the corners on both sides. As for Li Lingling and Lin Taixu, they couldn't care less.

Seeing this, Li Lingling was also a little panicked. She quickly moved her steps and walked to the side. She looked up and saw that Lin Taixu was still sitting on the horse with no intention of moving. She immediately ran to Lin Taixu's side and shouted anxiously, "Taixu." Mr. Xu, come to the side quickly and don’t block their way, otherwise, you will be caught.”

"No, just stand next to me."

Lin Taixu smiled faintly and looked at the cavalry that was galloping towards them. They were none other than Su Rongrong and her White Tiger Guards.

It's now almost six minutes before he summons himself.

The journey takes four minutes and the assembly takes two minutes.

It feels a little slow.


Li Lingling couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this, but in the end she listened to Lin Taixu's words and stood on the side of Lin Taixu's horse.

Since Lin Taixu said so, she thought it was better to believe Lin Taixu.

She didn't know why, but she had an inexplicable trust in Lin Taixu deep in her heart, and she always felt that Lin Taixu would not deceive her.

"Could it be?"

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Li Lingling's mind, and she remembered that Lin Taixu had just used the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Jade Talisman to call people. Could it be that he called this cavalry?

Suddenly, Li Lingling became excited and turned to look at Lin Taixu, her eyes filled with gratitude and emotion.

Although Cao Kexin lived in the Military Supplies Mansion for a few days, he knew nothing about the Zhenbei Army and the three thousand guards, so he did not recognize Su Rongrong and the White Tiger Guards.

However, seeing that Lin Taixu was not panicking, she was not afraid either. She walked to Li Lingling and stood quietly with her.

"Boom boom boom"

The White Tiger Guard quickly approached and came in front of Lin Taixu and others in a blink of an eye. Su Rongrong, who was leading the way, saw that Lin Taixu was not hurt in front of her, and a huge stone fell in her heart.

Immediately, looking at Li Zhengqi and others on both sides of the road, their eyes burned with blazing anger.

"Oops, she can't die."

At this time, Li Zhengqi, who was hiding aside, found that Li Lingling was standing in the middle of the road with Lin Taixu and the others. He was shocked. He had no interest in caring whether Lin Taixu and Cao Kexin died or not.

However, Li Lingling cannot die.

If Li Lingling had any shortcomings, I'm afraid Tong Shaohui would chop herself up alive.

Immediately, I saw him running towards Li Lingling, raising his arm and grabbing Li Lingling's left shoulder.

"Li Zhengqi, you are going too far."

Seeing this, Li Lingling shouted angrily, flipped her wrist, drew out her long sword and stabbed Li Zhengqi in the chest.


Li Zhengqi turned his body to avoid the tip of Li Lingling's sword. He raised his hand and hit Li Lingling's wrist holding the sword. Hearing a snap, Li Lingling screamed in pain and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground involuntarily. .

The difference in strength between a first-level martial apprentice and a third-level martial artist was so great that she simply couldn't sustain a single move.

Easily knocking off Li Lingling's long sword, Li Zhengqi smiled cruelly and stepped forward again, grabbing Li Lingling.

"So brave."

Seeing this, Su Rongrong couldn't help but feel furious. She didn't know who Li Lingling was. Since the master could allow her to stand together, she must be one of her own. Therefore, if Li Zhengqi dared to attack Li Lingling, it would be disrespectful to the master.

Disrespectful to the master.


Immediately, Su Rongrong shouted, took out the second-level Flying Star Crossbow, hooked her finger, and skillfully pulled the string and put the arrow, shooting at Li Zhengqi.

Seeing this, the White Tiger Guard girls guarding Su Rongrong on both sides picked up the Flying Star Crossbow and shot at Li Zhengqi.

"Swish, swish, swish"

I saw a crossbow arrow breaking through the air and whistling towards Li Zhengqi.


Seeing this, Li Zhengqi hurriedly lowered his body and rushed forward. Just after he rushed out, he heard a series of explosions, and more than a dozen crossbow arrows shot at the place where he just stood.

Under the powerful infusion of power, the crossbow arrow shot into the ground half a foot deep. The half of the arrow body and the arrow cluster exposed outside trembled wildly, and then the power carried by the arrow body was exhausted.

Seeing this, Li Zhengqi was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he was alert and could identify the position and dodge in time. If he was a little slower, he would have been shot like a hedgehog and died on the spot.

"Boom boom boom."

The White Tiger Guards were as powerful as a rainbow and their iron hooves were like thunder. They arrived in front of Lin Taixu in an instant. When they were five or six meters away from Lin Taixu, Su Rongrong pulled the reins in her hand and pulled the galloping warhorse up.

The warhorse neighed and stood up. After standing in the air for several breaths, it put down its front hooves and stood on the ground.

The White Tiger Guards behind him split the formation and rushed out along the left and right of Lin Taixu, protecting Lin Taixu in the middle.

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