My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 702 Master Taixu will support you


Hearing this, Li Zhengqi was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He remembered what he had said just now, that if the people Lin Taixu called couldn't protect him, he would do this and that to him.

But in the blink of an eye, the other party called a cavalry, and his face was almost swollen by Lin Taixu.

Li Lingling looked at Li Zhengqi's uncomfortable look, and felt extremely refreshed in her heart. She looked at Lin Taixu with more gentleness and affection.

"My lord, I am blind and don't know that you are a true god. Please be generous and treat me as a fart."

Li Zhengqi hurriedly admitted his cowardice. Now that his Yuanhai was sealed, the strength of a third-level martial artist could not even exert the strength of a first-level martial artist. He was really a waste.

So, if he didn't beg for mercy at this time, would he wait until his head fell to the ground?

"Yes, sir, ignorance is not a crime, please spare us."

"Sir, please spare me."

"Sir, please spare me."

The other Li family guards also begged.

"You say, should we kill them?"

Lin Taixu looked at Li Lingling and asked, he really had no interest in these little characters.


Seeing this, Li Lingling was stunned. She didn't expect Lin Taixu to give her the right to deal with it. She immediately looked cute and looked at Lin Taixu very cutely.

"Yes, it's you."

Lin Taixu nodded affirmatively.

"Miss, please spare me."

"I don't really want to embarrass you, but it's hard to disobey the family order. Please understand."

Hearing this, Li Zhengqi hurriedly begged Li Lingling for mercy.

"Family order? Who gave you the order? My father?"

Seeing this, Li Lingling couldn't help but sneer. When she thought of what Li Zhengqi had just done to her, she couldn't help but feel murderous.

Although she is a girl, she is not a weak person who repays evil with kindness.

She knew that if Lin Taixu hadn't helped her, she would have been taken back by Li Zhengqi to please Tong Anyi.

He even had the nerve to say that it was because of the family's order.

It was simply shameless.

"Yes, before leaving, the head of the family told me to ensure the safety of the eldest lady no matter what. If the eldest lady acted willfully, the head of the family ordered me to act according to circumstances."

Li Zhengqi said solemnly.

"Do you think I believe it?"

Seeing Li Zhengqi's confident and calm expression, Li Lingling asked back with contempt.

The head of the family is her father.

Would her father allow a guard to disrespect his daughter? And act according to circumstances?

Do you really think I am a fool?

"Just kill him."

Lin Taixu didn't want to interrupt, but when he saw Li Zhengqi and Li Lingling fighting to the extreme, he felt that if this continued for an hour or two, it would be impossible to clear up the mess.

So, it's better to cut the Gordian knot quickly, solve it early and go back to rest early, how good it is.

"Well, just listen to Master Taixu."

Li Lingling nodded after hearing this.

After coming to Dahuang City, Li Zhengqi often pretended to obey her orders, and she could bear it for the sake of the family.

But now Li Zhengqi has become even more aggressive and dared to use force against her, which has violated her bottom line.

I can't bear it anymore.

Such an evil slave, don't kill him and keep him for the New Year?

"No, no, no, you can't kill me. If you kill me, how will you explain to the family?"

When Li Zhengqi heard this, he was so scared that he almost fainted, and shouted hurriedly.

"You are just a guard of my Li family, and I am the eldest daughter of the family. Do I need to explain to the family if I kill you?"

Li Lingling almost laughed at Li Zhengqi's weird remarks.

"It's a miracle that your brain can survive until now."

Lin Taixu was almost amused and said speechlessly.

"Drag him down and kill him."

Su Rongrong saw this and waved her hand and ordered.

"Yes, commander."

Immediately, dozens of White Tiger Guards stepped forward and dragged Li Zhengqi and others to the side of the road.

"Miss, spare my life, I know I was wrong, please give me another chance."

"Miss, I was just following orders, please let me go."

Seeing this, Li Zhengqi and the Li family guards shouted frantically, their eyes filled with extreme fear.

On weekdays, they acted arrogantly and persecuted others, but they didn't think it was a big deal.

However, when they were in the same situation and death came, they really realized how weak and helpless they were.

If they had known this would happen, they would not have done it in the first place.

At this moment, their hearts were filled with endless regret. If they had known that Li Lingling could climb up to the towering tree of Lin Taixu, they would not have dared to have evil thoughts on Li Lingling even if they were beaten to death.

However, it was obviously too late to repent and beg for mercy at this time.

Facing the pleas for mercy from Li Zhengqi and others, Li Lingling seemed to have not heard them and turned a blind eye.



After a while, only shrill screams were heard, and Li Zhengqi and others were slashed by the White Tiger Guard girl, ending their inglorious lives.

Looking at the bodies of Li Zhengqi and others falling on the side of the road, Li Lingling couldn't help showing a trace of pleasure in her heart. She was finally freed and didn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Are you still going to my place now?"

Lin Taixu asked with a smile.

"Go, of course I have to go. I am alone now and a weak woman. Master Taixu cannot leave me alone."

Li Lingling said quickly. After speaking, her face turned red and she seemed to feel that what she said was a bit bold.

"Haha, look what you said, if you have no place to go, come to my place, Mr. Taixu will support you."

Lin Taixu laughed and said, feeling that Li Lingling's character was really bold and to his liking.

It's not like some women who are coy and have to guess things that can be explained clearly in one sentence.

"Okay, then I can rely on you. You can't drive me away when the time comes."

Li Lingling said softly. For some reason, when she heard Lin Taixu talk about raising herself, she felt a little flutter and a little joy in her heart.

Although, she knows this kind of support, not that kind of support.

"Are you riding with them or on your own?"

Lin Taixu asked.

"I'm not very good at riding horses, so Master Taixu should lead me."

Li Lingling replied.


Lin Taixu didn't say anything and agreed readily. Then, he stretched out his big hand and pulled Li Lingling in front of him.


Seeing this, Cao Kexin couldn't help but look at Li Lingling with wide eyes, "Are you not good at riding a horse?"

It seems that you taught me how to ride horses.

If you tell lies with your eyes open like this, won't your conscience hurt?

"Sit tight and let's go."

Lin Taixu smiled, then raised his whip, the horse neighed and galloped forward.

"Go back to camp."

Seeing this, Su Rongrong urged her war horse to follow behind Lin Taixu and shouted an order.

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