"Okay, go ahead."

Lin Taixu nodded and said, his eyes suddenly brightening in the dark, yes, Luo Xiangyang and the others are also the deputy hall masters of the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall, and their family may not be short of money.

No, I have to ask them later.

If each of the four of them bought one, that would be two trillion, and he would be able to advance to the seventh level of Martial Emperor at least.

Tsk tsk

This is very nice.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Taixu."

After receiving Lin Taixu's assurance, Cao Hongfu turned around and left with satisfaction, planning to contact the current head of the Cao family.

However, if he knew Lin Taixu's true thoughts, he might not know if a mouthful of old blood would spurt out into the sky.

Arriving in his room, Cao Hongfu immediately activated the projection array. After a while, a man in his forties with a face somewhat similar to Cao Hongfu appeared in the light curtain blooming from the array.

This man is the modern head of the Cao family, the son of Cao Hongfu, the biological father of Cao Kexin, Cao Caocao, a fifth-level martial master and a third-level expert.

"Dad, do you always have trouble with me?"

Immediately, Cao Cao asked respectfully, a trace of doubt flashed on his resolute face. His biological father never contacted him. The longest time he remembered was eight years.

It made him think he had died outside.

And now, in just a few days, he has contacted me twice in a row. This is not right.

Last time, he was ordered to send his precious daughter there, but he didn’t know who he would send there this time.

Dad, is this a relationship?

"Well, it's a little trivial."

Cao Hongfu nodded and said.

"Dad, please give me your orders. As long as the child can do it, I will do it."

Cao Cao said quickly.

"Dad needs some money recently, how much can you get now?"

Cao Hongfu asked.

"This is simple. I will give you 10 billion silver coins immediately. Do you see enough?"

Hearing this, Cao Cao couldn't help but smile and said.

Isn't it just money?

He was so poor that all he had left was money. Since Dad needed money, wouldn't it be simple?

Give me 10 billion first, if there is not enough, add more.

Don't be a coward.

"Minimum 500 billion silver coins"

Cao Hongfu shook his head and said. After finishing speaking, he was slightly startled. He remembered what Lin Taixu said that at least 500 billion silver coins were needed, so he quickly changed his words and said, "Well, it's not the minimum of 500 billion, but the minimum of 1 trillion silver coins."

Ten billion silver coins is a lot, but compared to one trillion silver coins.

What can you do?

Not even a small change is enough.


Hearing this, Cao Cao couldn't help but be stunned, and even forgot to blink.

one trillion? silver?

Dad, you really don’t treat your son as an outsider.

Do you need some money? I think you need some money.

"What's wrong? Is it stuck?"

Seeing this, Cao Hongfu couldn't help but frown and looked at the projection array in front of him.

"Dad, how much do you think we need? One trillion silver coins?"

"What do you want so much money for?"

After hearing this, Cao Caocao immediately came back to his senses and asked.

"Buy the King of Martial Arts and Dan. As long as you have this King of Martial Arts and Dan, Dad can be promoted to the sixth level of King of Martial Arts."

Cao Hongfu told the truth, he is currently at the fifth level of martial arts and the eighth level, and recently he feels that he is about to advance to the fifth level of martial arts and the ninth level.

As long as you get the King of Martial Arts and Dan, you will be a fully qualified sixth-level King of Martial Arts expert.

Thinking about it, he was a little excited.

"One trillion silver coins to buy the King of Martial Arts, Dan?"

When Cao Caocao heard this, he couldn't help but be even more shocked. If it weren't for the projection circle call now, he would have reached out and touched his father's forehead to see if he had a fever and was talking nonsense.

King Wu, he knows Dan.

It can increase the chance of a warrior advancing to the sixth level of Martial King, but it is not a 100% guarantee that the warrior can advance.

At most, it can increase the probability by 10% or 20%.

Moreover, he had never heard that such a valuable elixir could be purchased with silver coins.

You must know that after reaching the fifth level of martial master, silver coins can no longer assist a warrior's practice very much.

Because things that can assist Wu Zun in his cultivation are hard to find, and they are usually exchanged for resources.

Take the Yuan Stone as an example. The Yuan Qi contained in the Yuan Stone far exceeds that of the Yuan Ning Dan, and long-term use will not produce erysipelas.

Therefore, although a low-grade Yuan Stone on the market is worth 100 million silver coins.

In fact, no one else will sell 100 million silver coins at all.

They only exchange other resources with you.

And dad actually said that he could use silver coins to buy King of Martial Arts and Pills. Isn't it obvious that he was deceived?

However, he didn't dare to ask, and he didn't dare to tell.

"Yes, this is an opportunity for our Cao family. You must seize it. When dad becomes King Wu, our Cao family's status in the Crescent Kingdom will be further improved infinitely."

Cao Hongfu nodded.

He is the patron saint of the Cao family. The stronger he is, the more no one dares to invade the Cao family.

As the saying goes, if a person achieves enlightenment, a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven, this is probably true.

"Dad, is there no other way besides using money?"

Cao thought for a moment and said weakly, knowing the implication.

The reason why the Cao family can be so powerful, in addition to having Cao Hongfu as its backer, is naturally not lacking in some means.

Such as bright, such as dark.

"Do you think labor and management are as stupid as you?"

Cao Hongfu cursed angrily, who is he?

Naturally, I heard the implication of Cao Cao Cao, which meant that he wanted to grab it.

But the problem is, that's the Saint Master.

Does he dare?

If he really does it, not to mention that the chief hall master will not let him go, even the Northern Territory Zhentianshi will not agree.

I'm afraid that by then, I will be promoted to the sixth-level martial king, and then become the sixth-level dead king.

Besides, with his relationship with the Saint Master, can he do such a thing?


Hearing this, Cao Caocao's pretty face immediately collapsed.

Since other methods don't work, it's difficult to deal with it, because he can't take out so much money.

If he really takes out one trillion, optimistically speaking, I'm afraid that the Cao family's assets will shrink by more than half in an instant and will never recover.

If the operation is not done properly, I'm afraid that the Cao family will fall apart and the family will be destroyed.

If my father can be promoted to the sixth-level martial king, it will be better.

If not, I'm afraid that the New Moon Country will have no place for the Cao family.

This is a gamble.

According to Cao Caocao's common sense, the Cao family is doomed to lose this bet.

"Why? The huge Cao family can't even take out one trillion silver coins?"

Cao Hongfu frowned and said unhappily when he saw Cao Caocao's expression.

"Dad, who said I can sell you the Wu Wang Dan?"

After thinking for a while, Cao Caocao asked weakly. Since the problem can't be solved, then solve the person who raised the problem.

Dad is obviously worried about the difficulty of being promoted to the sixth-level Wu Wang, and then someone took the opportunity to deceive him.

As long as I find that person, and then expose his scam.

In this way, Dad will not believe the other party, and I don't have to sell everything to get one trillion silver coins.

This is simply the best of both worlds.

Hehe, I am really a little smart guy.

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