My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 708: All the major families gather together

Half a month later, it was the sixth day of the sixth lunar month.

Dahuang City, Zhenbei Palace.

At this moment, the whole palace was decorated with lights and was full of joy.

Today was the important day for the Zhenbei Princess to hold her coming-of-age ceremony. As soon as the sky brightened, the servants in the palace were like bees in the flowers, shuttling back and forth and busy.

Outside the palace, teams of Zhenbei soldiers in helmets and armor stood quietly by the side, solemn and dignified, responsible for maintaining order today and protecting the safety of the palace.

The Zhenbei Princess's coming-of-age ceremony would surely be a grand event that would shock the entire Dahuang City.

At that time, there would surely be countless guests coming to congratulate. If there was any mistake, no one would be able to bear the responsibility of losing the face of the Zhenbei King or disrupting the Princess's coming-of-age ceremony.

So, although they were motionless at this moment, their minds were already tense to the extreme.

As time went by, some guests began to appear in front of the Zhenbei Palace.

"The head of the Chu family in Dahuang City congratulates Princess Nangong on her coming of age ceremony and presents her with 100,000 silver coins, one third-level spiritual herb, and ten second-level spiritual herbs."

"The head of the Wu family congratulates Princess Nangong on her coming of age ceremony and presents her with 100,000 silver coins and two spiritual herbs."

"The head of the Hu family congratulates Miss Murong Xinyue on her coming of age ceremony."

"The head of the Li family congratulates Miss Murong Xinyue on her coming of age ceremony."

"The head of the Liu family congratulates."

As a voice sounded, the heads of the families in Dahuang City placed their gifts at the registration office and then walked into the Zhenbei Palace under the guidance of the servants of the Zhenbei Palace.

As a group of congratulatory guests entered, another group of guests lined up to present their gifts. The huge square in front of the palace was crowded with people and very lively.

Among them were young masters and young ladies from surrounding cities and the imperial capital.

However, at this time, they had put away their arrogance and pomp in the past and lined up quietly to enter.

The people of Dahuang City who gathered around and watched the people coming in and out couldn't help showing envy and surprise.

These people are all big figures that they rarely see on weekdays. They are high and mighty and cannot be offended.

And now they are as obedient as a child, waiting in line quietly, not only without any complaints, but also with a smile on their faces.

It really refreshed their cognition.

It seems that only Lord Zhenbei King can have such an honor.

Niu Baichuan, who was standing at the gate of the palace to receive people, felt that his mouth was about to dry up. The most he said was very grateful and please come in.

He felt that this was more tiring than leading his army to fight a tough battle.

However, there was no way, who told him that he was not the Zhenbei King, and besides, it would not be appropriate to let the Zhenbei King stand at the door to welcome guests.

Alas, I don’t know when Lin Qianhu will come. If he comes, it will probably be fun.


At this time, a sharp hissing sound was heard, and a huge iron-winged goshawk appeared in front of the palace.

The iron-winged goshawk, a fourth-level monster, with wings spread out for more than ten meters, was seen hovering in the air. Although there was no attacking action, it still gave the guests below a great sense of oppression from the mind to the body.

He subconsciously dodged to the side.

"People from the imperial capital?"

Seeing this, Niu Baichuan couldn't help shrinking his eyes and showing a look of surprise.

"Zhao Wuji, the head of the Zhao family in the imperial capital, brought Zhao Ruxue and Zhao Rushuang to congratulate the princess of Zhenbei on her coming-of-age ceremony."

Just as Niu Baichuan was guessing, a hearty voice came from the back of the iron-winged goshawk, and then a middle-aged man stopped a girl with both hands and jumped down, landing on the open space in front of the palace.

The man had a handsome face and a scholarly demeanor, which made people feel good at first sight.

This person was Zhao Wuji, the head of the Zhao family in the imperial capital, with a martial arts cultivation of the fifth level and the sixth level of martial arts. Beside him were his two beloved daughters, Zhao Ruxue and Zhao Rushuang.

"Oh my god, twin sisters? What if..."

The appearance of Zhao Wuji, Zhao Ruxue and Zhao Rushuang immediately caused a commotion among the guests around them, especially the beautiful twin sisters Zhao Ruxue, which made everyone around them lose their minds.

Suddenly, an unknown family master said in amazement.

"Get out, stay away from me, don't take me with you if you want to die"

However, before he finished speaking, he was kicked out by the people around him, and the young man who kicked him retreated several meters with a face full of fear and hid behind a group of people.

Damn, lust also depends on the occasion.

Not to mention that they are from the imperial capital, even in front of the Zhenbei Palace, you dare to speak nonsense, do you know how to write the word death?

Such a fairy-like person, how can you, a waste, think about it?

"I am Niu Baichuan, the captain of the Golden Spear Battalion of the Zhenbei Army. I am here to meet the head of the Zhao family and the two young ladies Zhao."

"I didn't know that the three distinguished guests were coming. I hope you will forgive me for not welcoming them."

Niu Baichuan hurriedly stepped forward and greeted them.

"Master Niu is too polite."

Zhao Wuji said with a smile, looking amiable.



Then, another series of eagle screams rang out in the sky, and several iron-winged goshawks flew over and landed above the palace.

"One, two, three, four, five"

"Fuck. Is today a big shot meeting?"

Looking at the dark mass above their heads, the guests had the illusion of doubting their lives.

Iron-winged goshawk, this is a fourth-level monster. Needless to say, those who can ride such a monster are people who can reach the sky.

"Haha, Lao Zhao, you're here early."

Just hearing a loud laugh, a man flew down with a girl on top of an iron-winged goshawk. The man looked at Zhao Wuji and laughed.

"Brother Wang."

Zhao Wuji looked at the visitor and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's Second Senior Sister."

"Second Senior Sister, I miss you so much."

When Zhao Feixue and Zhao Feishuang saw the girl next to the man, their eyes lit up. They quickly ran over and held the girl's hand affectionately. They exchanged greetings and smiled sweetly.

This girl is none other than Wang Luoyi, and of course the man, needless to say, is Wang Zhengchu, the head of the Wang family.

"Yeah, I miss you too."

Wang Luoyi said with a smile, reaching out and shaking the two women's arms respectively to show their closeness.

"Your Majesty, Wang Zhengchu of the royal family of the imperial capital, and his little queen Luoyi, have come to congratulate Princess Zhenbei on her coming-of-age ceremony."

After Wang Zhengchu greeted Zhao Wuji, he smiled and said to Niu Baichuan.

"Ouyang Xinghuo, the head of the Ouyang family in the imperial capital, and Ouyang Yanran came to congratulate Princess Zhenbei on her coming-of-age ceremony."

"Du Wuhui, the head of the Du family in the imperial capital, came with his dog Du Yuanliang to congratulate Princess Zhenbei on her coming-of-age ceremony."

"Imperial Capital."

In the blink of an eye, one after another figures jumped down from the iron-winged goshawks, all of them were leaders of major families from the imperial capital.

When Niu Baichuan saw this, he couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. It was understandable that the emperor's family would come to congratulate him, and he could accept the presence of one or two family heads. After all, his prince was the only king with a different surname in the Crescent Kingdom.

However, the problem is that all the heads of the family came, which made him a bit headache.

I muttered in my heart, is my prince so popular?

"Murong Zhentian"

"Murong Changtian came to congratulate Princess Zhenbei on her coming-of-age ceremony."

Then, when Niu Baichuan was puzzled, another voice sounded, and two figures fell from the sky.

Suddenly, there was silence and silence.

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