My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 713 I don't agree

"Lin Taixu of Qingfeng City, pays homage to the prince. He is here today to fulfill the engagement. I also ask for your permission."

Without the obstruction of the Zhenbei Army, Lin Taixu walked onto the high platform with three feet and two feet, came to Nangong Yidao and said with his hands raised.

When Nangong Changhuan heard this, his face turned red with embarrassment. He never thought in his dreams that Lin Taixu would be so direct. Suddenly, he looked at Lin Taixu with a look that was full of resentment and a bit of joy.

In the past, she was extremely disgusted that Nangong Yidao ignored her own feelings and betrothed herself to someone she had never met.

But now, she feels that it makes sense to obey her parents when it comes to marriage.

"What the hell? What's going on?"

"Is this a live proposal?"

"What kind of proposal is there? They already have an engagement."

"Ah, have you been engaged for a long time? That's really like a flower stuck in cow dung."

Immediately, Lin Taixu's words aroused the ridicule of many guests.

Murong Zhentian and the others, on the other hand, looked at them like old gods. In fact, if Nangong Changhuan and Lin Taixu had not been engaged, it would have been good if they could only come half way.

Of course, there will be congratulatory gifts, and those who come will at most be the elders of the family.

"I agree."

Nangong Changao nodded repeatedly and smiled happily.

With Lin Taixu as my brother-in-law, my sister will not bully me again in the future.

Well, even if my sister bullies me, I can still ask Brother Lin to help me make the decision.


When Nangong Yidao saw this, he couldn't help but glared at Nangong Changao, do you agree?

Your agreement is of some use.

You have to agree with me, understand?


Seeing this, Nangong Changao couldn't help but shrink his head and didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Is he Lin Taixu? Is he the guy who lied to dad for one trillion?"

Among all the family heads, Cao Cao Cao looked at Lin Taixu and said in his heart, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"I disagree."

At this time, a loud shout was heard, and a young man with a cold face walked in quickly surrounded by a group of red-clad guards.

It is as if he is a unique talent from the Hua family.

He had been planning for four or five years to get Nangong Yida, how could he endure the failure?

If it weren't for the master who was waiting for him, he would have come to Dahuang City long ago.


When Nangong Yidao saw this, he couldn't help but frown and show an unhappy look. He was afraid of the Hua family, but he was not afraid. These were two concepts. He always felt that someone was looking down on him.

However, it's okay to use Hua Yixiong's hand to make things difficult for this little bastard and let him know that the dignified Zhenbei King is not so easy to bully.

If you open your mouth, beat me to death, and if you shut up, beat me to death.

This king owes you.

Murong Zhentian and Murong Changtian looked at each other and sneered, then returned to their original state and drank tea slowly.

"Captain, are you talking?"

Lin Taixu glanced at Hua Yixiong who was walking towards him, and then said to Nangong Yidao that he didn't even bother to pay attention to Hua Yixiong's objections.

Anyone who cares about such an idiot is an idiot.

"Lin Qianhu, you still call me Captain Wangye?"

Niu Baichuan couldn't help but said with some embarrassment.

If anyone else dared to be so rude to the prince, they would have been stabbed to death by his golden spear long ago. But, Lin Taixu.

He didn't dare.

So, I had to remind you.

"Oh, father-in-law, please accept your respects from my son-in-law."

Lin Taixu suddenly realized this and quickly knelt down to Nangong Yidao.

Sure enough, Lao Niu is still quite smart.


When Nangong Yidao saw this, he couldn't help being stunned. He looked stupidly at Lin Taixu who was half-kneeling in front of him, with countless grass and mud horses whizzing by in his heart.

I still wanted to make things difficult for him and express the resentment in my heart.

That's good, this bastard just forced him into the palace.

He immediately glared at Niu Baichuan, meaning, look at you, why don't you just say it if you can't speak?

No one treats you like a mute.

What should we do now?

Do you agree or disagree?

If you agree, doesn’t it mean that you have been scolded by this guy for so long in vain?

What if he doesn't agree and the bastard turns around and leaves?

What the hell.

You see what this is called.

"Okay, get up. This marriage has been decided a long time ago. Naturally, I will not regret it. However, I have to warn you. If you dare to bully my precious daughter in the future, I will skin you."

After thinking about it, Nangong Yidao generously chose the former. After all, it's not strange to be dissatisfied.


"Don't worry, how could I bully Huan'er?"

Seeing this, Lin Taixu stood up quickly and said with a smile.

"Hmph, who is your Huan'er?"

Nangong Changhuan, who was standing aside, was extremely shy and said harshly.


Lin Taixu smiled and said to Nangong Changhuan.

"Hum you."

Seeing this, Nangong Changhuan could not help but glare at Lin Taixu angrily, suspecting that he was taking advantage of her, but she had no evidence.


Nangong Changao walked up to Lin Taixu with a smile on his face and shouted loudly.

"Okay, from now on I will follow my brother-in-law, and I will make sure that you will be able to succeed in both wind and rain."

Lin Taixu laughed, reached out and patted Nangong Changao on the shoulder.

"Thank you brother-in-law, thank you brother-in-law."

Hearing this, Nangong Changao couldn't help but thank him quickly.


When Nangong Yidao saw this, he couldn't help but darken his face. He thought, this number is considered useless.

"Junior Hua Jiahua, Kazuo, pays homage to the prince."

At this time, Hua Yixiong finally reached the high platform and gave Lin Taixu a cold look. Then he suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and saluted Nangong with a knife.

Seeing Hua Yixiong's arrival, Lin Taixu grabbed Nangong Changhuan's hand and pulled her aside, ready to whisper.

Being held by a strange man in public, Nangong Changhuan's first reaction was to throw Lin Taixu's hand away, but when he thought about it, he was already his fiancée.

Even if you let him hold hands, it's natural. If you really let go, wouldn't it be a loss of face for the other party?

So, she had no choice but to endure the shyness in her heart, and silently followed Lin Taixu to the side, half pushing and half obeying.

"I wonder why Young Master Hua is here?"

Nangong Yidao asked calmly.

"I come here this time because I admire the princess's peerless charm. Therefore, I have taken the liberty to come to propose marriage to the prince. I also ask the prince to agree and make it possible for me."

Hua Yixiong said seriously.

"Oh, it's because of this. Sorry, you're late. I, the king, just agreed to betroth Huan'er to Mr. Lin."

Nangong Yidao said pretending to be sorry.

"Your Majesty, Lin Taixu is just a waste who cannot cultivate. How can he be worthy of the princess's rich body? Therefore, I would like to ask Your Majesty to take back his orders and cancel this marriage."

"Then the princess will be married to the younger generation. The younger generation promises to give the princess a lifetime of happiness and will never let down the princess's deep friendship."

Hua Yixiong said that he was the young master of the Hua family. Both in terms of family background and cultivation qualifications, he was far superior to Lin Taixu. He believed that as long as Nangong Yi was not blind, he would definitely know how to choose.

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