My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 81: Keep someone alive

"Death warrior?"

Seeing this, Murong Wushuang couldn't help but smile coldly, showing a hint of disdain. Even before, it was impossible for an eighth-level first-level martial artist to hurt her.

Not to mention that she has now advanced to the second level of warrior level two.

He was just a dead warrior of the eighth level, a first-level martial artist, and he posed no threat to her at all.

"Then die."

Murong Wushuang's eyes were cold, and with a wave of his long sword, the water curtain instantly fell on the man in black.


With the sound of a sharp blade breaking through the wind, the man in black was cut into several pieces with his sword in an instant. He didn't even have time to grunt before he became a real dead man.

Kill the enemy with one move.

Murong Wushuang did not stop at all, and leaped towards another place again.



In an instant, the two sneak attackers who thought they were well hidden were killed by Murong Wushuang without even having time to reveal their faces.

If it weren't for their screams, Lin Taixu would have suspected that his precious disciple was stabbing him here and there just for fun.

"The idea is stuck, retreat."

After hearing a sharp shout, in a moment, more than a dozen figures soared into the sky from various hiding places and flew out in different directions.

"I'll go, so many?"

Lin Taixu looked at the dense crowd of people, his face turned cold, and he said to Wang Luoyi, "Yier, you go too."

"Okay, Master."

Wang Luoyi immediately responded obediently, bending his legs slightly, and then rose up from the ground, jumping three feet high.

You have to listen to what Master says, and don’t ask why.

So, just be obedient.

Of course, if you said her hands were itchy and wanted to hit someone, she would never admit it.

"Want to run? There's no way."

Wang Luoyi shouted softly. Before she landed in the air, the purple gold hammer in her hand was thrown out like a shooting star.


A dull sound came out, and the Purple Gold Hammer instantly hit the back of a man in black who was trying to escape. With a sound of "ah", the man in black was knocked to the ground by the Purple Gold Hammer, vomiting blood. And died.


Wang Luoyi fell from the sky and landed right next to the Purple Gold Hammer. When she saw her palm, she grabbed the handle of the Purple Gold Hammer and chased after a man in black who was relatively close to her.

This is not a delicate beauty, she is completely naked and a peerless fierce god.

And he is also a ferocious god with a handle.

"Keep alive."

Seeing Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi descending from the mountain like fierce tigers, killing everyone, Lin Taixu couldn't help but twitch from the corners of his eyes and shouted quickly.

However, he shut up as soon as he finished shouting.

Because in the blink of an eye, except for those who ran away, everyone else was dead.


"forget it."

Lin Taixu raised his head to look at the sky, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Damn, what kind of disciples did Labor and Capital accept? How come they are more violent than the others."

However, I gained tens of thousands of famous teacher experience points, which was a bit of comfort.


Hearing Lin Taixu's words, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi couldn't help but turn their heads and look at the seven or eight bodies of men in black on the ground. Surprisingly, none of them were breathing.

Uh, this is embarrassing.

Did you get too involved in the drama?

No, they are too weak.

So, the two of them walked up to Lin Taixu with some anxiety, and Wang Luoyi said weakly, "Master, they were all beaten to death."

"Just beat him to death."

Lin Taixu could only wave his hand and said, "Go and take a look, you may find out where they came from."

It's not that he doesn't want to go, it's because he's afraid of dying.

Afraid of blood.

He was a little prince who was loved by everyone and had a stillborn baby. How could he do such a horrible thing?


As for slapping Sun Dachang to death, that was just an accident.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi immediately walked to the bodies of several men in black and examined them carefully.

A moment later, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi came to Lin Taixu again and said, "Master, I can't find out who they are."

"They don't have any special markings on them."

"Don't you know me?"

Lin Taixu asked, unable to help but praise the intelligence of his two disciples. Have you ever seen a killer bring identification?

Besides fighting and killing, what else do you do?

"do not know."

"I don't know him either."

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi shook their heads and said, they have only been in Qingfeng City for a year and a half, how could they know everyone?

It is no exaggeration to say that the number of people they know in Qingfeng City does not exceed two digits.

Master, you are not stupid.

To ask such a stupid question to a disciple.

"Go and notify the Master Guards that Master has been assassinated and ask them to investigate."

Lin Taixu waved his hand and said with a cold face that he dared to attack and kill a highly respected, young and promising famous master in broad daylight.

This trip is an unpardonable crime.

This crime cannot be tolerated by heaven.

He wanted to see who had the courage to do such a lawless and evil thing.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang cupped his hands in response, stretched out his figure, and flew towards the city.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu walked aside and found a place to sit down. He was thinking about who was so crazy about killing him.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves missing you.

As the saying goes, it is easier to avoid an open gun than a hidden arrow.

If he doesn’t catch the murderer, how can he pick up girls with peace of mind?

Uh, no, that’s wrong.

If he doesn’t catch the murderer, how can he teach his disciples with peace of mind and win people over with virtue?

On the top floor of the Master’s Hall, in the office of the Master.

“Brother, you have to make the decision for me.”

Diao Bu Tan looked at Diao Bu Diao and cried.

What a shame, what a shame.

He thought that the younger brother of the Master of the Master’s Hall, the resource manager of the Master’s Hall, was beaten by a loser.

And he was almost beaten to death.

This is not the point. The point is that he was blackmailed to pay a thousand Ningyuan Pills.

It’s intolerable. What is intolerable.

So, after he woke up, he ran to Diao Bu Diao, his dear brother, to support him and seek justice.

Of course, the truth of the matter is that Lin Taixu was arrogant and unreasonable. He beat him in various ways by relying on his status as a master teacher, and then forced him to sign an IOU.

Diao Bu Tan had no fault or responsibility.

It was him, it was all his responsibility, Lin Taixu's responsibility.

"What do you want to do?"

Diao Bu Diao looked at Diao Bu Tan with a headache. He and Diao Bu Tan were brothers from the same father and mother.

Because their mother was just a maid, after they were born, they were ostracized in the Diao family and suffered from the cold eyes of the clan members.

In addition, the two of them had poor qualifications, and it was even more difficult for them to move forward in the family.

Later, after he became a famous teacher, he had a little bit of status in the family, but because his own strength was only the eighth level of martial arts, and he had no outstanding disciples to support him, he still had no say in the Diao family.

If you don't understand this status, refer to Lin Taixu.

In addition, he doesn't know how to flatter, and he doesn't know how to make good use of the rules of famous teachers, so.

You know.

If you don't understand, refer to Lin Taixu.

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