Li Chu.

This person is a notorious casual cultivator who kills people and sells goods, and does everything.

More than ten years ago, because he raped and killed the eldest lady of a big family, he was hunted down by the big family. At the moment of life and death, he was rescued by Sun Chaohong, and he swore a poisonous oath to work for Sun Chaohong for thirty years.

In order to hide himself from others, Sun Chaohong placed him in this remote courtyard. Normally, the Sun family would not disturb him unless something important happened, and all he needed to do were things that were inconvenient for the Sun family to come forward.

For example, this is the case now.

He went to assassinate Lin Taixu on this trip and succeeded. It had nothing to do with the Sun family.

If it failed, it wouldn't matter at all. It was Li Yichu's doing.

"Brother Li."

The second elder walked to the door of the room and called softly.

"Come in."

Hearing the voice of the second elder, Li Yichu, who felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, immediately put down his murderous intention, turned around, sat down again, and said.

"Okay, okay."

The second elder responded quickly, took a few steps forward, opened the door and walked in.

The night falls deep, the moon is pale and the stars are sparse.

A figure approached from far away, and after a few leaps, he silently fell into Lin Taixu's mansion.

The dim night fell on his face, revealing a cold and ferocious face.

Li Chu.

Yes, that's him.

More than ten years ago, in order to save his life, he swore a poisonous oath to help Sun Chaohong for thirty years, but now only half of it has passed. Now, when he heard the second elder said that as long as he killed Lin Taixu and his five disciples, he could recover. The body of freedom.

After learning the information about Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang and others, he rushed over without stopping.

Preparing to complete the last task assigned by Sun Chaohong, he flew away.

As for why he didn't run away secretly, it was because the poisonous oath he swore was too poisonous.

He swore that if he broke his oath, his cock would grow an inch shorter every day.

Tell me, is it poisonous or not?

So, if it weren't for this poisonous oath, he would have run away long ago. Who cares about Sun Chaohong and Sun Chaohei? Is he the kind of person who keeps his promises?


"It should be there."

Li Yichu stood in the yard, looked at a larger house in the middle and whispered that he planned to kill Lin Taixu first, and then his five disciples.


Before Li Yichu took two steps, he heard a loud shout. Murong Wushuang leapt out of his room. Looking at Li Yichu standing in the yard, the vitality in his body began to circulate immediately, ready to be ready at any time. Take action.

"Actually discovered? Then I'll kill you first."

When Li Yichu saw this, his eyes turned cold and he smiled coldly. When he saw Murong Wushuang's face clearly, he couldn't help but froze.

He was originally a womanizer, otherwise he wouldn't have been so bold as to do such a disgraceful thing as insulting a young lady from a big family.

Although Sun Chaohong had asked him to work for the Sun family in recent years in order to suit his interests, and would arrange different women to serve him every once in a while, compared with Murong Wushuang, those women were in heaven and on earth.

Suddenly, Li Yichu's eyes revealed a lustful light, and he looked greedily at Murong Wushuang's delicate body.

Murong Wushuang felt chills all over his body at Li Yichu's gaze. He felt like vomiting. It was so disgusting. He couldn't help but get angry and shouted loudly, "Trespassing into the famous master's mansion without permission. Do you know how to write the word "death"?"

She is a proud daughter of heaven and has a noble status. Who dares to look at her like this except Lin Taixu?

Whoever looks at it will die.

As he spoke, he raised his arm, and a fierce palm wind roared, forming a huge claw shadow in the air. The claw shadow had distinct knuckles, and its shape was like a dragon or a tiger, filled with a fierce killing intention.

Taixu Dragon Claw Hand!


Murong Wushuang shouted softly, pressing down with his palms, and suddenly the claw shadow in the air suddenly dropped, heading towards Li Yichu to kill him.

"What kind of technique is this so powerful?"

Feeling the biting cold and pressure, Li Yichu immediately came back to his senses and exclaimed in his heart. He saw that Murong Wushuang was only a second-level warrior with a second-level cultivation, and the power of this attack reached the level of a fifth- and sixth-level warrior. Heavy category.

"Wind Slash."

Li Yichu shouted loudly, took out the long knife in his hand and slashed forward. Suddenly, he saw a cold sword light tearing through the dark night like a thunder, and slashed towards the falling claw shadow.


The sword light struck the claw shadow, and a deafening roar broke out. Murong Wushuang was shocked back four or five steps, while Li Yichu only took one step back.

Obviously, Murong Wushuang was at a disadvantage with this blow.

Good guy.

Li Yichu praised in his heart. Although he was taken a step back by Murong Wushuang, not only did he not show any anger, but his heart was filled with deep joy, and his eyes looking at Murong Wushuang became even more greedy.

With just one blow, he clearly felt that Murong Wushuang's claw shadow truly possessed the fifth-level power of a second-level warrior.

Putting aside her second-level warrior training, it shows that this set of combat skills has improved Murong Wushuang's strength by a full three levels.

This indirectly shows that the attack and combat skills used by Murong Wushuang are at least above the Earth level, or even higher.

Earth-level skills, not to mention he doesn't have them, are rare even in the Crescent Moon Kingdom.

Thinking that he would have a good harvest of beauties and martial arts tonight, Li Yichu felt deeply grateful to Sun Chaohong.

If Sun Chaohong hadn't sent him to kill Lin Taixu, would he have encountered such a good thing?

I definitely won't meet him.

Li Yichu was so eager to promise Sun Chaohong to work for him for another thirty years.

"What happened?"

"Big Sister?"

"Big Sister?"

The noise caused by the two soon alarmed Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue and others. They opened the door and ran out. When they saw Li Yichu not far away, they immediately understood what happened.

Suddenly, everyone was furious and drew their weapons, ready to attack at any time.

Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran used fine steel long swords, and only Wang Luoyi took out the purple gold hammer given to her by Lin Taixu.

With the circulation of vitality, the purple gold hammer flickered and looked particularly dazzling in the night sky.

"Second-level warrior, fifth level?"

Li Yichu weighed Murong Wushuang's strength, and Murong Wushuang also saw Li Yichu's background, and her pink face was covered with frost, haha.

How could a waste of a second-level warrior, fifth level, have the courage to go wild in the mansion of a famous teacher?

Are you so brave?

"Level 2 Warrior, Level 5?"

Wang Luoyi raised her eyebrows, looking at Li Yichu with fighting spirit, eager to try.

"I'll go."

Looking at the appearance of Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue and others, Li Yichu felt that his heart was about to jump out of his stinky mouth.

I thought Murong Wushuang was beautiful enough, but then, one, two, three, four, five.

A few more people who were as good as her appeared.

It was almost like he was going to die.

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