My skills are all passive.

Chapter 217 Injured?

Although the area of ​​the wild area is relatively large, Hao Yun believes that he still has certain skills and abilities in finding people.

With his strong perception ability, as long as Qin Xiaoman is near him, he can find her.

However, the key to the problem is that the other party must be in this area. Otherwise, no matter how powerful his ability to find people is, the difficulty is really amazing.

Although the breath of the superpowers and the beasts is different, if the distance is not far, Hao Yun still finds it difficult to find.

After all, according to the information given by Yang Liuqing, the other party should have not contacted Yang Liuqing for a while, so Yang Liuqing is so worried.

So Qin Xiaoman is likely to have left this area. In this case, even if Hao Yun spends a few days here, it is impossible to find her.

In this case, Hao Yun can only hope that the other party has not left for the time being.

Otherwise, Hao Yun can only explain the situation to Yang Liuqing. After all, he still has his own things to do and can't stay here all the time.

And then, Hao Yun started the search mode and used his perception ability to conduct a comprehensive search in the surrounding wild areas.

In this way, as long as Qin Xiaoman appears within his search range, he will be able to detect her.

After several hours, Hao Yun still did not find anything.

Although he encountered many strange beasts, the strongest of these strange beasts was only level four. Hao Yun really had no desire to take action, so he let them leave on their own.

Hao Yun was not so satisfied with this result.

After searching for several hours in a row, there was no news, which was definitely not good news.

It means that Qin Xiaoman is very likely not in this area, or is in danger.

"Where is this person? If I can't find him, I'm afraid I can only leave tomorrow."

At this moment, when Hao Yun stopped to rest, facing such a situation, he whispered softly.

It can be regarded as setting a time limit for himself.

If he still can't find Qin Xiaoman tomorrow, he will leave and go to the hunter's headquarters.

Although this seems to give up ruthlessly, time is very precious, and Hao Yun doesn't want to waste it on it.

I believe that even Yang Liuqing would not be surprised to worry about this. After all, even his best student would be in danger in a dangerous wild area, and it is normal for accidents to happen.

In this case, he can only blame himself for his poor academic performance, not others.

However, just as Hao Yun finished speaking, he suddenly made a new discovery, so he hurried to the place where he found the special situation.

After about a few minutes, Hao Yun came to a forest, but the strange thing was that the trees here, with trunks as thick as a human body, were all interrupted by some huge force.

But judging from the tragic situation at the scene, it should be a big battle, and there must be a level 5 alien beast.

More importantly, Hao Yun also found some damaged things and oozing blood at the scene. It can be confirmed that this blood did not come from an alien beast, but from an alien.

After all, it contains a certain elemental energy, which can be judged by good luck.

Combined with the information Yang Liuqing sent him, if Hao Yun's guess is correct, then this blood must have been left by Qin Xiaoman, which means that she must have encountered a level 5 alien beast here before.

Although she escaped by luck, she must have suffered serious injuries.

There is no way to determine what the situation is now, but these bloodstains have already pointed out the direction for Hao Yun to move forward. He can find the direction and location when Qin Xiaoman left by relying on the smell left in the air.

In this way, it won't take too much effort to find him.

Thinking of this, Hao Yun did not dare to hesitate, and quickly followed the smell of blood to chase.

Mainly because Hao Yun did not know the extent of Qin Xiaoman's injuries, so in this case it is better to find him as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if he really died in the wild area, I believe Yang Liuqing would still be worried and distressed.

Moreover, in the entire supernatural world, there are actually not many people with strength higher than level 5. Think about Qin Xiaoman, a rare genius, who must not die in such an occasion.

Fortunately, with a certain target, Hao Yun could move forward at full speed and would not waste too much time on the road.

In this way, Hao Yun moved forward at full speed for about an hour and finally arrived under a waterfall.

The smell of internal blood remaining in the air also stopped here.

It stands to reason that the other party should be hiding nearby, but surprisingly, Hao Yun did not find a place to hide after a circle.

This is really quite puzzling.

Hao Yun had to wonder if there was something wrong with his guess.

However, a new discovery followed, which made him sure that his guess was not wrong, Qin Xiaoman should be here.

Because Hao Yun found some special powder around the waterfall, which is a special thing used to prevent alien beasts from coming here.

Most alien beasts are sensitive to the smell of this powder and generally will not come here, which can also play a protective role for the psychic themselves.

But from this point of view, the powder must have been sprinkled by Qin Xiaoman. Since she sprinkled this powder in this position, it means that he should rest here and recover from his injuries.

After thinking about this, Hao Yun had to look at the scene in front of him again to find Qin Xiaoman's real shelter, and finally set his sights on this waterfall.

Although the water flow of this waterfall is relatively large and rapid, it is also the only one that can be hidden. It is very likely that there is a hole behind this waterfall, which can allow people to stay in it temporarily to rest.

In order to verify his guess, Hao Yun did not hesitate at all, and immediately jumped up and rushed to the middle of the waterfall.

And the fact proved that Hao Yun's guess was correct, because his body was not blocked after passing through the waterfall, but fell directly into a stone cave.

After balancing his body, Hao Yun looked at the stone cave in front of him and found that the entrance of the cave was very wide and deep. Behind this waterfall, its safety is beyond doubt.

Even if you encounter some high-level exotic beasts, it is difficult to detect the scent. In addition, this position makes it impossible for ordinary exotic beasts to attack, so it is indeed suitable for healing.

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