My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 97: : Weird

   Chen Fang just synthesized a total of nine dark coins, three golds, five silvers and two bronzes. He left two gold coins. The rest was handed over to Fang Dazhao to negotiate prices with Wu Liuqi and exchanged a lot of things.

   "Give me the two elemental fruits and half of the core, and the rest will belong to you." Chen Fang said to Da Zhao on the way back.

   "I use the affinity objects, but don't you want the skill crystals?" Fang Dazhao said. Chen Fang told him before that he didn't need to consider him when changing to the affinity objects, so Fang Dazhao used everything himself.

   "No, you keep it for yourself. Use everything you can use. Improve your strength. I hope we can all go out." Chen Fang said.

   The skill crystallization is something that Chen Fang can't look up to. The synthesis rate is too low and easy to explode. It is better to give Fang Dazhao a favor.

   "Oh." Fang Dazhao accepted without thanking him.

   After returning to the cell, Chen Fang saw that Lin Zhan was moving his body and wanted to come after his treatment, and he recovered well.

   "Little brother, I don't want to thank you, I can use it in the future, just speak." Lin Zhan said.

   "True virtual, if you go out alive and we stay, or if you stay, we go out, how can I use you." Before Chen Fang could speak, Fang Dazhao choked.

   Lin Zhan was very embarrassed.

   "You don't need to care. I said before, it was a deal. If you finish my business, I will treat you." Chen Fang said lightly.

   "This is my business card and token. If we can all go out, then just follow the address above to find it, and I will definitely welcome the guests."

   "If I didn't go out, you would get a lot of money if you sent my news." Lin Zhan handed Chen Fang a business card and an iron plate.

   "The worst thing is that you went out, we stayed." Fang Dazhao whispered.

   "Hehe, no, I don't think the two are short-lived people." Lin Zhan said with a smile.

   "Listen to this sentence."

   Fang Dazhao nodded, and then moved to Chen Fang's side and looked at the business card and iron medal.

   "Lin Zhan, No. 33, Main Street, Longhua City, 13...46, still handwritten, stylish, but you're here, it's useful to keep a business card." Fang Dazhao said.

   Lin Zhan couldn't laugh or cry. At a certain level, a business card handwritten in person is more effective than any stepping stone. I can't say that, it's not enough to open the door.

   "You can enter Longhua City with this business card, or you won't be able to enter." Lin Zhan could only explain that.

   "Longhua City, the city where big families gather, your surname is Lin, isn't it a member of the Lin Group?" Fang Dazhao asked in a bit of surprise.

   "Yes, I work for the Lin Group." Lin Zhan nodded and said.

   "Boss, I am Fang Dazhao, please be sure to let Sister Zhou take care of me after you go out." Fang Dazhao listened, and rushed to Lin Zhan, hugging his thighs, and said flatly.


   Chen Fang looked at the shameless Fang Dazhao with a black line, and at the same time felt confused. I don't know why Fang Dazhao was like this.

"You let go first." Lin Zhan also has a black line on his face. He has never seen a direct person like Fang Dazhao, and he holds his thighs unpretentiously. My calf is sinking into your chest. Not a female, bad review.

   "Fatty, what's the matter with you." Chen Fang, who had already regarded Fang Dazhao as a friend in his heart, couldn't stand his humble appearance.

   "I told you before that I am a newcomer in the battle star, right?" Fang Dazhao said.

   "Is there any? I don't remember, what's the fighting star?" Chen Fang shook his head.

   "Don't you watch TV? Those who often appear on TV and participate in various battles are fighting stars."

   "I'm telling you, I always make money."

   "As long as you become a celebrity, any endorsements, advertisements will all come to you, making money is easier than drinking water." Fang Dazhao said with full expression.

   Chen Fang shook his head to indicate that he did not understand, and what did this have to do with Lin Zhan.

   "There is a battle star company under the Lin Group, which is the largest battle star factory in the Federation, and I am one of them." Fang Dazhao said proudly.

   Chen Fang still didn't understand him, so he looked at Lin Zhan.

   So Lin Zhan explained it.

In fact, the so-called battle star, in the words of Chen Fangyuan’s world, is the game anchor, but the battle is placed in reality, and then there is a very standardized evaluation mechanism, the highest is the first line, the lowest is the eighteenth line, and of course there are reserves. It is the so-called nineteenth line, Fang Dazhao is.

   "So, you are now someone who hasn't even signed the contract and can't even get the salary? Then you still tell me you are a fighting star." Chen Fang looked at Fang Dazhao with contempt.

   "Is it so famous?" Fang Dazhao said embarrassedly.

   "If I can get out alive, I will greet the people below, but at most I can only sign you in to become the 18th line, and the rest can only be won by you." Lin Zhan said.

The evaluation mechanism of the battle star is federally managed and is very strict. The eighteenth line is only an entry point and can be operated. Don't even think about anything else. If you are found to directly revoke the battle star license, your company will also be punished, and the heavy company will be directly closed. .

   Chen Fang was not interested in this topic. Seeing that the Fatty and Lin Zhan had a chat, he directly found a corner and sat down and began to load the two elemental fruits that the magic circle had absorbed.

   "The ice flame element is loaded successfully."

   "The water element was loaded successfully."

   With two more elements, plus light, shadow, and thunder, Chen Fang has five elements, but the elemental array is still two, so it is full.

   Then Chen Fang took out the core to replenish the energy of the heart of origin, and evolved the characteristics of the water element.

   Chen Fang considered it and chose the two characteristics of moisture and three states.

   Moisturizing needless to say, it has a bonus to water healing skills. Although there is no corresponding skill now, Chen Fang feels that he should be able to get it in the future.

The three states of    are the three states of water, namely gas, liquid, and solid, corresponding to fog, water, and ice. It can be said that with this characteristic, the water element awakened is more comprehensive than the other element awakened.

   After Chen Fang finished his work, took out the food he brought back and shared it with Fatty and Lin Zhan, the three of them went to sleep.

   There is only dark night in the arena, and when they go to sleep depends on their personal meaning. Soon after Chen Fang and the others fell asleep, someone came to their cell and took a look and left.

   didn't know how long he slept, Chen Fang was awakened by the bell, obviously he was going to be sent to the arena.

   didn't come and woke Fang Dazhao, Chen Fang was sent away.

   I don't know if Chen Fang is unlucky. He has fought five consecutive games like Fang Dazhao.

   In the first battle for weapons, his opponent was very weak, an elementary big palatine larva. Chen Fang didn't even pick up a weapon, and directly trampled on the ant the size of a foot.

   In the same mode in the second game, the battle was against a middle-level skeletal warrior. Chen Fang fought with it for more than a hundred rounds, breaking all the weapons in the arena, and finally smashing the opponent's skull and winning the victory.

The third extreme battle of life and death, this time the venue is very extreme, the sky is raining fire, as time goes by, the fire rain will gradually become dense, and finally cover the audience, and Chen Fang also encountered the hardest hit so far. Opponent, a split slime.

   Split slime is not easy to kill. You know it will split when you hear the name. If it is somewhere else, kill it slowly, but in the time-consuming arena of life-and-death battles, it is extremely troublesome.

   If it weren't for the rain of fire in the sky to help Chen Fang and kill some split slimes, it would be impossible for Chen Fang to kill all the slimes within ten minutes.

   The fourth and fifth games are fortunately brainless low-level mutant creatures. Otherwise, in the third game, Chen Fang was injured by the fire and rain, and I don’t know if he can survive.

   After five battles, Chen Fang was transported back to the cell. When he returned, Fang Dazhao was no longer there, but Lin Zhan was still there. He told Chen Fang that Fatty was also transported to the arena.

   Chen Fang was a little worried. He didn't think much about Fang Dazhao's absence before. After this meeting, he began to worry, hoping that the fat man would be fine.

   Just after Chen Fang waited anxiously for two hours, Fang Dazhao walked in from the outside cursingly. Chen Fang was relieved to see that he was still yelling at him. What's wrong with "Chen Fang didn't ask Fatty what other than that made him so angry, Lin Zhan spoke curiously.

   "Didn't I just be teleported to the arena. When I returned from the battle, I teleported back to the original room. I don't know why I was teleported into the air and ended up crashing like this."

   "I didn't say before that there was a group of people in black robes in the room talking about a stone statue. When I smashed it down, I just hit the stone statue."

"The stone statue has fallen down, and it's not broken, but the group of people looked for me madly, as if they were about to eat me. I ran and they chased me. After chasing me for about an hour, they finally got rid of them. "Fang Dazhao said with lingering fear.

   "You are so fat that you can run past them? And you ran for an hour." Chen Fang said.

"It's strange to say that they seem to be very unlucky. They will always fall for no reason or get hit by things. Although I think I'm lucky, it's not outrageous to the point where it can affect others." Fang Dazhao is also one. The puzzled look of his face.

   "I escaped this time, what about the next transmission?" Chen Fang was a little worried.

   "Yes, what should I do next time, alas, I blame the stone statue with three heads and eight legs. It looks very heavy, and it will fall if you smash it." Fang Dazhao was also troubled.

   "Can you describe the stone statue carefully?" Lin Zhan asked suddenly.

   "Three heads and eight feet, oh, holding a whip," Fang Dazhao said.

   "Lord of the disaster? How come there is his stone statue here." Lin Zhan intuitively felt that something was about to happen.


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