My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 12 On Martial Arts Talent

For three consecutive days, Lin Yan's life was extremely regular.

With the support of Cuifeng San, he was able to practice martial arts almost without interruption throughout the day. Except for necessary actions and sleep, almost all of his time was devoted to the practice of "Five Bird Hands".

If I were in my previous life, my body would definitely not be able to withstand this kind of training.

But the special effect of [Detoxification] is miraculous. As long as the energy and blood are replenished, the fatigue of the body will immediately dissipate, and the body will become more energetic and powerful.

After three days, I became more and more proficient in the practice of "Five Animal Hands", and my movements gradually became smooth and fluent.

The Bodhi Gold Medal in his mind has proficiency reminders. Any movement he makes must be done in the most accurate way as long as he can increase his proficiency the fastest.

Therefore, in the past three days, he did not just pursue speed. He also spent two hours every day carefully correcting the carving movements to make the improvement of proficiency more efficient.

The only trouble is that he doesn't dare to go to the martial arts training ground to practice too much.

A poor boy like him with no money or power would definitely get into a lot of trouble if others discovered that he could regenerate his energy and blood so quickly without eating much meat.

Therefore, he only practiced in a narrow single room during the day, and at night, when the lights were dark, he went to the martial arts training ground to show off his skills.

After three days of continuous practice, his proficiency in "Five Bird Hands" has reached 30%.

This morning, after seeing off Xiaozhi, Lin Yan rushed to the martial arts training ground. Today was the day for his senior brother to teach, and he happened to have accumulated some questions that he wanted to ask his senior brother.

"Lin Yan!"

He met Yu Qian halfway. She was wearing a similar simple training uniform and said hello to Lin Yan.

After not seeing each other for three days, her figure became a little more curvy. She must have been practicing all the time.

She walked to the martial arts training ground with Lin Yan and asked casually: "Lin Yan, how is your practice of "Five Birds Hands" going?"


"I haven't seen you in the martial arts training ground in the past three days."

"I came at night."

"Liar, it's pitch dark at night and you can't even see."



Yu Qian curled her lips.

She finally figured out that Lin Yan probably didn't practice much, either because he had something to do at home, or he was just lazy.

I heard that his family had no money, so I didn't know what kind of relationship he had through which he got in touch with Mr. Kui. Mr. Kui asked him not to enter the Longmen Pavilion, but he insisted on entering.

After entering and then spreading it here, doesn’t this mean that the mud cannot hold up the wall?

Yu Qian wasn't familiar with Lin Yan, so she didn't bother to talk much, just chatting.

When the two of them approached the North School Field, the men in the field raised their hands to greet Yu Qian.

"Senior Brother Wei..."

"Senior Brother Lin..."

"Senior Sister Le..."

Yu Qian responded one by one. In the past three days, she had made many friends with her beauty and politeness.

When she came in front of a tall and thin young man, her cheeks were slightly red, and she said shyly, "Hello, Senior Brother Bai."

The tall and thin young man's eyes were blazing and he smiled earnestly and said, "Junior Sister Yu, do you have any questions today? Do you want me to give you some more guidance?"

"Senior Brother Bai, thank you very much. I haven't fully understood the difficulty yesterday. Please allow me to practice again."

"It's easy to talk about."

The senior brother surnamed Bai saw Lin Yan standing next to Yu Qian and remembered that he had come all the way to talk to Yu Qian. His face suddenly became stern: "Are you Lin Yan? You haven't come to the martial arts training ground for three days in a row. If you are like you, How can it be possible to achieve success in martial arts when it is so desolate?"

Lin Yan was puzzled and cupped his hands and said, "Senior brother taught me a lesson."

"Learn more from Junior Sister Yu. You are talented and come from a good family, but you still work so hard! Diligence can make up for weakness. The less talented you are, the harder you have to work hard. Otherwise, what is the difference between you and a waste? Huh, Junior Sister Yu, come on, come here and practice..."

Lin Yan shook his head secretly, walked aside, and began to warm up and stretch his muscles.

"Hey, how about it? Doesn't it feel good to be taught a lesson?"

Lin Yan turned around and saw that it was Wei Yan who was speaking.

"Senior Brother Dayan."

Wei Yan waved his hand and pointed at Senior Brother Bai: "That guy surnamed Bai is not very good in martial arts. He relies on his father being the chief registrar of Jing'anfang and having some status to make noises in the Wuziyuan. Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk .”

There was a sour taste in his words, especially when he looked at Yu Qian who was being courted by Senior Brother Bai, his eyes were even more sour.

It is estimated that he was talking to himself because he wanted to find someone to complain about.

Lin Yan changed the subject: "Senior Brother Dayan, do you know a senior fellow named Wang from Longziyuan?"

Wei Yan was surprised: "What did you ask him for?"

"I met this senior brother yesterday."

Wei Yan came close to him and whispered: "There is only one senior brother named Wang in Longziyuan, Wang Qinggang! He is incredible. It is said that he is a descendant of a wealthy family in Neifang. Let alone compare with us, even the one named Bai is in front of him. It’s nothing more than this!”

Wei Yan stretched out his little finger.

Neifang wealthy family? It will also be in Longmen Pavilion.

Wei Yan whispered: "Senior Brother Wang comes from a noble family. He looks down on us junior brothers from Wuziyuan. He often beats and scolds us. If you meet him again in the future, you should stay away."

"I see. Senior Brother Wei, let's not talk about this anymore. I have some doubts about my practice. Can I ask you for advice?"

Wei Yan nodded indifferently: "Okay, you can practice and see."

Seeing Lin Yan starting to practice, he took a closer look.

"Hey, Junior Brother Lin, you've practiced this kung fu well. You've worked hard."

Wei Yan was slightly surprised. He originally thought that Lin Yan had been slacking off for the past three days, but now Lin Yan unfolded his stance and performed his exercises, which immediately gave him the impression that he had entered a palace.

How long did it take you to reach this level before? Seven days? Ten days?

Thinking of this, he was immediately shocked. Compared with Junior Sister Yu's current showmanship, Lin Yan's movements were not only entry-level, but already decent!

"Junior brother, you have achieved this in just three days?"

"Senior Brother Dayan, this may have something to do with my insistence on exercising on my own before."

"That's it..."

Wei Yan didn't understand it very well and was doubtful.

"Senior Brother Dayan, I don't feel that the tiger shape is quite right..."

Lin Yan changed the topic, and Wei Yan didn't think much and started to answer the questions.

"In the tiger shape, you must start from the waist and use the shoulder straps to move the elbows..."

"The apes are flexible and their arms swing like bells..."

"Deer shape..."


"Tsurugata's movements, this, this... look, senior brother is here, go and ask him!"

Wei Yan pointed in the direction of his senior brother and fled quickly. This junior brother asked too tricky questions. I felt that if I asked him two more questions, he would be stopped.

Seeing the senior brother approaching from a distance, Lin Yan and Yu Qian met up. They were the only two newcomers recently.

Yu Qian asked curiously: "What were you talking about just now? Why did Senior Brother Dayan run away?"


Yu Qian didn't bother to ask any more questions.

When the eldest brother came over, the two of them met the eldest brother together.

The three of them walked to the open space next to it, and Zang Wei said with a cold face: "Yu Qian, practice it first and see."

Yu Qian's sweet voice responded, and she started playing "Five Birds Hands" in a precise manner.

When she finished all the movements, she was panting slightly, her face was half red, and she said cheerfully: "Senior Brother, I have finished practicing."

Zang Wei nodded expressionlessly: "I started in three days, my talent is pretty good, I'm not lazy, that's good."

Lin Yan was also watching. Yu Qian's movements were quite accurate. If converted to him, his proficiency level would be about 15%.

He frowned slightly, this entry was a bit slow, wouldn't the gap with him be huge?

"Lin Yan!"

Zang Wei suddenly shouted.

"Big Brother."

"Lin Yan, have you never been to the martial arts training ground in the past two days?" The senior brother occasionally visited the four school grounds.

"Senior Brother, I always come to the martial arts training ground to practice at night."

"At night?" Zang Wei stared at Lin Yan with cold eyes, as if Lin Yan's skin was electrified.

But he is not squinting, nor arrogant nor impetuous.

Yu Qian beside her curled her lips, a flash of disdain flashed in her eyes, she still dared to deceive her senior brother, it was hopeless!

Zang Wei frowned slightly: "In that case, just give him a beating."


Don't think about Zang Zhuo. With his current proficiency, he just figured out that there is no ability to hide Zhuo.

He immediately started practicing "Five Animal Hands" with all his strength.


Zang Wei didn't have any expectations at first, but as soon as Lin Yan made a move, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"Looks like I'm not lying. It's interesting, interesting..."

Next to her, Yu Qian had a hint of laughter at the corner of her mouth, but after watching Lin Yan practice for a while, the smile on her face gradually stiffened.

How, how is it possible!

Even though she had only been exposed to "Five Birds Hands" for three days, she could still tell that Lin Yan was much more proficient in his movements than she was. A set of movements flowed smoothly without any hindrance, and he played with full vigor.

After finishing a set of movements, Lin Yan's face was not red or breathless. Instead, his skin was slightly red, as if there was blood flowing.

"Lin Yan, have you learned "Five Animal Hands" before?"

Lin Yan's heart tightened: "Senior Brother, I have never learned it before."

"Okay! It seems that you are quite talented in "Five-Animal Hands". In just three days, you have mastered "Five-Animal Hands" to the first glance. This is your talent. You must practice diligently and complete it as soon as possible. Qi and blood transformation!"

Lin Yan's heart moved: "Elder brother, what is the transformation of Qi and blood?"

Zang Wei was in a good mood and explained: “In order to enter the martial arts sect, you must first transform your Qi and blood.

“When the Five Animal Hands practice reaches a certain level, the qi and blood in the body will spontaneously gather throughout the body, forming a full and boiling state, which is the so-called qi and blood limit.

"At this time, if you can use the boiling of Qi and blood to break through the limit of Qi and blood, you can complete a transformation of Qi and blood, strengthen your muscles and bones, and reach the entry-level level of martial arts.

"For those of us with weak bones and muscles, only after the transformation of Qi and blood can we withstand the circulation of Qi and blood and start practicing real martial arts."

Lin Yan's heart moved: "Could it be that the assessment in Wuziyuan is the transformation of Qi and blood?"

"That's right. People with martial arts qualifications can succeed in about two months at most.

"If you fail to achieve it within two months, it means that you have no martial arts qualifications, and further training will be of little use.

"So the assessment of Wuziyuan is scheduled to take two months."

Lin Yan suddenly understood: "Thank you, senior brother, for your teaching."

Zang Wei glanced at him and continued: "But you don't have to be proud. Each martial arts method is completely different. Some practice boxing, some practice leg, some practice weapons, and some practice body skills. .Although they have some similarities with each other, everyone is always different in what they are good at.

"For example, some people practice boxing like a god, but their leg and body skills are far behind..."

It seemed that it aroused Zang Wei's sadness. He was silent for a moment and then said: "You just happen to have a lot of experience in practicing "Five Bird Hands". It does not mean that you have such progress in practicing other martial arts.

"I have seen many disciples similar to you who made rapid progress in the early stages.

“But it is extremely rare for them to truly embark on the path of martial arts and travel far and wide.

"So, you must not be complacent and practice "Five Bird Hands" too hard, break through as soon as possible, and maximize your advantages."

Lin Yan said respectfully: "I have learned a lesson!"

But he knew in his heart that he didn't really have any talent, but...with the help of proficiency display, he could make rapid progress!

With every punch, he can see his progress and can adjust his movements at any time to achieve a more standard and perfect level...

In this way, he can always maintain high enthusiasm and avoid detours.

Yu Qian came over resentfully: "Lin Yan, you hide yourself so well. You must have come here at night on purpose."

"You misunderstood." Lin Yan didn't explain much.

Yu Qian bit her silver teeth lightly, but she was so perfunctory!

Aren't you just a poor boy? Without money to support you, how far can you go in martial arts?

"Okay, next, I will continue to guide you in your movements. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Another intensive hour of teaching.

When the lecture was over, Yu Qian looked at Lin Yan with even more complicated eyes.

She progressed slowly, and her senior brother couldn't give her much guidance.

On the other hand, Lin Yan had all kinds of problems. The senior brother spent most of his time guiding Lin Yan, thus reducing the time he spent on her.

"Hey, Lin Yan! Wait, there's something I didn't understand just now. Can you..."

Lin Yan didn't look back: "I still have something to do, let's talk about it next time!"

"Hey, hey...ah...bastard!"

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