My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 73 Take a tour

Shaking away the blood on his fist, Lin Yan turned around and said, "You all get up, we are Ji Quan's friends."

In front of me, a group of villagers knelt and kowtowed.

Several of them were covered in red and their eyeballs were bloodshot. When Lin Yan killed the members of the Jiusha Gang who were holding torches just now, these people seemed to be crazy. They rushed up, kicking and biting the members of the gang who were knocked down by Lin Yan. , I wish I could eat its meat raw.

After appeasing the villagers, Lin Yan called the village chief and directly asked Xie Lingyan to coordinate with the village chief to help people from the bottom of the mountain carry supplies up.

He was afraid that if he didn't put Xie Lingyan away, she would accidentally kill all the few survivors she finally left alive.

By the time all the people and supplies at the bottom of the mountain had been brought up the mountain, Lin Yan was done.

He fetched a bucket of water and carefully washed the blood stains on his hands. He turned to the more than ten villagers with ferocious faces who had been waiting for a long time and nodded and said: "They are yours."

Armed with hoes, sickles, and even some who directly moved rocks, more than a dozen villagers rushed into the room behind them, and terrifying howls suddenly began one after another.

Lin Yan cleaned the gaps between his fingers and went to meet Xiao Zhi and others.

"I have already asked clearly. The people who control this village are a group called the Jiusha Gang. They have three leaders. The person stationed here is the third master of the Jiusha Gang.

"The Jiusha Gang not only controls Jijiazhai, but Heishui Village a few miles to the south and Shicun to the west are both their bases.

"However, the strength of this Jiusha Gang is not strong. The most powerful gang leader is said to be the one with the highest strength in the force realm."

With this kind of strength, in Ding'an City, it would probably be like a low-level Xiafang gang, far worse than the Black Tiger Gang.

“They all heard about the strange phenomena in the Guangchuan Mountains and came here to try their luck.

"But because we are too weak, we don't dare to explore deeply, so we use nearby villages as a stronghold to dominate here. It's really just trying our luck."

Pei Qing and Fan Yunyun were even more angry: "The Jiusha Gang is so weak?"

Ji Quan was actually not weak in strength, but he was too young and had been in the Qinghong Martial Arts School for a long time. He had never experienced the dangers of the world, so he was hit by the third master of the Jiusha Gang with a handful of lime, tripped and tied up with a rope, and was framed. it's here.

Zang Wei sighed: "A small Jiusha Gang can bring trouble to three villages and the entire Guangchuan Mountains. I don't know how many things people and gods are angry about..."

"Elder brother Mingjian. In fact, dozens of small villages within a radius of twenty to thirty miles are occupied by such gangs."


"The Guitou Gang, the Feisha Gang, the Black Dog Gang... they are all small, low-class gangs. They come here simply to try their luck by taking advantage of the opportunity, and plunder and invade the mountain villages along the way.

"Do you still remember that we encountered three waves of robbers on the way here?

"It was done by a small gang from the neighborhood."

Pei Qing was indignant: "There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey pretends to be the king!"

Zang Wei said in a deep voice: "You still have to be careful. Although these gangs are weak, they are proficient in insidious and deceitful methods. If you are not careful, you will fall into their trap."

Lin Yanshen agreed: "Elder brother is absolutely right, you must never guard against thieves for a thousand days... Miss Xie, I want to ask you something."


Lin Yan apologetically rubbed the head of Xiaozhi who was already asleep in his arms: "Xiaozhi is still young. I want her and Xiaolu to sleep with you tonight."

"Sleep with me?" Xie Lingyan was stunned for a moment, "What's the matter with you?"

"There's nothing wrong, I just want to... go out for a walk."

Everyone was slightly stunned, and then looked at Lin Yan with horror in their eyes.

Go out for a walk, where to go?

The surrounding villages? !

Lin Yan had been taciturn along the way and didn't say much.

So before, it was difficult for everyone to connect the ordinary young man in front of them with the mysterious masked man who was fierce and killing everyone.

Until this moment, as if the tiger's claws were showing for the first time, everyone finally realized what kind of bloody and turbulent waves were hidden under this calm and ordinary face.

After handing Xiao Zhi to Xiao Lu and saying hello to Xie Lingyan, Lin Yan found the village chief and wanted to find someone to lead the way.


The village chief brought a boy about ten years old named Huwa. He was dark-skinned, not tall, but very lean, with a tiger-like head and a tiger-like brain.

"Benefactor, don't look at me because I'm young. I've been to all the nearby villages!"

"But you are too young."

Huwa's eyes were red: "Please take me there!"

"Do you know that this trip is very dangerous?"

"I know."

"Why do you have to go?"

"My mother-in-law and father are all dead! They died in front of me!"

Huwa's eyes were red, and he kept kowtowing, making a "dong-dong-dong" sound.

"Benefactor, I don't want anything else. As long as I see those bad guys die with my own eyes, I can do anything!"

Lin Yan was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand to pull him up: "You don't have to do anything. Come with me."

It is better for children to lead the way than for adults. It can be carried directly on the shoulders and the speed is faster.

In this way, one night should be enough for him to walk around.


A night of silence.

The next day, Xie Lingyan got up and took Xiaozhi out, and saw Lin Yan practicing boxing in the village square.

"elder brother!"

Xiaozhi ran quickly, rushed to Lin Yan's side, and stopped suddenly.

"Wash your face first."

Lin Yan took a towel from the bucket on the side and wrung it out.

Xiaozhi obediently stretched her hands back, closed her eyes, raised her little head, and made a ready posture.

Watching Lin Yan delicately wipe Xiaozhi's face bit by bit, and then thinking about what he might have done last night, Xie Lingyan felt a strange sense of fragmentation.

"Shi Mu...Lin Yan, how was last night?"

Lin Yan wiped Xiaozhi's right cheek clean and said casually: "It's all solved."

Xie Lingyan breathed a sigh of relief: "The Jiusha Gang has done many evil things and deserved to die. Alas, there are too many such gangs. If one Jiusha Gang is destroyed, several more Qisha Gangs and Liusha Gangs will come, killing them endlessly."

"Not that much."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Yan wiped Xiaozhi's face, patted her little head, and pointed to the room next to her: "Sister Xiaolu has already made breakfast. Xiaozhi, go have breakfast first."

"hold head high!"

After Xiaozhi trotted out, Lin Yan looked at Xie Lingyan: "Actually, there is no such thing as endless killing. It just takes a little more effort."

Xie Lingyan was slightly stunned. When he heard these words, he actually revealed an evil aura like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"How many villages did you go to yesterday?"

"Not many, I can't remember clearly."

"How many are there? Four? Five? There must be six!"

"I really can't remember... I probably haven't missed anything within a ten-mile radius."

This was because he was worried that killing too many people would have too much impact and easily expose their location, so he didn't go too far.


Xie Lingyan's beautiful eyes widened, what kind of freak is this guy!

Even with the strength of the Hard Realm, it still takes time to recover the energy and blood. In one night, it is enough to travel to four or five villages to fight against the sky.

But within a radius of ten miles, there are at least a dozen villages, right?

There are so many, let her go, she can't finish it just by running, let alone killing people!

He can't even use up his energy and blood!

At this time, the sound of gongs and drums suddenly came from the door.

Immediately afterwards, many mountain people emerged from the surrounding dense forest. They were carrying or carrying various kinds of pheasants, berries, fungi and other mountain products in their hands. They entered Jijiazhai cautiously and with awe on their faces. .

"Hey, aren't you from Blackwater Village?"

"Old Liu, why are you here? Liujiatun is more than ten miles away!"

"Old Bai, you're already lame, and you still come this far?!"

These were all people from nearby villages. They were familiar with each other and chatted with the villagers in Jijiazhai.

"Shh, don't disturb the adults of the Zhengqi Gang."

At this time, the village chief came out and all the mountain people from other villages gathered around him.

"Old village chief, we put these things here."

"Please be sure to say hello to the adults of the Zhengqi Gang on my behalf."

"Yes, the adults of the Zhengqi Gang are very kind to us. These are all our thoughts. Please be sure to pass them on to us!"

After putting the things down, all the mountain people had a mix of reverence and fear on their faces. They stayed for a while and then quickly retreated.

Xie Lingyan stood at a high place, watching the people coming in droves, then quickly retreating, and asked Lin Yan in even more shock: "The Zhengqi Gang?"

Lin Yan nodded: "That's nonsense. Make a name for yourself to prevent others from provoking you."

"So, those villagers thought that a new gang came and beat away the old gang?"

"Not only them, but other nearby copycats and gangs will also think so. After a while, I will make another trip, and our life will be truly peaceful."

Xie Lingyan: "..."

Didn't it mean that Lin Yan was born in an accountant in Xiafang?

Where did you learn such thunderous methods and courage?

Thanks to my book friend Silly Fantasy for another reward of 200 coins. The accumulated rewards are so many that I can’t even remember them. I’m really grateful.

There's plenty of time today. It's around 9:10 p.m. and there should be another chapter.

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