My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 90 The grandmother of ancient human characters

Lin Yan could see the shock on Chen Yuan's face at a glance, and the ebony crutch was soft and weak, so he did not dodge, but just raised his arm and let the ebony crutch fall.

With strong body protection, it can't hurt him at all.

"Grandma! Stop hitting grandma!"

Chen Yuan quickly grabbed the old woman's arm to stop her from continuing to drop the stick.

The old woman pulled Chen Yuan behind her and pointed her crutch at Lin Yan: "Xiao Yuan'er, did this bastard bully you?"

"Grandma, you have mistaken the person. He is not Xiao Changsheng. Can you take a closer look?"

"Admit your mistake?"

The old woman's turbid eyes stared at Lin Yan carefully, looking up and down: "He is quite handsome, but I will not admit his mistake in this dog-skin suit."

After saying that, he raised the ebony crutch and tried to smash it again.


After a lot of tossing, the old woman finally understood that Lin Yan had nothing to do with Xiao Changsheng, and the three of them sat down again.

"Junior brother Lin, this is my grandma. Grandma, this is the knowledgeable junior brother who taught me arithmetic that I mentioned to you."

The old woman was leaning on a cane: "Young man, you are so energetic. You took the risk to come in. Are you looking for my little Yuan'er?"

"Yes, old timer."

"Okay, that's good. I came here as soon as I heard that Xiao Yuan'er was in danger. It's much better than those silver-like pewter spear heads that usually show their kindness and can't be seen now, right, Xiao Yuan'er?"

"Grandma, where did you get into this?"

"Yes, yes, it's business that matters. Xiao Lin, how old are you this year?"


"You are a bit younger in grade. Little Yuan'er is already twenty-three. However, you are both martial arts practitioners, so the difference of four or five years is nothing."


"Hey, what do you call me Senior? Just like Xiao Yuan'er, she's called Grandma."

Lin Yan: "..."

"Grandma, what kind of business is this? You've had enough!" Chen Yuan, who was always cheerful, held the old woman's hand with her fingers tensed up and her cheeks flushed pink.

She turned to Lin Yan and said, "My grandma's surname is Xu. You might as well call her Mrs. Xu."


Actually, it’s not impossible to call her grandma...

"Didn't you just ask me why I'm here? In fact, I was forcibly 'invited' here by the Song family along with my grandma."


Chen Yuan sighed: "It's not the ancient ruins in the Guangchuan Mountains that are to blame. After the collapse of Longmen Pavilion, my Chen family did not have a wealthy family and had no choice but to rely on the Song family for survival.

"The Song family heard that my grandma could recognize some ancient characters, so they forcibly 'invited' me here."

"Can Mr. Xu recognize ancient characters?!" Lin Yan's eyes flashed.

"I am a rotten old man. When I was young, I loved to read some weird ancient books. Over time, I gained some insights into ancient texts. I can only guess three or four out of ten of them without even knowing them."

Lin Yan looked at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan was quite surprised: "I have been following my grandma since I was a child. She told me several ancient arithmetic classics, and I was deeply influenced by them. I also know a little about ancient characters, so I wanted to help grandma."

"Little Yuan'er is actually worried about my old age and frailty, so she came to take care of me together. Although she can't help much, grandma still understands this feeling."

Chen Yuan: "..."

She came here because she really thought she could help!

Lin Yan said: "I see, I thought, Senior Sister Chen, you were in some kind of danger."

Chen Yuan shook his head: "The Song family is famous for obeying the rules. And my family is still here, and Grandma and I are here. Apart from the trouble of Xiao Changsheng, there is nothing else."

Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and took out the human skin with countless small characters engraved on it from his arms: "To be honest, Senior Sister Chen, I have been exploring issues related to ruins recently, and I just happened to find this piece of skin. I want someone to interpret it. Unexpectedly, I can’t find anything even after trying hard, so I asked Mr. Xu to give me some advice.”

Chen Yuan took it and took a look, slightly surprised: "Junior Brother Lin, where did you get this?"

"In a ruins."

"You are very lucky. Now the wealthy families are buying up these antiquities. This one alone is worth more than a hundred taels of silver."


Chen Yuan handed it over, and after Mr. Xu took it, he squinted his eyes and read it word by word with great effort.

While looking at it, he said: "It's very similar, I should say, exactly the same."

"Mr. Xu?"

"I mean, it's very similar to the human skin I saw before. Several similar human skins were found in the Guangchuan Mountains before. I've seen one of them. The writing on it is almost exactly the same, as if it came from The same carver’s handiwork.”

"Mr. Xu may recognize it. What is engraved on it?"

"I can't recognize it completely, but I can roughly guess that the two human skins have the same prayer."


Chen Yuan explained: "It is a prayer used to recite the name of gods and pray to shamans. It is similar to the passages recited when worshiping Buddha in Buddhist temples or chanting sutras in Taoist temples."

Old Xu pressed his fingers on the words on the human skin and said with concentration: "This kind of prayer contains many uncommon words, so I can only get a rough idea of ​​its meaning.

“This opening paragraph is probably about praising and reciting.

"Look at the first few words, their meanings should be close to those of World Honored One, God Buddha, Holy Emperor, etc. They are all words of praise.

"The following paragraph seems to be talking about a special ritual. The following words probably mean the body, eyes, arms...

“Further on, it seems to mean transformation and rebirth, and this one means multiple and large numbers.

"I guess it may mean that after a certain ritual, the body will undergo transformation and gain multiple levels of power? Or will there be some kind of quantitative change?"

Mr. Xu was guessing, but when he heard it, it was like thunder in Lin Yan's ears.

His breathing became rapid for a moment, and a turmoil arose in his heart.

What we see in the ruins is the four-eyed and eight-armed Vajra with multiple eyes and hands!

Mr. Xu continued to explain: "What follows is another piece of praise, which is very different from the previous one. By the way, I recognize this word. It means longevity. It is sandwiched here. It probably means that after a ceremony, Can you get immortality?"


Lin Yan recalled the leaked coffin, the eight-armed Vajra hanging on the ceiling of the quiet room, and the wooden carving of an old monk who didn't know how long ago.


The hairs on his back stood on end, creepy.

"Huh? These last few words are completely different from the one I saw before..."

Mr. Xu seemed to be lost in thought, and then said with half certainty and half disbelief: "Is it possible that this is a personal name?"

Chen Yuan said: "Grandma, are you saying that there are two different names at the end of the two human skins?"

"It's very possible. Carving words on human skin is obviously a weird ritual. Maybe the last name is the owner of this human skin."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Yuan unconsciously touched his arm and felt a chill.

She glanced at Lin Yan and found that he was deep in thought, and said, "Junior brother Lin, what have you thought of?"

Lin Yan said: "Sister Chen, do you have a pen and paper here?"

"Wait a moment." Chen Yuan quickly found paper and pen.

Lin Yan took a pen and paper and sketched. Of course, his painting skills were not good, but after the Gang Realm, his control over the muscles and body increased a lot, and he could barely draw the general physical characteristics of the four-eyed and eight-armed King Kong.

"This is……"

Lin Yan said in a deep voice: "This was found where I found this human skin. At that time..."

He briefly described what he saw and heard at that time.

Chen Yuan covered her arms, feeling even more horrified: "Junior Brother Lin, what you said sounds like a ghost story. Is the Four-Eyed King Kong dead or alive?"

Lin Yan showed a helpless expression: "Probably, he is dead."

On the other hand, Mr. Xu, with his wrinkled face, had been listening very seriously: "Interesting. Xiao Lin, these big families seem to have listened to some orders recently and gathered here like a honeycomb. But they haven't seen any forces. This is what you’re looking at.”

Lin Yan said: "Maybe I'm really lucky."

Mr. Xu suddenly asked: "Xiao Lin, can I reveal the information you mentioned to the Song family?"

The Chen family is now clinging to the Song family. If Mr. Xu knew about it and didn't report it, he might be criticized by others.

However, Lin Yan's purpose itself was to find out the truth about the ruins, and he hoped that the Song family could get more information.

Naturally, he is not afraid of leaking: "It's okay, just don't mention my name."

"Okay, okay. Don't worry, I won't listen to your news in vain. From now on, whatever the Song family knows, you will also know."

Lin Yan's eyes lit up: "Thank you, Mr. Xu."

"But the Song family hasn't found much right now. They only found a scripture engraved on the cave wall in a cave ruins, and the rest is gone.

"That scripture didn't say much, except for the signature at the end, which revealed some information. I happened to recognize every word."

Mr. Xu said softly, word by word: "Monk Guanshan stays at Tianmu Temple."

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