Chapter 52 Captain Strong, is your brain in water!

Qiang Guanjie’s voice echoed in the conference room, and there was silence in the conference room.

Everyone looked at Qiang Guanjie in amazement, suspecting that he had auditory hallucinations.

The SWAT team also has a blueprint for the design of the new automatic rifle?

Do you still draw drawings in your SWAT team?

Well, it’s not too surprising that the SWAT team draws drawings.

After all, everyone knows that a detachment is a women’s SWAT team. As the first female special combat team of the Dragon Kingdom, it cannot be drawn from the scouts like the male special police team. Because the Dragon Kingdom did not have the species of female scouts at all at this time.

In recent years, female soldiers have basically served as military doctors, and there are not even information platoons and other things that are slightly related to combat. Because informationized warfare is still a concept in this year, troops still rely on roaring to transmit orders.

Therefore, the members of the women’s special police team are basically recruited directly from the society, and there are all kinds of talents, and it is not too bizarre that one or two can draw.

What’s really bizarre is that the female soldiers of your SWAT team will also design small arms?

And, your blueprints, we still “must” see?

Although there is such a thing, everyone will definitely look at it, maybe there is something refreshing in it.

But there is clearly something wrong with saying this. Is your SWAT team really so inflated?

Director Zhang was also full of doubts, and he subconsciously glanced at Commander Chen, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot and sat back in his seat.

Although Qiang Guanjie is not qualified enough to participate in this meeting, he is qualified to access this aspect of secrets in terms of confidentiality.

And the opinion of the SWAT team is actually very important to the military, because the SWAT team is actually the best tester of new weapons and new tactical ideas, such as the Type 87 camouflage is to equip them in the first place.

Perhaps, it was indeed his own negligence, this meeting, the SWAT team should indeed participate.

And they also drew drawings to show that they have ideas for the new rifle, which is equivalent to first-hand information and can give everyone a great reference.

Thinking of this, Director Zhang nodded slightly: “Okay, Captain Qiang, where are your drawings?” ”

His gaze became puzzled again, because Qiang Guanjie had everything on him, but there was no folder.

So where are his so-called drawings? It’s not going to fit in your pocket, is it?

To know that drawings are not simply a piece of paper, any part of the specification size and processing method, you can write several pages.

It is normal for a rifle design to come up with dozens or hundreds of pages.

It was impossible to put this thing in his pocket, and Director Zhang asked himself, if someone really took a piece that could be put in his pocket to tell him that this was a rifle blueprint, and it was to interrupt this confidential meeting, his most correct reaction would be to send him directly to a military court.

And Qiang Guanjie was also a little embarrassed, he didn’t get the drawings at all, and the sample gun was also over there at the test site, and he didn’t have anything at hand.

In the final analysis, there was a problem on Qi Wei’s side, because it was supposed that Qi Wei would bring the new sample gun with the drawings this morning, but he didn’t.

Qiang Guanjie stiffened his head and spoke: “Report chief, the drawings are not on me.” ”

Director Zhang’s eyes instantly sharpened, and his sharp eyes swept over Qiang Guanjie.

But before he could speak, Qiang Guanjie had already followed closely and continued: “The drawing is in the seventh workshop, and this drawing is not drawn by our special police team, but by the people of the seventh workshop. ”

“Workshop Seven?” Director Zhang was stunned, and he looked at Commander Chen on the side, who was also confused.

He looked at the four heads of the big factories on the right, and everyone, including the person in charge of Handong Ordnance Industry, was also at a loss.

Designing a new rifle is not a trivial matter, it needs to span multiple specialties and more than thirty departments, this configuration is not something that ordinary small factories can have, it must be a top large factory.

The question is that the four major small arms factories that have the strength to design new rifles in the Dragon State are all here, where did such a great factory emerge?

And the name is still so weird, called Workshop Seven?

Only Commander Chen touched his chin thoughtfully.

As the commander of the Jinling Military Region, he was familiar with the vicinity of the garrison of his troops, after all, he could see it on the map every day.

And the name of the seventh workshop, he seems to have indeed seen.

“Which seventh workshop?” Director Zhang asked.

“It is the seventh workshop under Handong Ordnance Industry Group.” Qiang Guanjie answered honestly.

A violent cough suddenly sounded, and Xu Haixu, the head of Handong Ordnance Industry, accidentally choked on his own saliva.

He coughed hard with a red face and coughed for ten seconds before he coughed out the saliva that was choking into his trachea and did not suffocate himself.

However, at this time, he could not take care of this, and before his breathing had completely calmed down, he had already stood up directly and looked at Qiang Guanjie in disbelief: “What you are talking about, the seventh workshop in Shanshui Township, Jinshan County?” ”

“Yes.” Qiang Guanjie nodded.

And Director Xu’s face was already red at this time, obviously he had a mouthful of old blood to the mouth of his throat, and he was about to spew out.

“You Handong Ordnance Industry got two design drawings? Why didn’t they take it together? Director Zhang’s voice sounded suspiciously, and this sentence was tantamount to inserting a knife in Director Xu’s chest.

He trembled and wanted to speak, but he was really weak.

Fortunately, another person saved him.

There was a loud “boom”, and Commander Chen couldn’t bear it anymore and shot up.

He glared at Qiang Guanjie viciously, his eyes as if he wanted to kill.

“Strong Captain!” He gritted his teeth and spoke, “Your brain, is it in the water!” ”

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