Chapter 76: Guarding the Three Feet in Front of You, God and Ghost Change!.

The three major strategic ideas of the 20th century were put forward by the three major powers.

Maozi’s theory of great depth was that a large-scale airborne landing of aviation troops, supplemented by frontal troops and artillery bombers, allowed the enemy’s defense line to be attacked both frontally and behind.

The air-ground integration theory of the beautiful country elevates the air force to a strategic position equal to or even exceeds that of the army, and regards the entire depth behind the enemy’s defense line as the front of the position.

The Dragon Kingdom, on the other hand, is an unrestricted war.

There were rumors on the Internet that the most famous military school in the beautiful country, West Point Military Academy, listed Sun Tzu’s art of war as a compulsory course, which is wrong and is the intention of a few people.

But since the military experts of the Dragon Kingdom put forward the theory of unrestricted warfare, the world was shocked, and West Point Military Academy immediately included it in the textbook, and soldiers around the world were amazed, and this theory raised modern warfare to a new height.

It is especially worth noting that this theory is too advanced and inconvenient to display, in order to obtain this book, the beautiful country directly did not want to face, did not discuss the purchase of copyright with the dragon country, and directly printed a batch of pirated copies and distributed them to various units, including West Point School.

Therefore, when Qi Wei said these three words, he was proud.

Telescopic butt and tactical guide, he plagiarized the idea of a beautiful country, this must be admitted.

Asymmetric warfare is actually a summary of Maozi and the beautiful country’s combat methods in later generations, and the Dragon Kingdom did not first create this theory. Only unrestricted warfare is a pure blood of the Dragon Kingdom, which condenses the war wisdom of the Dragon Kingdom for thousands of years, and also condenses the painstaking efforts of military scientists in the later generations of the Dragon Kingdom, and even in a sense, has become the guiding principle for the future generations of the Dragon Kingdom.

Of course, presumably the beautiful countries look at this theory with hatred, because their twin towers actually fall under this theory.

After all, if the bearded man also reads, the hooligans can’t help him. Since the unrestricted battle has already told the bearded man in the form of a prophecy how he should do the beautiful country, and even the target has been chosen for him, wouldn’t it be stupid if he didn’t do it?

Presumably, when the bearded man got this book at that time, he was afraid that he had obtained the most precious treasure, and he felt that he was simply destined.

In other words, the beautiful country was still immersed in the beautiful dream of drawing its sword and looking around, not knowing that the way of the world had changed. He is still looking around the world looking for enemies, asking who else is, and pondering how to plant a crime in a country that is silent and preaches peaceful development every day as an excuse to send troops.

As a result, the home was stolen by the bearded.

The beautiful country was so angry that it was originally planned to sweep away the liuhe, sweep all directions, and kill the invincible army of Maozi to the dragon country into the desert where birds shit and hot asses to hunt and kill the bearded. Not only chasing and killing the beard, the beautiful country decided that this desert had a backbone, and while chasing and killing the beard, he conveniently used a bag of washing powder as evidence to press Sachi to death.

It took nearly 20 years in the beautiful country, pressing two bearded men with backbones one by one, thinking that they were about to set the foundation of the world, but suddenly found something.

Home, stolen again.

The person who stole the beautiful country this time is called the Dragon Kingdom.

And the way to steal the house is not to use an attack, nor to challenge the powerful military power of the beautiful country, but to overtake in a corner. I do not compare with you to the military, nor to the economy, not to capital, and even I am not to compare with you to those traditional technologies. I put my resources into new energy, aerospace, 5G, artificial intelligence, and preemptively occupy the new technology highland.

This kind of mismatch competition, through economic, scientific and technological means and other means, to achieve the goal that can only be achieved by relying on the military, is a typical unrestricted war!

Unrestricted warfare is the guiding ideology of war, but its implementation method is not limited to the level of war!

The theory of unrestricted warfare was proposed in 99, and throughout the 90s, the beautiful country could be said to abuse the dragon country as much as it wanted. But after just 8 years, the beautiful country found that the dragon country had gradually grown into something they couldn’t figure out.

Economically, the Dragon Kingdom and the Beautiful Country are connected by blood, I will die and you will die. Militarily, the Dragon Kingdom dug a sinkhole in its own coastal zone, and whoever dared to come died.

It’s like two supreme swordsmen, your beautiful country is a sword from the west, thousands of miles away to take the first level of people like a probing bag. And my dragon country does not learn flying swords, holds a three-foot blue feng, and guards the place in front of him.

This one-foot land, the gods and ghosts are easy!

This is the use of unrestricted warfare, and the reason why it is not famous in the Dragon Kingdom is precisely because of that sentence. Those who are good at war have no great merit!

And now, this theory was proposed by Qi Wei 12 years in advance, even before the beautiful national divine weapon was cast… Qi Wei is looking forward to what kind of brilliant light it will burst out in this era!

Qi Wei is expecting, while the military bosses are unconscious.

They looked at Qi Wei in amazement, wondering why he was always able to pull out some new terms that he had not heard.

Moreover, it is obviously very new, but when I hear it, it seems to exude a far-sighted sense of truth, which can be described as a thousand temperings, loud and loud!

Director Zhang no longer had the heart to care about whether the commanders of the military region took notes at this time, and he couldn’t even help but take out the paper and pen he carried with him from his pocket and eagerly spoke: “What is unrestricted warfare?” ”

“The so-called unrestricted war is actually a dislocation war!”

Qi Wei recalled.

“What is misalignment? Is it the asymmetry mentioned earlier? ”

Commander Chen also spoke immediately.


Qi Wei nodded,

“Unrestricted warfare evolved from asymmetric warfare, so it is still asymmetric warfare in essence.”


He looked around at all the big guys,

“It’s more extreme than asymmetric combat!”

“Where is the extreme?”

Director Zhang asked.

“For example.”

Qi Wei slowly spoke, 9898 I have given the example of asymmetric combat in beautiful country science and technology before. If the beautiful country has a stealth strategic bomber above the head of the headquarters of the Jinling Military Region, and drops aerial bombs, blowing the headquarters of the Jinling Military Region to ashes…

“Then even if not a single person is killed, in a short period of time, the entire Jinling Military Region will completely lose its combat effectiveness.”

Commander Xu nodded brightly and added Qi Wei’s words.

Obviously, he has agreed with Qi Wei’s previous statement, no longer simply measuring the key to victory or defeat in the war by military strength, but adopting a more data-based statement of combat effectiveness.

“Right. However, the headquarters of the Jinling Military Region is obviously more difficult to bomb, and even if the headquarters of the Jinling Military Region is completely destroyed, the military can establish other command systems in a short period of time, such as rebuilding the headquarters of the Jinling Military Region, or directly commanding by the general commander. ”

“Moreover, after bombing once, the Jinling Military Region will definitely take corresponding precautions, and it will become more and more difficult to implement the same tactics.”

Qi Wei glanced at Commander Chen and slightly expressed his respect for the commander of the Jinling Military Region.

“But if I bomb the headquarters this time, what about the oil warehouse of the Jinling Military Region next time?”

His words suddenly changed.

“After blowing up the oil warehouse, all the aircraft, tanks, etc. of the Jinling Military Region must lie in place, that is, completely lose their combat effectiveness. Even the cannon could only be fixed in place, because the truck that dragged the cannon was already lying down. ”

“And without the assistance of heavy equipment such as aircraft, tanks and even artillery, only a bunch of light infantry remains, how much combat effectiveness can be left in the Jinling Military Region?”

“Oil warehouses are still not easy to fry.”

Commander Chen shook his head,

“Our logistics warehouses are heavily guarded and not concentrated in one place. It is unlikely to be directly terminated by a wave. ”

“In addition, our combat units also have some material reserves themselves, which can support their combat consumption for at least half a month, so it is more difficult to hope that the Jinling Military Region will completely lose its combat effectiveness by destroying logistics warehouses.”

He spoke confidently.

Qi Wei nodded, of course he knew that such a large military region, it was difficult to directly blow up all the logistics warehouses, and he did not put the Jinling Military Region in his eyes.

But that in itself wasn’t his intention.

He suddenly spoke: “Indeed, military targets are basically heavily defended, even stealth strategic bombers cannot directly paralyze the Jinling Military Region in one wave, after all, stealth strategic bombers are not omnipotent, and the more it is dispatched, the easier it is for us to detect radar signal signatures.” ”

“But what if I shift the target of the attack to the civilian side?”

Qi Wei spoke in a deep voice,

“What if I use a bomber and blow up the Qianjiang embankment?”

“What if I take advantage of the tide to blow up the Qianjiang embankment and use stealth bombers to throw iodized salt in the upper reaches of the Qianjiang River to create continuous rainfall?”

All the big guys were shocked.

No one said anything stupid about international law, because it was clear to everyone that international law was meant to bind small countries and had no effect on large countries. A country capable of doing the Dragon Kingdom, international law is just a fart for him.

And the large amount of iodized salt that Qi Wei said is not a new method. When the beautiful country dried the monkeys, it sprinkled iodized salt in the northern part of the monkey country for ten consecutive years, resulting in the northern part of the monkey country not being cleared for almost ten years.

And because the overall terrain of the Dragon Kingdom is a slope, the water disaster is the eternal enemy of the Dragon Kingdom. The slope will bring huge water impact, and the impact of water flow will bring serious soil erosion problems.

The water and soil lost upstream will eventually be deposited in the gentle slope downstream, and after thousands of years or more, almost all the rivers downstream of the Dragon Kingdom have become hanging rivers.

If the Jinling area really suffers such a blow, then in a short period of time, the Jinling Military Region is indeed equivalent to losing its combat effectiveness. Because in the face of the flood, even the torrent of steel can only retreat.

Of course, the Qianjiang embankment is still a very important military unit, and its defense is also very strong, although because the defense line is too long, it does not have the same defense density as the headquarters and logistics warehouses, but it will not relax much. And I believe that the Jinling Military Region must have prepared corresponding plans. ”

Qi Wei saw the hesitation on Commander Chen’s face and knew that the other party wanted to refute, but he was hesitating whether what he said involved high secrets, after all, there were Qi Wei and a thousand other non-military personnel on the scene. So he spoke ahead of time and patched it.

“So, what if I turn my target to the Jinling Waterworks and directly cut off the entire Jinling water? Or will I turn my target to the Jinling state-owned granary and blow up all the grain in Jinling? ”

“Or can I choose Jinling power plant, communication tower, telephone transfer center, and blow up Jinling’s roads and bridges to communicate with the outside world, so that Jinling is completely cut off from water and electricity, has no food, and cannot communicate with the outside world, and completely becomes an isolated city?”

“Even, I don’t use it to blow up, I can choose poisoning, arson, spreading diseases, and even rumors, which can also achieve the effect of cutting off water and electricity and food in Jinling, and being completely blocked by the outside world.”

“Commander Chen.”

Qi Wei directly named him, and he looked at Commander Chen with his eyes shining,

“Do you think that if the entire Jinling people are panicked, completely cut off water and electricity, and food are cut off, the people have no way to survive, they can’t even escape the famine, they can only stay at home and wait for death.” Can your Jinling Military Region stand alone? ”

Commander Chen’s face began to turn pale, he knew that once that happened, the first thing his Jinling Military Region had to do was no longer to resist any foreign enemy, but to find a way to let the people live!

“However, I don’t need to send all my troops for disaster relief, and my Jinling Military Region still retains strong combat effectiveness!” At least, it’s impossible to send”

The situation of the complete loss of combat effectiveness of the entire Jinling Military Region was born.

He retorted: “Moreover, there is not only one Jinling Military Region in the Dragon Kingdom! ”

The other bigwigs also nodded one after another, and had to say that Qi Wei did say a very extreme situation, in this case, in fact, no matter how the Jinling Military Region chooses, it is a dilemma.

But Commander Chen is right, it is indeed difficult to rely on the Jinling Military Region to complete disaster relief and resist foreign enemies alone, but the Dragon Kingdom has not only one Jinling Military Region, nor is there only one Jinling!

Qi Wei might be able to use a sudden attack to create such a situation in Jinling, but it would be difficult to replicate such a situation throughout the Dragon Kingdom at the same time.


Qi Wei nodded,

“But you’re missing a point.”

He scanned all the big guys, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face, with a sigh in the smile.

“I think everyone here has missed that point.”

“War is about logistics. And logistics, to put it bluntly, is productivity! ”

He spoke sonorously: “The fighter plane has been destroyed, there must be man-made.” The tank is damaged, there are parts to repair! This requires workers, factories running! ”

“In addition, if people want to eat, then someone must farm!”

“And the army protects the people, but in the final analysis, it protects the people’s confidence in victory!”

“The Jinling area, and even the entire southeast region of the Dragon Kingdom, is not only one of the industrial bases of the Dragon Kingdom, but also the economic center of the Dragon Country”

“Anything that happens here, any emotion that arises, will spread throughout the country in a very short time!”

“A very simple truth, the Jinling Military Region is the most powerful military region in the Dragon Kingdom. If the Jinling Military Region cannot protect the people in its jurisdiction, how pessimistic and fearful will the people in other military regions be? ”

“If the people are panicked and have no intention of production, then there will be no new fighters, there will be no tank parts, there will be no guns and ammunition, and there will be no food to eat!”

“And if the people lose confidence in victory, then even if the military’s combat effectiveness is strong, it is empty talk, because the people have already chosen to surrender!”

“How can a country that has no intention of producing and the people have lost the will to fight win a war?”

“And this.”

Qi Wei’s voice was like a knife, and the words were cut in the hearts of all the bigwigs,

“It’s one of the essence of unrestricted warfare.”

“In the final analysis, war is not about military power, not about economy.”

“It is the confidence of the people that is beaten!”

“People’s confidence is actually a quantifiable war resource, and it can even be said that it is the root of all combat effectiveness!”

“And want to hit the confidence of the people of Jinling, let the people of Jinling fall into a shortage of water and food, panic, no intention of production, and then make the entire Dragon Kingdom shake, countless people are afraid, all night rolls and sleepless, resulting in violent shocks in the entire Dragon Kingdom’s economy, economic weakness brings military weakness, military weakness leads to the weakening of public confidence…”

“To do all this, aircraft tanks and artillery are not needed!”

He spoke in shock.

“A team of special forces can do it!”

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