Chapter 90: If you want to be rich, build roads first!.

Chapter 90: If you want to be rich, build roads first!

“Regular army factory?”

Qian Er Uncle Qian didn’t care about the blood and light disaster of the money dog. In his cognition, Lao Tzu beats his son, which is justified.

Although a shovel is indeed excessive, it is common to tie to a tree with a belt or even a whip. As long as it is not killed, the public family does not care, and it cannot be managed.

“Yes, didn’t I say it last time I came back, I contracted a factory.”

Qi Wei nodded: “Workshop Seven, you know.” ”

Qian Erbo glanced at Qi Wei suspiciously, of course he had heard the name of the seventh workshop, and he had participated in the construction project of the seventh workshop when he was young.

But that’s been five years.

He even knew how the name Workshop Seven came about.

The word Wuqi has great historical significance for the Dragon Kingdom, and as a result, a large number of schools, factories, and even coal mines named after “May Seven” have sprung up all over the country. The seventh workshop, originally called “Handong Gun Factory”, was also renamed the Five Seven Factory, divided into two workshops. One workshop of five, one workshop of seven.

The fifth workshop for the manufacture of cannons was later relocated to the northeast of Handong, which is now the Handong Ordnance Industry Group.

Qian Erbo of course knows that the seventh workshop can be said to be rooted in the red roots, before the Anti-Japanese War, it was one of the main firearms production places in the Dragon Kingdom, and Handong was famous throughout the country, but it only declined later.

The only question was that Qi Wei was actually able to take down the seventh workshop?

“Really fake?”

He spoke suspiciously.

“Of course it’s true.”

Qi Wei nodded: “If you don’t believe it, go and look at my license plate, the military license plate is hanging on it, and I borrowed this car from the army.” ”

Qian Erbo was stunned, he had been in the city many times, he knew what the license plate looked like, the license plate of Qi Wei’s car was indeed different from normal, but the military plate in this year was not like the later life, and he would directly write a military character or WJ, and this year he used letters and numbers. The 24th letter represents the military branch, followed by two numbers that represent the province, which is really invisible to ordinary people.

“It’s true, Dad.”

Qian Siya also looked depressed at this time, and at the same time was a little afraid.

She also came back with the idea of returning to her hometown, fortunately she is a girl, not as swollen as the money dog left, otherwise the huge shovel will also slap on her head if it is not good.

Her father has never been a good-natured person, and Yan Yueshi is only for Qi Wei. She patted Qian Gou’s remaining face: “Brother, are you okay?” ”

“What happened?”

Qian Gouyu was completely dazed at this time, and a large bag was bulging out of his forehead, which was in contrast to the one left and right he hit the door yesterday.

“Where am I?”

He looked at Qian Siyai in confusion and carefully studied it for a long time before recognizing his sister.

“Also, why does my head hurt? Why am I on the ground? ”

“I remembered that there was a bastard sneaking up on me!”

He wanted to jump.

Qian Erbo was very embarrassed, Qi Wei he actually trusted it, plus Qian Siya’s endorsement. In other words, Qian Gouyu suffered the scourge of innocence.

Qian Erbo is a reasonable person, and if he hit his son, it is wrong. But is it possible that he wants to apologize to his son?

Moreover, Qian Gouyu actually said that it was Wang Baegg’s sneak attack on him. Bastard?

Or just kill it?

“Don’t talk nonsense, you’re drunk.”

Qian Siya, really still very good at talking, and also knows her father.


Qian Gou was confused and afraid.

He doesn’t remember drinking alcohol, and the scene doesn’t look like it’s drinking. All he remembered was a dark shadow calling out to his head.

But his head really hurts, the pain is like a crack, and the whole person is dizzy, and everything is ghosted.

“Four, you send the dog back to rest.”

Second Uncle Qian spoke awkwardly.

“What wine did I drink?”

Qian Gouyu was helped by Qian Siyao to walk outside the house, and he asked unrelentingly.

“Fake wine.”

Qian Siya was concise.

“No wonder my head hurts so much, will I become a fool?”

Qian Gouyu was very panicked, since a recent incident of methanol blending poisoning people, the prestige of fake wine has resounded all over the country, and everyone has changed color when talking about it.

There are only a few animals in human skin who are overjoyed, it turns out that there is still this kind of operation, and they can learn it.

“You don’t have to change.”

Qian Siya in one step.

Qian Erbo watched embarrassedly as the two brothers and sisters of the Qian family disappeared from view, turned his head, and had regained his positive color.

“So what’s the matter with you making less than a million a month?”

Second Uncle Qian stared at Qi Wei and spoke.

Although it is a regular military factory, no matter how regular a military factory is, it is too outrageous to earn a million a month.

“I didn’t earn a million, it was the military who ordered weapons from me and paid for the goods in advance for 700,000.”

Qi Wei smiled bitterly: “This batch of weapons will be completed in about ten months, which is why I came back to discuss with everyone.” ”

Qian Erbo nodded, the order of 700,000 was completed in ten months, which meant an average of 70,000 per month.

And this is still the payment, the cost has not yet been deducted.

This number is not high, which is only two or three cement factories in the next township.

In recent years, all kinds of township enterprises have not been very profitable, and they themselves have only solved the problem of peasants’ work and allowed them to have work. The funds for start-up also come from farmers’ own fund-raising, or from collective income such as contracting fish ponds.

The technical content of these township enterprises is generally low, the process and quality management are not in place, and many times they are busy, and as a result, they are busy and lonely.

Therefore, Qi Wei’s 700,000 goods is really nothing, and the money must be earned. However, the pattern of military factories is much higher than that of cement factories in the next township.

“What is there to discuss in this kind of thing? As long as you do the right thing, don’t be afraid! ”

Second Uncle Qian glanced at the people around him.

“That is, you just say how many people you want, there are no others in our village, and there are still a lot of labor!”

An old man who looks a little similar to Qian Erbo, he is the younger brother of Qian Erbo, obviously the third oldest, but his name is Qian Erman.

This can’t be helped, the name of the countryside is such a mess.

“Qi Wei, can your cousin go?”

This one was Qi Wei’s uncle who spoke, but Qi Wei’s mother and grandmother had nothing to do with him, and this uncle didn’t know where it came from.

Anyway, Qi Family Village is a closed small mountain village, and the relationship in the village is all kinds of twists and turns, there are worshippers, there are in-laws, there are all kinds of relationships, and it is difficult to go back five hundred years, Qi Wei does not understand the connection, and it is over with a blind scream.

“Want a little brat? My kid also graduated from junior high school, let him go to your factory to do some work, learn some technology, and do not need to pay a salary. ”

The villagers are very eager, Qijia Village is too backward, the children in the village go to school, they have to run to the next door Fengshan Township, Qi Jia Village does not even have a primary school, and they have to walk more than ten miles back and forth.

This is still elementary school, if you go to junior high school, you have to go to Yantai County, and the mountain road has become forty miles round. Therefore, Qian Erman’s granddaughter Erya has not gone to school at the age of 8, because the child is too young to walk at all. Reading books is so troublesome, let alone learning technology or something.

The few skilled people in the village are blacksmiths, pot mending people, pig killers, masons and so on.

These professions have little future when they hear about it, and they don’t earn much money, and if they want to earn money, they have to learn money and the second uncle’s family runs to the city. The city is not so easy to enter, I heard that the rules in the city are big, and you will be fined for spitting.

Although the villagers do not have a hobby of spitting, who can say this thing? Who knows if it will suddenly feel like it?

Moreover, Qian Erbo’s family can enter the city, because their family has craftsmanship, and they know many people, and they can settle in the city at night.

Other families have no relatives in the city, and after entering the city, they are not allowed to sleep on the street at night, and if they are caught, they will be sent to the guest house. Guest house, that is where farmers can live? For 20 yuan a night, it is only for all kinds of public households.

The main thing is that even if there are relatives in the city, there is a place to live, there is a place to eat, there is no craft and no work.

After all, the factories are all opened by the public, and the workers are all urban hukou, one turnip and one pit, and there is no room for the countrymen to drill at all. Sweeping public toilets is not available to country people.

“When I come back this time, I need to bring about 20 people.”

Qi Wei probably estimated it.

“And it’s better to be younger, I’m going to train them to be technical backbones.”

“Of course.”

He added,

“It’s not all young, and the older ones have to be four or five. After all, the factory also has to build a canteen, a doorman or something. ”

In fact, it takes not many people to make guns, because guns are still technically intensive in nature and technically difficult to make.

However, making artillery shells is labor-intensive, but because Qi Wei has not yet made it, there are also processes such as military experiments in the follow-up, and at that time it really takes a lot of manpower.

As he said, now is mainly the time to train the technical backbone.

“Just 20 people.”

There was a sigh from the crowd.

Qijia Village is a small village, but there are also three production teams with three to four hundred people.

Moreover, there are not many old people in the village, and although Qian Erbo looks like a small old man, he is actually only in his early fifties. No way, backward medical care, and poor living environment, resulting in a relatively low life expectancy.

In other words, the nearly 400-person Qi family village, except for some children, almost all of them are prime-age laborers. There are more than 300 strong laborers, but only 20 people, which is a very low percentage.

“Don’t be disappointed.”

Qi Wei glanced at the villagers and knew what everyone was thinking.

“Pulling people from the village to the factory is just one purpose of my return.”

As he spoke, he took a bag he was carrying.

The bag was very strong, it was issued by his superiors when Qi Wei was an anti-drug police officer before, and it was a huge canvas bag.

This is actually the military backpack used by the Dragon Kingdom troops before, which is bulging inside, and Qi Wei also brought this bag with him last time he came back 143 Qi Wei untied the thin rope at the mouth of the backpack, opened the mouth of the backpack, and then fell directly on the table.

The exclamation suddenly sounded, and everyone was stunned to look at a table full of money.

The village of Qi family is full of poor people, and the last time I saw a large sum of money was when Qi Wei went to college, when the whole village paid him tuition. And the tuition fee that time was only 10,000 or 20,000.

It’s completely incomparable to this one. Moreover, they are all brand new.

“This is 100 pieces?”

Qi Shan picked up one of the stacks absently and stroked it carefully.

He is Qi Wei’s father, so there is no need to avoid suspicion. Others are not easy to move money, but their eyes are still full of eagerness.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen 100 pieces.”

Even Second Uncle Qian spoke in disbelief.

This is also normal, the largest denomination before the Dragon Kingdom was 10 yuan, when the school taught children, saying how much money the Dragon Country had, the answer was 18 pieces, 8 Mao and 8 points.

Because the face value of Longguo’s banknotes at that time was 1 cent, 2 cents, 5 cents, 1 jiao, 2 jiao, 5 jiao, 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan. Add up to 18 pieces 8 Mao 8.

As for the 50, as well as the 100, they were both released in ’87, which is this year. In addition to the absence of cents, this version also breaks the previous convention, more than 10 pieces are directly 50, no 200 until the fifth set of the next version, and the value of 20 yuan was re-added.

Qi Wei’s pile of money is a new cluster of 100 yuan bills, and I have to say that the new bills full of tables are indeed very impactful. Everyone’s eyes are hot, but in addition to the heat, they are also very puzzled.

Why did Qi Wei take out so much money for no reason?

“Here, there are 200,000.”

Qi Wei emptied his backpack, casually put the bag aside, and calmly spoke.

“These 200,000 yuan are for building roads in the village.”

He looked at Second Uncle Qian.

“Build roads?”

Second Uncle Qian was still in a state of confusion at this time.

“Yes, build roads.”

Qi Wei knocked on the table and took everyone’s attention away from the money.

He is not worried that someone in the village will have a crooked mind, the people of Qi Family Village are very simple, and this simplicity is reflected in many places.

“As the saying goes, if you want to be rich, you first build roads.”

He continued to speak,

“If our village wants to change the fate of generations of poverty, we must first build roads.”

“20 people, I took them to the factory to do apprenticeships and learn to be the backbone of technology.”

“As for the rest, they are responsible for building roads.”

“Completely build the more than twenty miles of mountain road from Qijia Village to Yantai County!”

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