Following the crack in the atmosphere, the invisible force of concussion collided with the sword shadow in the sky.


This is a terrifying collision of Mars hitting the earth, and the impact generated instantly tears the clouds and rushes straight into the sky.

The ice surface under the feet of the two was also shaken out of countless thick cracks, as if it would be shattered at any time.

The aftermath subsided, and the pirates watching the battle craned their necks and watched.

“How’s it going?”

“Daddy he… It should be fine. ”

“What are you talking about, don’t you believe in Daddy’s strength? In this battle, it must be that kid who loses. ”

Those who still maintain their confidence are ordinary pirates, and as for the captains, they all keep silent, staring at the battlefield, and dare not jump to conclusions. With the invincibility of the power of the old father’s shock fruit, it is not necessarily beneficial to the sword shadow that stretches across the sky and is as dense as rain.

Can’t see, did the captain of the five-way team Bista see the reaction of that move? As a Jian Hao, the reaction he subconsciously showed said it all!

“Ahem… I have seen a lot of sword hao, big sword hao, but just talking about the use of sword qi, the gap between them and you is like a heavenly graben. Whitebeard’s body was stiff and he kept punching.

He withdrew his fist, and this movement, traction injury, and coughed several times in a row.

On his body, there were more than a dozen wounds cut out by sword qi, of different lengths, and some were still bleeding outward.

“If you take that step and use this move, maybe after blocking my attack, you will still have the strength to fight back.”

In contrast, Mu Yang did not change at all, standing in the same position as a few minutes ago, the two moves collided violently, but he did not even move a step.

Whitebeard smiled bitterly, it was easy to say, but taking that step and killing a demon in a few moves in seconds was not something that everyone could do.

“I still have one last trick, after using it, whether it is life or death, you decide.”

When the pirates watching the battle heard this, they all spoke out and wanted to stop it.

This is equivalent to completely putting one’s life in the hands of the other party!

Although Dad hides a killer skill, if you want to kill in seconds with one move, the failure is far greater than the success.

Automatically ignoring the shouts in his ears, Whitebeard took one last look at the Moby Dick, his eyes kind, these people on board were his most important family, and they were also things that he had been chasing since his youth.

“I only have one request, I’m dead, I hope you let them go.”

After the explanation, Whitebeard did not wait for Mu Yang to answer, raised the Guan Dao, and pointed straight at the sky.

Almost instantly, from the whitebeard, an incomparably strong overlord-colored domineering aura spread.

His level of existence has used the overlord-colored domineering to the extreme, and the invisible overlord-colored domineering, like an arm, is attached to the blade of the closed knife, and the next moment, the blade turns pitch black, and the tip is shrouded in a dazzling ball of light.

This move, poured into everything of Whitebeard, overlord color domineering, armed color domineering, the ability to shock the fruit, the fusion of three energies, is the strongest blow that Whitebeard burst out!

“For many years, I haven’t met an opponent worthy of my use of this trick.” Whitebeard stared at the Guan Dao in his hand and sighed: “Unfortunately, when I used it again, I ushered in a fiasco.” ”

“Since you put everything together, then I will also let you see my real sword moves.”

Mu Yang held the ice sword, more like holding a brush, writing in the void.

With his writing, the wind howled, the flames rose, the thunder and lightning shone, and various visions were produced, which were not created by him with the ability of the weather fruit, but by relying on a sword technique inherited in that wisp of purple qi, using the sword as a pen, hooking the earth’s fire, wind and thunder, and releasing terrifying killing moves, which is no longer the level of this world.

“Unfortunately, this is the sea, which can only trigger three elements, which is not perfect.”

“If this move is used on the ground, the four elements are combined, and it is perfect, and it is worthy of the name of this move – Create World.” He shook his head, slightly regretful.

Muyang Ice Sword stabbed out, and in the shadow of the sword, flames, thunder and lightning, and violent winds seemed to constitute a new world, and this world, which changed back and forth in destruction and creation, was full of unstable factors.

Whitebeard also mobilized all his strength and cut off the knife!


The two attacks collided, and then the energy on the whitebeard knife was completely worn out, and this sword fell, the power was indescribable, and the entire ice layer was penetrated by an endless crack, split in two.

The sea collapsed, and in the middle was a bottomless strait, and the sea on both sides was blocked by an invisible force and could not converge.

The Moby Dick, on the other side of the strait, the pirates on board all watched the changes caused by this sword in a daze, their lips dry.

“I lost!”

Whitebeard gave up resistance, simply and neatly admitted defeat, and asked at the same time: “This sword, you can obviously kill me directly, why did you suddenly change direction in the end.” ”

“Strange, Whitebeard, from beginning to end, did I say to kill you today?”

“You mean…”

“Decades have passed, I have retired from the position of marshal, this generation of navy, has their own way to go, if I take action to erase all strong enemies for them, I am afraid that more waste like red dogs will be created.” Mu Yang ordered: “Prepare a ship for me, fresh water, dry food, all loaded, in addition, now prepare me something to eat…”

After sleeping for so long, the dripping water was not stained, and the dripping rice did not enter, although Mu Yang did not feel hungry, he still wanted to eat well.

Whitebeard was a little stunned.

After a moment, the reaction came and he exhaled.

“Goo la la, little ones, to celebrate that I’m still alive, a banquet!”

Pirates: “…”

A weird banquet began.

Around Mu Yang, no one dared to sit down, he was also happy and quiet, waved his hand to let Whitebeard also leave, and enjoyed this delicious feast by himself, eating extremely satisfied.

After it was over, he boarded the ship prepared by Whitebeard, and just as he was about to leave, he suddenly looked in one direction and thought of something.

He pointed to a person in the crowd and asked, “Tell me, what’s your name?” ”

“Me?” The person whose name was called pointed to himself, and after getting the confirmed answer, he faced this demon-like figure and said with some apprehension: “I… My name is Tichy. ”

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