Killed Edward Weibull in seconds, and by the way, killed Miss Bajin, who wanted to escape, at this time, Mu Yang raised his head and looked at the sky.

If you use a telescope with ultra-high magnification to look, you will find that there is a figure in the sky rushing towards this side.

“Moon steps? The little guy who was with the Warring States back then, now his strength has also reached this level. Observing the aura emanating from the coming person, Mu Yang nodded and gave a comment: “Specializing in physical arts, the strength is good, sure enough, in the navy, not all are pustules.” ”

Just as he was thinking about it, Karp had come to the top of his head.

Since the black-wristed Zefa was attacked and an arm was cut off, Karp held his breath and wanted to catch the pirate named Weibull, to the place where he once appeared, crouched around, and spent a lot of effort, this time in the new world, it was also difficult to meet.

“The water dragon and the huge wave just now appeared in this area.”

Karp clenched his fists, if he really let Edward Weibull run away this time, he would be depressed for a long time.

But when he was in the air, looking at the sea below, he was immediately annoyed.

I saw that Edward Weibull was half-soaked in the sea, holding a wooden plank, and lost consciousness, while another old woman he called his mother could not see the figure.

“Damn it, honestly fight with the old man is not over, you have to run around, the result is not the same.”

Karp was annoyed because he couldn’t beat Weibull into a coma with his own hands, and although he picked up the bargain, he couldn’t experience the feeling of punching to the flesh, and he couldn’t experience the hearty cheerfulness after revenge.

“This person is the wanted criminal I am pursuing, first say thank you, but one yard to one yard, if you are a pirate, go to the naval headquarters with the old man.” Karp was condescending and said to Mu Yang on the boat.

“Whether it’s a pirate or not, I don’t know about this.” Mu Yang seemed to smile, and said in a light tone: “However, recently, I have just been wanted by the headquarters of the navy, and the bounty is one billion berry…”

“Just been offered a reward of a billion? What did this kid do, so that the guy in the Warring States couldn’t calm down, and offered a bounty of this amount…” Karp was muttering to himself, he was not in the naval headquarters, and he was busy tracking Edward Weibull, and naturally he didn’t have time to read the newspaper, so he didn’t know anything about the red dog being injured and returning from failure.

“In that case, don’t blame the old man for doing it.”

Karp ignored Weibull, as an ability, he soaked in the sea, and he would definitely not wake up if he didn’t catch it.

He fell from the air, swung his fist, and blasted towards Mu Yang.

The armed color on the surface of the fist is extremely rich, and the strength contained in it is even more amazing.

Once influenced by Mu Yang, when Karp was not confused at all, he devoted himself to the cultivation of the six styles of the navy and physical skills, and forgot to eat and sleep, and his strength was even stronger than in the original work.

This punch fell heavily.

Mu Yang did not dodge or dodge, standing in place, and sprang up.


“How is it possible! What kind of defense is this!! ”

Karp retracted his fists and shouted in an incredulous tone.

The fist does not seem to hit the flesh and blood of the person, but faces the steel, but in fact, this punch is enough to shatter a mountain, even the real steel can be broken in an instant!

“What are you? Even if it is a fruit ability, it is impossible to catch my punch unscathed. Karp was thinking, thinking back to the scene just now, he suddenly felt that the move used by the person in front of him was a little familiar…

His mind turned, and suddenly, he finally understood why he felt this way.

Pieces of iron! The other party used an iron block that is definitely one of the six styles!!

But in the whole world, the person who cultivated the iron block to resist his blow without any damage could not exist, only the person back then was possible…

As soon as he thought of this, Karp didn’t think about it anymore, another guess popped up in his mind, and when he continued to look at the person in front of him, this face and the god-like figure in his memory gradually coincided, becoming clearer and clearer…

“I lean!!” Karp opened his mouth wide and shouted a little incoherently: “Old man, is that you?” There must be nothing wrong, I know that the only person who can catch my punch unscathed is you, where have you been all these decades? How to appear in the new world and not contact us. ”

Mu Yang glanced at him and said leisurely: “I thought that you would punch me a few more times before you could recognize me.” ”

Hearing this, hearing Mu Yang’s disguised admission, Karp had a bitter face: “Old man, I didn’t recognize you at first, after a few decades, you are actually exactly the same as when you were young, replaced by Warring States, and at first glance, you may think that you are a similar person.” How about you kick me and relieve my breath? ”

“Well, okay.”

“Don’t be, old man, I’m joking…”

Karp’s face changed greatly, but before he finished speaking, a black shadow appeared in front of him, and then the whole person flew up.

The sea surface was separated, forming two waves of water, and a black shadow like an off-string arrow flew out tens of meters at once.

After a while, Karp came back drenched and said, “Old man, your kick is too cruel, my words are just a joke.” ”

“It’s okay, later, the Warring States will also be kicked.”

Hearing this, Karp’s expression changed, and then he thought that the old man seemed to say just now… He was offered a reward.

“Lying groove, Warring States this is a big death.”

Karp suddenly became extremely curious and asked the reason for this.

“It’s nothing, when I woke up, I saw an unpleasant navy, and I just went out to educate it.”

Shot education?

Karp knew in his heart that the education in the old man’s mouth would definitely not be so simple, and he silently mourned for the sad guy in his heart.

“Old man, that navy… What’s the name? ”

“Red dog.” Mu Yang said casually: “By the way, I asked the other navies on the warship to go back and bring a message to the Warring States and remove this person from his position.” ”

Karp had a look on his face.

It’s no wonder that the War Congress issued a bounty list!

Three more minutes of silence for him….

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