With Luffy’s roar, the momentum suddenly climbed, which was the legendary ethereal protagonist aura, which played a role at this time.

It is worthy of being the protagonist with luck, and in the face of the great pressure exerted by this overlord-colored domineering, he broke through the limit in one breath.

“It seems that you are saying that you want to become One Piece, but your body is still very honest, and you have directly broken through under my training method.” Mu Yang applauded, his momentum converged, and in the void, the flooding and boiling elements also disappeared, and everything returned to its original appearance.

“Yes, you have passed my test and are already qualified to become my disciple, which is an opportunity that some people desperately fought for decades ago and could not get.”

Mu Yang accepted apprentices, and he did not choose people casually.

The three major admirals who had been tortured were also selected in this way, and among all the naval recruits at that time, only they broke through their strength, stood out, and then were directly arranged as candidates for admirals, ascended to the sky in one step, and instantly rose directly from recruits who had recently joined the army to high-ranking naval figures!

Originally, the three people were complacent, and even felt that this general candidate came too easily.

But after being taught by Mu Yang for a few days, the three of them understood that the general was not good…

However, after that, there were also masochists who prayed to get pleasure in abuse, hoping to become Mu Yang’s disciples, but these people, who were not qualified enough, did not achieve their wishes.

“Give me back the hat!”

Luffy roared lowly, ignoring Mu Yang’s words, and instantly seemed to return to the state before he was not injured, his spirit was a hundred times, and an arrow rushed out, and his right arm flung back on the way, constantly elongating.

He was squeezing his physical strength.

“Rubber … Pistol! ”

With a loud shout, this punch surpassed the peak, it was Luffy’s strongest punch and the last punch since he ate the Devil Fruit.

When that bit of physical strength disappears after he hits, he will lose consciousness in an instant.

“Just broke through, dare to squeeze out the last trace of physical strength, you don’t want to die, but I can’t let you die.”

In the face of Luffy’s desperate move, Mu Yang said lightly.

The two figures crossed, Mu Yang turned his palm into a knife, quickly struck, slashed at Luffy’s neck, and then immediately withdrew the action.

The whole process was completed in the electric flint, and it was impossible to see at what moment he moved his hand.

At the touch of a button, the two switched positions, Luffy fell directly to the ground, his arms hanging down weakly, and before he completely lost consciousness, his mouth continued to mumble in a weak tone: “Straw hat… Return my straw hat… One Piece… This is my agreement with Shanks. ”

The consumption of the breakthrough, the punch that squeezed out all the physical strength, the injury that was pressed in front of the rebound broke out, this coma, at least a day and a night to wake up, this is the shortest time.

Mu Yang left the forest with Luffy on his shoulder.

“You, what are you planning?” When Da Dan saw it, he asked a little restrainedly.

This five-big, three-thick, cross-faced, and more powerful woman than a man puts on this look, giving people a feeling of incomparably contradictory, the picture is incongruous, and a layer of goosebumps is about to appear.

“Even Luffy, who ate the Devil Fruit, was beaten like this, but this person looked as if nothing had happened…” In Dadan’s heart, he was speculating, wiping away a mountain with a snap of his fingers, turning his hand to suppress the capable, his strength was too unfathomable.

“As you can see, he meets my conditions, and I will take him away.”

“You’re going to take Luffy away, does Cap know about this?” Realizing something, Da Dan said busily: “I’ll ask casually, after all, Luffy has also lived with me for a long time, don’t care… Take him now, and if necessary, I can do it for Karp. ”

“Well.” Mu Yang nodded.

Seeing Mu Yang leave, Da Dan contacted Karp and said what happened.

After listening, on the phone worm’s side, there was a sigh from Karp.

“Karp, what are you sighing, according to your description, this person is not very strong, right? Not qualified enough to take Luffy away? ”

“No, if he is not qualified, there is no second person in this world who has such qualifications.” Karp said in a reverent tone: “This is Luffy’s luck, anyone who becomes a disciple of the old man, it can be said that he can definitely become a super first-class master in the world, the strongest warrior, a person singled out a group of pirates of the Four Emperors, it is not a word, even if he is not defeated, he can retreat with his whole body, the old man once had three disciples, all of whom were named the strongest!” ”

Karp still hasn’t said a word.

They are not only called the strongest, but also the strongest in history, which is a great honor, and no one has surpassed them until now!

Not…… However, there are already more personal choices, Luffy is very hopeful, surpassing them, and the worst is to be on par with the three of them.

Hearing the description, Da Dan was stunned, and then a contemptuous expression appeared on his face: “This is a good thing, what are you still worried about?” ”


Da Dan felt that this word was very suitable to describe Karp, when he was a child, he constantly used all kinds of cruel training, wanting Luffy to become a strong man on this sea in the future, and now he knows that he can grow up, but he sighs and sighs there, which is too pretentious!

“You don’t understand.” Karp seemed to think of the scene in the future, with a bitter face, and said worriedly: “I’m afraid that in the future, Luffy will not recognize me as a grandfather when he sees me…”

(Just delayed for a day, saw the flowers, and almost added more, in addition, old buddy, the signing contract has been sent, come and give some tips, the front page of the book can show up to 12 people, and there are still three to fill the vacancy, an obsessive-compulsive torment ah… )

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